M&K, I can't believe he's old enough for a jumping seat! Those Imababies do grow fast, ka"h!!
SarahNurit, yeah, my in-laws got us the basic set (see? Not all their gifts are awful! ) and we keep supplementing with original train cars (police, tow truck, school bus ) My 4.5 year old wouldn't care if he had no other toys besides this one.
Wow! I can't believe that I never knew that this thread existed. I just came across it tonight for the first time.
This is so cool!!
Is it o.k. to post grand-cuties (grand-kids) too?
butterfly, just a suggestion. please ask your children permission before posting grandkids pics. I don't post my kids' pics on public websites, and would be very upset if my parents posted them without permission.
Wow! I can't believe that I never knew that this thread existed. I just came across it tonight for the first time.
This is so cool!!
Is it o.k. to post grand-cuties (grand-kids) too?
butterfly, just a suggestion. please ask your children permission before posting grandkids pics. I don't post my kids' pics on public websites, and would be very upset if my parents posted them without permission.
Mummiedearest, you are absolutely right! I will put a hold on posting them, for now. Thank you very much for making me aware of the risks...
M&K, I can't believe he's old enough for a jumping seat! Those Imababies do grow fast, ka"h!!
Well, he's over 5 months and if I hold his hands, he'll stand up and jump on my lap whenever he can so I hope he's ready. I only put him in it for a few minutes and not even everyday. I'm trying to work on his tummy time to strengthen his arms and he's getting better but he LOVES his legs.
Raisin- thanks, how old is your daughter? Too early for a shidduch?
Mummiedearest, I really don't feel comfortable posting my older kids but my baby is only recognized by people around me anyway or whoever is on my Facebook, so I understand the hesitation, although maybe your reasons are different than mine.
My birthday boy. I was in a rush to take a picture because he didn't take off the hat. The first picture I took, he didn't smile. This one, he had a piece of red pepper in his mouth, but at least he smiled. He ended up keeping the hat on for awhile.
Mummiedearest, I really don't feel comfortable posting my older kids but my baby is only recognized by people around me anyway or whoever is on my Facebook, so I understand the hesitation, although maybe your reasons are different than mine.
mandksima, I happen to love this thread. it's really just a personal policy. we have private online albums for family viewers.
Oh my! Your little one rounded out! I love chubby babies (I got them myself! The bracelet I bought for Adel that was supposed to fit till age one barely clasped around her wrist- had to exchange it for size 1-5 years. )
And I love his outfit.
Your girls look like they're having the time of their lives. Is this an indoor playground?
this is my first chubby baby. lizi was so skinny I had to pin the waists of her skirts/pants to stay up. chayale didn't chub out until she was 12 months or so & is slimming out as we speak. he's still fitting into 0-3 month sizes, but we're getting close to 3-6. another couple of weeks should do it. I love his outfit too. I picked it out myself. I had no boys clothes- so I'm having fun.
the place we went was this kind of indoor playground/amusement park/game arcade. it had little kid rides, games & a climbing area. and of course, my personal favorite- knock hockey. dh & I play a mean game of knock hockey. I had a huge headache & dovy hated all the noise- but the girls had a blast.