-> Children's Health
Sun, Jan 12 2025, 9:14 pm
amother Lightcyan wrote: | Op I also have a few boys and 1 girl. I'm done having kids. I remember opening a thread 2 years ago when I was pregnant with another boy asking people to share the benefits of being an only girl so I can stop feeling bad for my daughter. That thread gave me a lot of positive reassurance and feedback.
And yes I thank Hashem every day for giving me at least 1 girl. She's such a joy! |
Same. I girl and a few boys. And I used to feel so horrible and guilty I didn't give her a sister. Bh my dd is the most amazing girl- great middos, never complains or chutzpah - and I realized maybe she is like that because she is an only girl...she has no competition with sisters so her middos can shine so bright. And that brought me comfort and I no longer feel guilty.
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Sun, Jan 12 2025, 9:22 pm
I have an only DD with brothers. In school her best friends, just so happens, were girls with brothers and no sisters. She grew up perfectly normal and normally socialized. I have multiple dils and just one sil, but what difference does that make? If I had four sons and four daughters, I would still have four dils. And each one is different and has a different relationship with me. It has nothing to do with my having an only DD.
The one thing I did have to be careful about when they were growing up was not assigning all the chores to DD. When the boys are in school longer than girls, it's easy to fall into that trap, because DD is around when DSS are not.
On the flip side, dd got to have her own room and the boys never did.
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