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Baby monitor that will reach to neighbor house
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Post Today at 1:20 pm
amother Blushpink wrote:
If there is a fire they unlikely to get there in time, opening an outside door actually makes the flame bigger and often you can’t get past the wall of flames. And if a baby is choking one can hear weird noises quickly in the house and run to help.

For fire- the alarm will ring, and neighbor will realize immediately. For a wall of flame, there are multiple entrances to the house, and chances are by the second the fire happens and neighbor jumps up and runs it wont surround all the entrances. Either way, someone on the first floor might also encounter a wall of fire between that and the second floor.
For choking- lo aleinu to all of these, but my house is never quiet enough to hear that from upstairs.
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Post Today at 1:21 pm
amother OP wrote:
Oooommmggggg cmon everyone pleeeaase. I wasnt asking for opinions from y'all; I asked for a product reccomendation.

what do all you brilliant peopl reccomend in the below scenario:
I am going to a wedding thats a 2+ hour drive from my house; leaving 3pm and getting home probably 1-2am.
My husband needs to daven maariv; no he doesnt believe in skipping minyanim.
The closest babysitter lives a 4 min drive away and nobody is available to drop her off/pick her up
My husband needs to drive to pick her up; there isnt another option.
Neighbors house is a few feet away, and she is happy to have the monitor on.
It would literally take her the same amount of time to get to my house as it would take me to get up to my third floor from doing laundry in the basement. Probably faster, cuz I dont bring the a baby monitor with me every time I go to the basement.
I simply don't believe that leaving the monitor with her for 8 min is being irresponsible.
There are many many many more things we do in our day to day life that are significantly more dangerous, but we cannot live in wrapped in a plastic bubble. Thanks for all your concern

Now, any reccomendations?

Yes, I pay an Uber for the babysitter to come to my house. It's easy because it can be booked and paid from my phone, doesn't matter where I am. My husband is the same way and that is what we do. It's the same price or cheaper than a monitor that has that much range and less phone calls and arrangements...
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Post Today at 1:22 pm
amother Eggplant wrote:
For fire- the alarm will ring, and neighbor will realize immediately. For a wall of flame, there are multiple entrances to the house, and chances are by the second the fire happens and neighbor jumps up and runs it wont surround all the entrances. Either way, someone on the first floor might also encounter a wall of fire between that and the second floor.
For choking- lo aleinu to all of these, but my house is never quiet enough to hear that from upstairs.

All this rationalizing. This is unsafe period. And we can’t even post on those sad threads this was caused by a mother who knew better than basic safety. I wish we could so people can see how often negligence leads to death.
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Post Today at 1:23 pm
And let’s not forget, monitors dying, not working, crossing wires and picking up the wrong monitor, static, just not picking up noise… smoke detector not working etc..
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Post Today at 1:24 pm
I don’t call it rationalizing. I am sincerely trying to understand .
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Post Today at 1:25 pm
Uber over the babysitter. Or do you have a doona? Put the baby to sleep in the doona so they can go with your husband to pick up the sitter. Who leaves a baby alone in a house?
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Post Today at 1:27 pm
If there's a fire, or other emergency, which children is your neighbor rescuing first??
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Post Today at 1:31 pm
amother Holly wrote:
If there's a fire, or other emergency, which children is your neighbor rescuing first??

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Post Today at 1:39 pm
Id call CPS on you myself if I could. Get the babysitter an Uber or tell your husbands rebbe to speak to him. Your baby safety comes over davening with a minyan. Cant believe what I am reading
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Post Today at 1:44 pm
I know you think it will only be 8 minutes, but chas v'shalom there's an accident or traffic or the babysitter is taking time to get ready. The minutes add up
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Post Today at 1:47 pm
amother OP wrote:
Oooommmggggg cmon everyone pleeeaase. I wasnt asking for opinions from y'all; I asked for a product reccomendation.

what do all you brilliant peopl reccomend in the below scenario:
I am going to a wedding thats a 2+ hour drive from my house; leaving 3pm and getting home probably 1-2am.
My husband needs to daven maariv; no he doesnt believe in skipping minyanim.
The closest babysitter lives a 4 min drive away and nobody is available to drop her off/pick her up
My husband needs to drive to pick her up; there isnt another option.
Neighbors house is a few feet away, and she is happy to have the monitor on.
It would literally take her the same amount of time to get to my house as it would take me to get up to my third floor from doing laundry in the basement. Probably faster, cuz I dont bring the a baby monitor with me every time I go to the basement.
I simply don't believe that leaving the monitor with her for 8 min is being irresponsible.
There are many many many more things we do in our day to day life that are significantly more dangerous, but we cannot live in wrapped in a plastic bubble. Thanks for all your concern

Now, any reccomendations?

