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Tricking School into Accepting Unvaxxed Kids
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 2:02 am
amother wrote:
The ones who can't get vaccinated are equal risk to the general population. Being on Chemo doesn't make you less contagious to others when you get sick. So if you are worried about that the kid on Chemo shouldn't be allowed in school because he can infect the organ transplant kid who couldn't be vaccinated. The reason why he's not vaccinated doesn't change much. And I do understand the science thank you very much

Herd immunity has a chance of protecting the kid who had chemo and the organ transplant kid. There is a much lesser chance of the kid on chemo getting mumps or whooping cough or measles if everyone around him/her have the vaccine. 94% (I believe is the number often quoted by professionals) of the population is the minimum and that includes medical exemptions, people who cannot get the vaccine or whose vaccination status "doesn't count" (certain medications destroy all immunity so they need it again- bone marrow transplant patients, people with cancer).

But every extra person who isn't vaccinated increases the odds that the kid with cancer dies from something they never had to get-measles. Do you feel comfortable taking that risk?
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 3:07 am
I assume that if you think it's fine not to vax, you'd be okay with the school putting the names of all the unvaccinated kids in the weekly bulletin so that other parents can make informed decisions about whether to allow play dates with these kids, whether to let their kids sit next to unvaccinated kids in class, etc.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 4:46 am
amother wrote:
Oh no don't tell me you just made an aveirah. You stated a lashon hara on me. For your information no I didn't just google like you I am actually a registered nurse with four years of university education, who read and owns 50 page report written and signed by rav Shlomo Kanievski and consigned by his bro rav Chaim Kanievski who paskened that schools cannot reject unvaxed kids since there are risks involved. I am also a mother who experienced having a child go through SEVERE vaccine side effect at age of 3 and I am also a friend to someone whose both kids had vaccine injuries and I am also a niece to a dead aunt who died at age of 20 due to anaphylaxis to a shot. Don't you dare talk back to antivax mom accusing her of basing her decision solemnly on Google.

And I'm the queen of England. Being a nurse doesn't mean diddly. Nurses don't focus their studies on vaccines.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 5:07 am
I think the main idea of the post was the backhanded sneaky way the mother was handling getting her unvaccinated child into school- not whether u should vaccinate ur child or not. I remember back in 8th grade my friend got sent home when the school found out she wasn't vaccinated and she wasn't allowed back in until she was vaccinated. Her mother didn't try to go to court or anything- follow the rules and don't try to bend them to work for u. Also, ur not allowed to sue another Jew so I don't get how that would work.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 7:29 am
amother wrote:
Hashem invented guns. Shall I use it?
Hashem invented lawyers for a reason...good and evil are created in balanced quantities...

I took issue with the misguided way that poster was bringing Hashem and emunah into the equation and decision making process. Nothing to do with inventions. I'm sorry you didn't understand that.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 7:33 am
amother wrote:
I assume that if you think it's fine not to vax, you'd be okay with the school putting the names of all the unvaccinated kids in the weekly bulletin so that other parents can make informed decisions about whether to allow play dates with these kids, whether to let their kids sit next to unvaccinated kids in class, etc.

Since when are medical records public? If vaccination status is being publicized, then everything else medical has to be as well. You can put in the weekly bullitin who has a learning disability, who is getting therapy, which kids are on meds, how many sick days each child had, which kid gets strep and flu the most (and yes spreads it to the rest of the class!)
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 7:46 am
Last I checked people with disabilities and getting therapy are not contagious or post a danger to other children. Also children who are sick with a viral illness don't have a choice to be given a vaccine to prevent them from getting it and spreading it to others. You are comparing apples to oranges.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 7:48 am
My4Jewels wrote:
Last I checked people with disabilities and getting therapy are not contagious or post a danger to other children. Also children who are sick with a viral illness don't have a choice to be given a vaccine to prevent them from getting it and spreading it to others. You are comparing apples to oranges.

Neither are healthy children contagious.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 7:59 am
My4Jewels wrote:
Last I checked people with disabilities and getting therapy are not contagious or post a danger to other children. Also children who are sick with a viral illness don't have a choice to be given a vaccine to prevent them from getting it and spreading it to others. You are comparing apples to oranges.

