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Chossidmom's Spam Thread of Covid Vaccine Info - welcome
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 4:57 pm
Apparently, some posters complained that I am "spamming" imamother with my posts about a certain topic. I was requested to put all my posts related to this topic into one thread. So, always willing to accommodate those that make this forum possible, here is the thread. Since it is clearly labeled, there is no need for the people who feel I am a spammer to open this thread and complain about me again. I assume that anyone who does stop by will react without personal attacks.
If you want to know what is new you will have to open the thread since I can't have separate threads with titles that reflect the content.
My goal is to inform since there is alot of censorship on the mainstream media and on social media.

Today's news: My triple vaxed mom caught Covid from her triple vaxed children.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 5:00 pm
Why do you have such animosity about the vaccine? I saw your posts and ignored them and didn’t engage. I don’t really understand what your goal is here.

My triple vaccinated parents also got it. They barely noticed because it was a mild cold. Had they not been vaccinated, it would probably have been worse.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 5:01 pm
Written by the doctors/professors at Machatz - The Israeli Public Emergency Council for Covid 19 Crisis

Members Of The The Public Emergency Council For The Covid19 Crisis
The Public Emergency Council for the Covid19 Crisis is an independent organization made up of leading physicians, researchers and social welfare professionals who, in light of the way that the Covid19 crisis is being managed, have decided that they can no longer remain silent.

The Council members bring decades of relevant experience and knowledge—each in her or his own field—thus creating a synergy and a balanced vision that takes into account the virus alongside other aspects of physical and mental health, and social welfare.

This vision has been sorely lacking in the current management of the crisis, and the Council has undertaken to commit itself to acting as a professional body capable of formulating and advancing broader and more comprehensive solutions.
website: https://pecc-il.org/

Translated (mostly) by Google

The curtain of silence rises slowly
With the start of the global vaccination campaign at the end of December 2020, a curtain of silence has descended on the possible side effects of mRNA vaccines, which were quickly given to millions of people following hasty and partial trials.
"The vaccine is effective and safe" - claimed doctors at the top of the health pyramids in many countries, including Israel, the United States, European countries and more.
There were, however, also those who from an early stage warned that care should be taken that the vaccines do not cause harm that might outweigh their benefit. They were aggressively silenced by the authorities, and their opinion was scornfully rejected as the position of "vaccine opponents".
At the same time, however, social networks began to fill up with stories of people claiming various, some serious, injuries from mRNA vaccines.
Fast forward a year and a half ....
Recently, more and more articles have started appearing in the medical / scientific press whose authors have examined and found significant side effects of corona vaccines. It's still a thin trickle of articles, but it seems that the pace is rising, and that the screen of silence is slowly rising.
We will briefly review here three such articles that have recently appeared.
In an article in the journal Andrology (1), the effect of Pfizer's vaccine on the sperm properties of 37 donors at a number of sperm banks in Israel was examined.
There was a significant decrease in sperm count and motility immediately after vaccination, and even three months after vaccination there was no return to normalcy (see Table 2 in the article).
Although the researchers conclude that based on their findings there is no effect of the vaccine in the long run - but can they really know this from such a small number of subjects and from the unambiguous results?
In an article published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications (2), researchers examined all reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in France between 12 May and 30 October 2021.
They came to the unequivocal conclusion that mRNA vaccines increase the risk of both types of heart disease. The risk, it turns out, is even much higher after the second dose of the vaccine, especially in young men.
The odds ratio for myocarditis was found to be 30 in the modern vaccine and 8.1 in the Pfizer vaccine.
Finally, in a much-discussed article (3), Peter Dushi of the University of Maryland and his colleagues re-analyzed the results of Pfizer and Moderna's vaccine trials. They examined whether the side effects were severe
(serious adverse events)
Which included death, risk of death at the time of the incident, hospitalization or extension of an existing hospitalization, significant non-transient disability and more (reported as required in each clinical trial) were related to the study product.
They had at their disposal a list of side effects of special interest (I.e. the same side effects that were feared to be in the corona vaccine based on prior information).
They cross-referenced this list with reports of side effects and found that the risk of severe side effects of particular interest was indeed significant. Furthermore, the risk was found to be greater than the vaccine effect on decreased corona hospitalizations.
The researchers conclude the article by noting the difficulties in drawing conclusions in this way, as well as the fact that Pfizer only reported a period of up to a month after the second vaccination (and not for two years as required).
They also address the difficulty of collecting and analyzing information on side effects outside of clinical trials, and therefore call for the provision of complete and detailed information on study participants, as well as extensive future studies and greater transparency that will allow accurate and detailed outline of vaccine spectrum.
Together, these three articles provide a glimpse into an emerging world, a world in which corona vaccines cause harm to populations at low risk of disease. To be continued.
Article (1)
Article (2)
Article (3)
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 5:09 pm
imorethanamother wrote:
Why do you have such animosity about the vaccine? I saw your posts and ignored them and didn’t engage. I don’t really understand what your goal is here.

