-> In the News
Wed, Jun 10 2020, 12:21 pm
The Democrats are trying to use this golden opportunity to ingratiate themselves with the black community by pretending they believe it’s a good idea to defund police. Most of the hearings are a farce, when you hear from one black spokesman claiming all the evidence shows that police have much more contact with the black and Hispanic communities than with white. The crucial part he failed to add though, is that the reason for that is because the evidence also shows that those communities commit crimes at a much higher level than whites. With this type of dishonesty, and denial that there are problems of crime, with many more crimes being committed by their own against their own than by cops against their own or whites against their own, and that contributing factors are so many children born out of wedlock, children growing up without a father, dropping out of school, and so much more, there will be no meaningful full change possible. They can defund every police dept. as they’re proposing (which is insane), but those communities will still be left with their own high rates of crime, unless they tackle the problems within, of their own making.They need to stop blaming everyone else for their own failures.
This article is important.
Andrew McCarthy: Defund the police? Here's what Dems, BLM ignoring about crime
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Wed, Jun 10 2020, 12:25 pm
I say, let them! Maybe, every city or couty should vote if they want the police defunded or not. Let it be their choice. We will see how quickly these cities will turn into rubble.
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