The reason the woman said she would like the vax status publicized is because she doesn't want her child sitting near the unvaxed child. 1. Someone who isn't vaxed( whatever the reason may be) poses the same risk to her child. Someone on chemo does not miraculously become less contagious than someone who is not on chemo 2.It is unlikely that the unvaxed child has any disease. If he did (really unlikely), he's probably not in school. 3. If your vaxed child can potentially catch the measles, he/she also poses the same exact health risk as the unvaxed child.
Kids who have behavioral issues can pose a risk to my child and if you're going to publicize one thing, it's only fair to publicize it all.

This isn't even a discussion though because it's completely illegal for a school to publicize any medical information. However, it is legal for an unvaccinated child to sit in class if they provide the proper documentation. U all know better than the law. I didn't realize how dumb government policy was! You should all run for office!
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 8:27 am
If you want stricter vaccination laws, there are 3 states you can move to. if you really care about this topic, you can get involved, and vote for stricter laws in your state. There are meetings you can attend and letters you can write in support of whatever bills are passed and you can voice your opinion there.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 8:32 am
I am not even going to bother going onto every response on this thread because it's clear to see, those who do not get vaccinated will be critiqued by those who follow there wonderful doctors who are paid to vaccinate their kids. I will not grace you with any sources whatsoever here since you abide by the cdc and for me that not a source. I won't bother showing you my research either. And don't bother telling me Google isn't a source because you better believe I have had discussions with hundreds of doctors and have accessed the studies from the university libraries and Google sure as he'll wasn't one of them.

Just a few points:

1: Herd immunity logic has been disproven so long ago. Look it up if you don't believe me-but stop using that as a pathetic excuse to poke toxins into my body.

2: That wonderful British doctor you mentioned who made a claim based on thousands of parents all seeing the same reactions of the mmr, which by the way was NEVER tested to be used as a 3 in 1, within days of inoculation is currently promoting a movie "vaxxed," which would do you some good to watch what your beloved cdc are up in the name of money. His coworker on the study was exonerated but due to his status he would need to raise millions of dollars to go to court and be exonerated himself.

3. Don't dare say correlation doesn't mean causation. Smokers are prone to lung cancer? No proof other than correlation. Obesity linked to heart disease? Nope by your logic it doesn't work. I could go on. But if a mother walks in a healthy child for a vaccination and carries out one that is sick and never recovers, I dare say correlation means causation. Especially since each vaccine tax goes right into a fund waiting to be paid out by the vaccine court for kids injured by... yes, you got it, vaccines.

4. If vaccines are so safe why are the pharmaceutical companies and doctors all protacted by the 1986 vaccine law from being sued from consumers? Because of the amount of angry parents who knocked at their doors saying their kid was injured due to their shoddily tested product. Since when is a manufacturer protected from repercussions his products cause? Since vaccines!

5. Your immune compromised child is only medically exempt from the LIVE vaccines. The cdc itself recommends immune compromised children to have all the other vaccines on time. Look it up. Now are you worried about my flu transferring to your kid? Well wouldn't you know it, the flu vaccine sheds too.

6. I'll bet that most of you mothers on here on not up to date with your vaccines either. That mmr has an 'immune' life of about 20 years. Your tetanus shot? 10 years and your flu vaccine? 12 months if that. So go and get yourself up to date with ALL of your vaccines and then come back and complain about mine or anyone else's kid.

This thread is a pathetic excuse to start a vaccine debate and until you know a little more, or until your kid is the one damaged, don't bother replying.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 8:48 am
amother wrote:
1: Herd immunity logic has been disproven so long ago. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Here's the first thing that comes up when googling herd immunity

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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 8:54 am
Dr. stephanie seneff from MIT predicts that half of all children will be on the spectrum by 2032. She is highly critical of vaccines. I bet she google her way to her phd.
Your local dr did have training on vaccines. Yes training not education. They are taught that they are safe and effective and to stick to the cdc recommended schedule.
Unfortunately the cdc has no credibility.
Yes, dr julie gerberding, head of the cdc is now the ceo of merck. Truth is stranger than fiction.
The first rule of medicine used to be to listen to the parent. U don't believe the siezure is connected to the vaccine they had earlier go read the package insert!
Anyone who wants to discuss the "disproved" and "debunked" link between vaccines and the epidemic of autoimmune and neurological issues we are seeing should see vaxxed. We have seen the other side already as that's the only side CNN will dare show.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 9:21 am
amother wrote:

This thread is a pathetic excuse to start a vaccine debate and until you know a little more, or until your kid is the one damaged, don't bother replying.