My triple vaccinated parents also got it. They barely noticed because it was a mild cold. Had they not been vaccinated, it would probably have been worse.

I have no "animosity".
I think the entire Covid crisis was handled terribly.
I think that the powers that be ignored all possibilities of early intervention and treatment of the disease, causing many people to die unnecessarily.
I think that they only wanted to push the vaccine for their reasons, which had nothing to do with our own good.
I think (know, actually) that people who reported injuries to their doctors were poo pooed, ignored and when they did manage to make reports to the VAERS system - received no response in most cases.
I know that Pfizer's own documents that they were forced by the courts to release (although they wanted them hidden for 75 years!!!) have alot of damning evidence, including a list of over 1200 possible adverse side effects.
I know that babies and chidren are not at risk for Covid at all as it is not a children's disease and yet - here they go pushing the vaccine for children.
I know that our governments all promised and are promising that the shots are "safe and effective" while we know now that they are neither.
I know that this is the hugest clinical trial on humans in the history of mankind.

Remember how the American government told us all that if you get the vaccine you can't contract Covid?
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 5:38 pm
imorethanamother wrote:
Why do you have such animosity about the vaccine? I saw your posts and ignored them and didn’t engage. I don’t really understand what your goal is here.

My triple vaccinated parents also got it. They barely noticed because it was a mild cold. Had they not been vaccinated, it would probably have been worse.

Lol the most foolish explanation ever that all holy vaxers are using now. Triple vaxxed, got Covid, but a mild case thanks to the vaccine. Do you really believe yourself ?
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 5:42 pm
I promise you that there was a woman quoted in the Israeli press whose father had passed away and she said that it was a good thing he had been vaccinated - otherwise it could have been worse. (Really? How?)
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 5:50 pm
I feel very very strongly that the vaccine was and is wrong. At best, it did nothing for you. At worst, you now may struggle with a host of health problems thanks to the vaccine

You were so kind to allow your body to be used to allow some people to gain money and power. It feels almost like rape to me. Someone using your body for their own pleasure (or money)

I ask myself why I feel so passionately about this? Live and let live. I make my choices, you make yours.

I think I feel passionately about it bc as far as I’ve seen, none of the pro vaxxers had the grace and dignity to acknowledge they were wrong. They just keep going. “My triple vaxxed mother got COVID. She got a mild cold. It could have been so much worse.” Seriously?! I have no words for you.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:04 pm
amother [ Camellia ] wrote:
I feel very very strongly that the vaccine was and is wrong. At best, it did nothing for you. At worst, you now may struggle with a host of health problems thanks to the vaccine

You were so kind to allow your body to be used to allow some people to gain money and power. It feels almost like rape to me. Someone using your body for their own pleasure (or money)

I ask myself why I feel so passionately about this? Live and let live. I make my choices, you make yours.

I think I feel passionately about it bc as far as I’ve seen, none of the pro vaxxers had the grace and dignity to acknowledge they were wrong. They just keep going. “My triple vaxxed mother got COVID. She got a mild cold. It could have been so much worse.” Seriously?! I have no words for you.

Yes to that. And also because they are forcing each and every one of us and our babies to take it. So that’s where the passion comes from.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:04 pm
amother [ Camellia ] wrote:

I think I feel passionately about it bc as far as I’ve seen, none of the pro vaxxers had the grace and dignity to acknowledge they were wrong. They just keep going. “My triple vaxxed mother got COVID. She got a mild cold. It could have been so much worse.” Seriously?! I have no words for you.

Maybe we don’t think we’re wrong. Death rates are higher now in those who are unvaxxed.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:05 pm
amother [ Navy ] wrote:
Maybe we don’t think we’re wrong. Death rates are higher now in those who are unvaxxed.

Uuuh NO.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:07 pm
I appreciate your posts chossidmom
we have been fed so much garbage deliberately and otherwise by MSM that I do look for info from other sources
and generally that info has been proven right over time more often than not
this is important stuff
wishing everyone health and happiness
thank you for paying it forward
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:07 pm
amother [ Navy ] wrote:
Maybe we don’t think we’re wrong. Death rates are higher now in those who are unvaxxed.


I’m assuming in real life you’re an intelligent, smart person, how do you believe such a thing?! It boggles my mind. Actually it scares me.

May Hashem, our Father who loves us all, protect us all.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:20 pm
amother [ Navy ] wrote:
Maybe we don’t think we’re wrong. Death rates are higher now in those who are unvaxxed.

Haha. Good joke.
Here in Israel they are back on MSM trying to scare everyone again and reporting rising numbers of seriously ill and deaths. I noticed that they NEVER mention vaccination status whereas in the past they would report with glee that an UNVACCINATED person has died. Nowadays, there are so many sudden deaths reported online and in the papers. But they conveniently forget to mention that the person was jabbed. Sometimes we know from family members or public pictures. The MOH is also not telling us the breakdown. Which makes it fairly clear. The truth is emerging. Slowly but surely.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:25 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Haha. Good joke.
Here in Israel they are back on MSM trying to scare everyone again and reporting rising numbers of seriously ill and deaths. I noticed that they NEVER mention vaccination status whereas in the past they would report with glee that an UNVACCINATED person has died. Nowadays, there are so many sudden deaths reported online and in the papers. But they conveniently forget to mention that the person was jabbed. Sometimes we know from family members or public pictures. The MOH is also not telling us the breakdown. Which makes it fairly clear. The truth is emerging. Slowly but surely.