Dh can daven without a minyan. Or daven when you get home. Or this neighbor who is listening to your monitor can stay by you or her husband can. You can pay someone to drive the babysitter to you. You don't leave babies home alone. And don't use going to maariv as a reason why it's ok. That's being a chosid shoteh.
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Post Today at 1:49 pm
amother OP wrote:
Oooommmggggg cmon everyone pleeeaase. I wasnt asking for opinions from y'all; I asked for a product reccomendation.

what do all you brilliant peopl reccomend in the below scenario:
I am going to a wedding thats a 2+ hour drive from my house; leaving 3pm and getting home probably 1-2am.
My husband needs to daven maariv; no he doesnt believe in skipping minyanim.
The closest babysitter lives a 4 min drive away and nobody is available to drop her off/pick her up
My husband needs to drive to pick her up; there isnt another option.
Neighbors house is a few feet away, and she is happy to have the monitor on.
It would literally take her the same amount of time to get to my house as it would take me to get up to my third floor from doing laundry in the basement. Probably faster, cuz I dont bring the a baby monitor with me every time I go to the basement.
I simply don't believe that leaving the monitor with her for 8 min is being irresponsible.
There are many many many more things we do in our day to day life that are significantly more dangerous, but we cannot live in wrapped in a plastic bubble. Thanks for all your concern

Now, any reccomendations?
Im sorry but did you REALLY not think you would get the kind of answers you did? And your example is completely irresponsible.
And of course there is another option than leaving your child in the home without another person. Get the babysitter a taxi.
Why risk your child being alone for even one minute, let alone 8?
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Post Today at 1:52 pm
So don’t go to the wedding !! If you can’t have normal arrangements!!
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Post Today at 2:02 pm
Is your neighbor's husband at home at all during the evening? If he is, can she come over to watch your baby while your dh davens?

Or can dh bring the sleeping baby over to your neighbor?

Or maybe dh can take the sleeping baby to maariv? My husband has done that at times although it's not ideal

Can you come home earlier so your dh can daven maariv when you get home?

I don't love the uber the baysitter idea cuz many parents wouldn't want their teenage dd alone in an uber at night. But there are other options
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Post Today at 2:05 pm
Also I'm thinking that you can daven maariv so early these days, even before the baby's bedtime. Can dh drive the baby to a friend or family member at like 530 or so, go daven maariv, then pick up the baby and go home and put him/her to sleep? So no need to even disturb a sleeping baby
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Post Today at 2:13 pm
amother Maple wrote:
no one knows how close her neighbor is.
It might be closer than if she lives in a three floor house and is in the basement and her baby is on the second floor. it would take faster to get in from the neighbor than to get up two flights.

most of our life is NOT spent in emergency.
Most of the time you have a babysitter, and your baby is sleeping, the babysitter is doing nothing.

We don’t have to live our lives in a state of worst case scenario

You can’t possibly compare a baby sleeping upstairs to leaving a baby unattended and visiting someone.

This isn’t worst case scenario. It is basic infant and child care as would be done by any normally responsible adult. Normal caution isn’t paranoia.

Most parents could get up two flights of stairs in less than a minute if need be. And if there were some kind of detector or alarms they would be able to get the children out immediately.
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Post Today at 2:20 pm
amother Lightcyan wrote:
Also I'm thinking that you can daven maariv so early these days, even before the baby's bedtime. Can dh drive the baby to a friend or family member at like 530 or so, go daven maariv, then pick up the baby and go home and put him/her to sleep? So no need to even disturb a sleeping baby

OP, your husband can daven maariv at 6 & drop the kids off at a neighbor while he goes. Then he doesn't have to go out at all at night. Problem solves. Such an easy fix.
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Post Today at 3:03 pm
Every wedding I’ve ever been to has had a group of men getting together off to the side to form a minyan for maariv
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Molly Weasley


Post Today at 3:10 pm
amother Chicory wrote:
Id call CPS on you myself if I could. Get the babysitter an Uber or tell your husbands rebbe to speak to him. Your baby safety comes over davening with a minyan. Cant believe what I am reading

I can't believe you would actually call CPS on someone for using a baby monitor to watch their child.

When my kids are outside, whether in the front or back yard, I sit outside with my baby monitor. Are you going to call CPS on me too?

Honestly, please do call. and let me know it's you. That way, I can make sure to sue you for harassment.
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Post Today at 3:38 pm
amother Viola wrote:
Every wedding I’ve ever been to has had a group of men getting together off to the side to form a minyan for maariv

OP's husband will not be at the wedding. He's staying home with the kids & wants to leave them to go daven maariv.
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