Believe that if you must, but it's not true.
The truth is that I very rarely participate in vaccination threads. I vaccinate and I think those who don't are reckless, ill-informed, and yes, stupid. But I know it is futile and useless to debate it because of the above reasons, and I won't take time out of my day to debate it.

I started this thread because I can't stand injustice and hypocrisy, and I wanted to make my opinions about this practice known. Also, because the poster on the other thread mentioned New Jersey area schools, and as the mother of children attending school in New Jersey, it felt personal.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 10:07 am
These posts always bring out the kooks in hiding. Spam Shooting Arrow
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 10:21 am
amother wrote:

6. I'll bet that most of you mothers on here on not up to date with your vaccines either. That mmr has an 'immune' life of about 20 years. Your tetanus shot? 10 years and your flu vaccine? 12 months if that. So go and get yourself up to date with ALL of your vaccines and then come back and complain about mine or anyone else's kid.

This thread is a pathetic excuse to start a vaccine debate and until you know a little more, or until your kid is the one damaged, don't bother replying.

UNDER amother no less. Stand up for what you believe in and don't be afraid to be bashed or critiqued under YOUR SN. There's a reason these are to be in controversial topics.

And I am up to date. Don't assume the rest of us are as reckless with our health as you say you are.
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 10:46 am
LittleDucky wrote:
UNDER amother no less. Stand up for what you believe in and don't be afraid to be bashed or critiqued under YOUR SN. There's a reason these are to be in controversial topics.

And I am up to date. Don't assume the rest of us are as reckless with our health as you say you are.

I highly doubt you are up to date but whatever. And as for using SN. I'm not sure you've noticed but anyone who DARE stand up to masses of bullying mothers on here have done so under amother. Do you wonder why? Let me think, we are fed up of being called "quacks" and idiots and therefore feel happier being anonymous. Just because you have the majority on your side it doesn't mean you get to bully everyone else and we are using amother for this reason. And times are changing. I used to think like you but TG I saw vaccines for what they are before it was too late..
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 11:25 am
I'm totally on the pro vax side. If the issue is tricking schools see this thread

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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 11:27 am
LittleDucky wrote:
UNDER amother no less. Stand up for what you believe in and don't be afraid to be bashed or critiqued under YOUR SN. There's a reason these are to be in controversial topics.

And I am up to date. Don't assume the rest of us are as reckless with our health as you say you are.

How frequently do you check your titers? I'm in Healthcare so have to do it for work but most adults don't
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Post Thu, Aug 25 2016, 11:56 am
tymama wrote:
The scientist from England who came up with the idea that vaccines cause all these problems was discredited and he apologized publicly. I don't know why you think you're smarter that doctors who went to school for years and years. googling information and stories about your aunt does not make you an expert

1. You don’t even know that doctors name.

2. He never apologized.

3. You don’t even know what he claimed. ‘all those diseases’ they (10 scientist) found a link between gastrointestinal conditions and the mmr vaccine. A lot of kids with autism have gastrointestinal issues. When they corrected/treated those issues the kids autism became better. They then suggested that ‘further research is necessary’

4. The follow up study the CDC did in 2004 to debunk the one written in the lancet paper which we all rely on that there is no correlation bet. Mmr and autism has been falsified as per CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson.
Talk about being informed….

Also, when one has a child that is medically exempted due to injury, that exemption is only valid for said child. The rest of the kids must be vaccinated. I doubt any parent who has an injured child will continue to vaccinate. In order to avoid that you have to have a religious exemption.
Another thing, my kids have a predisposition to vaccine injury (MTHFR gene) the only way to avoid vaccination is thru a religious exemption. ( I don’t believe in exposing my kids to a potential dangerous thing in order to avoid a different potentially dangerous disease)
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