Chossidmom..I would love to meet you.
I have so much respect for someone who lives in Israel who was able to stand strong and see the truth. Not to mention, withstand the terrible pressure the government was putting on everyone.

My relatives who live in Israel who are smart intelligent people fell for the lies and got vaccinated.

I think in the USA it was a bit easier to see the truth..although many did not.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:34 pm
Thank you. It wasn't easy. I was under alot of pressure from my family who bought into the narrative. I withstood the pressure BH and none of my kids took it. I was blessed that Hashem brought me someone who opened my eyes and I did the resrarch. There was no going back. Once you know that's it. You cannot unknow. I had family members telling me that the hospital system was about to collapse because people like me were taking up all the ecmo machines. Can you imagine what this does to a family and how it can tear people apart? I know a widow whose children didn't allow her to eat over on Shabbos because she was unvaxed. Alot of people beed to be asking alot of mechila after what went on here and everywhere.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:42 pm
amother [ Electricblue ] wrote:
Lol the most foolish explanation ever that all holy vaxers are using now. Triple vaxxed, got Covid, but a mild case thanks to the vaccine. Do you really believe yourself ?

Explanation of what???
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:43 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Haha. Good joke.
Here in Israel they are back on MSM trying to scare everyone again and reporting rising numbers of seriously ill and deaths. I noticed that they NEVER mention vaccination status whereas in the past they would report with glee that an UNVACCINATED person has died. Nowadays, there are so many sudden deaths reported online and in the papers. But they conveniently forget to mention that the person was jabbed. Sometimes we know from family members or public pictures. The MOH is also not telling us the breakdown. Which makes it fairly clear. The truth is emerging. Slowly but surely.

What is the truth?
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:48 pm
You know why people are so passionate about it? Because so many were told they either have to vaccinate or lose their jobs.
They literally forced people to do something they didn't want to, or lose their livelihood.
All this, when there was very clear data that they vaccine was not doing what they promised it would do.
All this when they didn't know how long natural immunity lasted.
All this when cases and hospitalizations were dropping.

I am pro vaccine, but I am NOT pro this forceful push of an agenda, forcing people to choose food on their table or get a vaccine that could potentially have harmful side effects but has does not have proven efficacy.

I work in healthcare. I saw coworkers, with sky high levels of immunity due to disease, being forced to vaccinate against their will or lose their jobs. I saw sleepless nights of coworkers with heavy hearts being forced into this madness.

Never ever have I seen something like this. It felt like communist Russia.

I was BH able to get a religious exemption. I had covid x2 and neither time was I very ill. Yea yea you can say it's not against the Jewish religion to receive a vaccine. But to put people in the position that they did was so ethically and morally wrong to me that I am be in peace with my decision.
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:54 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Thank you. It wasn't easy. I was under alot of pressure from my family who bought into the narrative. I withstood the pressure BH and none of my kids took it. I was blessed that Hashem brought me someone who opened my eyes and I did the resrarch. There was no going back. Once you know that's it. You cannot unknow. I had family members telling me that the hospital system was about to collapse because people like me were taking up all the ecmo machines. Can you imagine what this does to a family and how it can tear people apart? I know a widow whose children didn't allow her to eat over on Shabbos because she was unvaxed. Alot of people beed to be asking alot of mechila after what went on here and everywhere.

COVID ...the “finest” “most kosher” excuse.

I really prefer when my elderly Mom, who is a widow, does NOT eat by me for Shabbat meals. You know, it’s not easy hosting my elderly mom all the time. She’s a widow..she’s a bit needy...the kids don’t love when she comes.

But you know...I’m a G-d fearing person, with a healthy dose of Jewish guilt and I couldn’t say no to my mom. It’s just not right. So I host her for Shabbat meals, despite the fact that it’s really hard for me.

Along comes COVID! Yay! Finally I have a really kosher excuse to disinvite my mom. “Sorry mom...you’re not vaccinated...you can’t come. We’d love to have you...but ya know..the vaccine”
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Post Mon, Jun 27 2022, 6:56 pm
amother [ Camellia ] wrote:
Chossidmom..I would love to meet you.
I have so much respect for someone who lives in Israel who was able to stand strong and see the truth. Not to mention, withstand the terrible pressure the government was putting on everyone.

My relatives who live in Israel who are smart intelligent people fell for the lies and got vaccinated.

I think in the USA it was a bit easier to see the truth..although many did not.

No, people didn't all take the vaccine because they 'fell for lies'.

Many took the vaccine because it meant they could then continue on with life like normal, without any limitations. Even though they didn't necessarily see the importance and wouldn't have taken it otherwise. And there's nothing wrong with that.
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