Aw, happymom, is she walking already? She looks so cute standing upright- I only saw her as a little baby!
BTW, we have the same walker. The top piece doesn't stay in place, either.
Sliding down the neighbor's cellar doors (the type that are on a 45 degree angle) Our sukka was in the backyard near these doors and the kids played on it like a slide.
what a yum! it's good to know what my future dil looks like (did you see that thread GAMZu? they aren't yet 2 weeks old & someone made them an item already)
See, it is a shidduch- my baby has the same nightgown that your son is wearing in the last pic.
what could be better? maybe they could meet just to be sure. I want to come to new york for the siyum that will be on my grandfather's first yahrzeit so badly. only problem is that it is november 23rd & my dh wants to drive. maybe we'll come chanukah instead.