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Seminary Nachlas Bais Yaakov-advice

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Post Wed, Oct 27 2010, 1:05 pm
Could any of your advise me as to what Nachlas BY Yerushalyim is like for real. ? the info looks great but I want to find out for my DD what the girls going or having been there are like? Aidel, fun, thinking? How did it shape them and their hashkofos? If you've been there or your daughter did would love to hear what your/her experience was.
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Post Wed, Oct 27 2010, 1:10 pm
My baby sister, who was in seminary last year (not Nachlas) says it's a nice seminary, really good BY girls, really sincere, fun, well rounded, and a good learning experience but not overly overly academic.
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Post Sat, Nov 06 2010, 9:41 pm
My sister went there 2 years ago, I lived there as well, I actually have visited the seminary many times. This was the first year, it is still running the same way. They are sincere frum good gilrs. They have a reat experience, great teachers, normal haskafos, not overly crazed about work like bjj. You can pm me. My sister is married and lives in israel and still has connection with teachers and visits. They are a warm close family.
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Post Sun, Nov 07 2010, 1:29 am
I live nearby, and got chesed from them twice. I am extremely impressed with both girls I met. Fine, aidel, sweet girls. Love them both, and if they're an indication of the kind of girls in this seminary - then I would say it's a great seminary!
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Post Sun, Nov 14 2010, 2:17 pm
I recieved the following email from an unmarried woman who wanted to share her experience.

I went to Nachlas and I really really loved it! All the teachers are super special people that you can get to know on a personal level. They don't just walk in/walk out. They know all the girls by name and where theyre from etc. As well, the principal is super accessible to every girl.
The classes are good, some GREAT, some okay. Thats the truth. Lots of girls come back from sem and rave about the classes when they hated them. The truth is that in every sem there will be teachers you like and teachers you dont. But the amazing thing is that even lessons you dont like you can learn a ton from the teacher and you can get to know the teacher at a personal level by workshops and when the teachers come away with the sem for shabbos. Some teachers host girls for shabbos and meals. Nachlas only hires teachers that are prepared to rly devote themselves to the girls, not just people that want to walk in, give over their lessons and walk out.
As far as the intensity of the work, it depends alot what your highschool was like and what your textual skills are. Besides for midterms and finals there is hardly tests but there are a few major reports and regular preparation questions for a few subjects. I wouldnt call the work intense because theyre not giving you tonz of memorisation work (alot of sems give the girls tons of tests that involve memorising a massive amount of text which would make the workload more difficult and overwhelming.)
As far as tiyulim go, there is NO DOUBT in my mind that Nachlas takes the girls on the most tiyulim, we went literally EVERYWHERE! Over Pesach they take AMAZING care of you, it is indescribable!
The type of girls are all your nice, normal, fun, smart girls. Theyre all really good girls that want to get something out of their year.
OK, dunno what other information to give. I hope this was helpful, if theres anything else you woould like to know, Id be happy to answer.
Hatzlacha with it! BTDT
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Post Sun, Oct 18 2015, 3:10 pm
Bumping this 5 year old post for more updated info. What is Nachlas like academically, hashkafically? Is it warm? Anyone have a DD there now or in the last couple of years. Any info is appreciated.
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gr8 mom


Post Sun, Oct 18 2015, 5:44 pm
I went there about 6 yrs ago it was amazing! Warm carimg perfect balance of everything and great group of girls! I loved it!
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