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MEHADRIN restraunt in Tiberias

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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:19 pm
Having a hard time finding a mehadrin restaurant in Tiberias- I know of Cherry, But I heard they have closed. Please any and all recommendations are so very much appreciated!!
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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:27 pm
How about Decks? I'm not positive it's Mehadrin but I know Chareidi people go there.Did you check on ELuna?
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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:27 pm
There isn't really one - Cherry last I was there (last summer) was still open but not mehadrin. But around the corner is a small pizza shop, mehadrin, on the corner next to a meat place. don't know the name but you would see frum people eating there. Cherry is in the middle towards the end of the boardwalk, walk up away from the water and it's on that corner.
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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:32 pm
eluna didn't list any restaurants in tiberias at all- we will have a car and can drive- so any recommendations that are 20 minutes or less away would also be good.
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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:32 pm
where can I find more information on decks?
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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:46 pm
amother1223 wrote:
eluna didn't list any restaurants in tiberias at all- we will have a car and can drive- so any recommendations that are 20 minutes or less away would also be good.

eluna only lists partner restaurants not all of them

if you have a car go into tsfat. great restaurants on the midrochov - Milano is great (dairy cafe, nice seating upstairs) but you can search online for others. in tsfat must have BLUE certificate to be mehadrin


*edit sorry forgot tiveria is about 40 min from tsfat not 20... where do you want your next stop to be? north or south bc that will determine the area where to eat

Last edited by trixx on Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:50 pm
We are already going to tzfat the next day for a few days- dont want to drive 40 mins just for dinner. Even a falafel place wohld work- anything?
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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:52 pm
Maybe Greggs in the new mall in Tiverya?
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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 2:55 pm
Pretty sure this list is old but you can research further

For just falafel I told you already there's a mehadrin pizza place around the corner, you can't miss it.

Gregg in Mamila Mall in Yeru is mehadrin - if the other location also is then go for it, they're amazing
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