-> Vacation and Traveling
Yesterday at 11:42 pm
Looking for a frum-compatible vacation destination for our family, iy”H traveling from Baltimore. We have 5 sweet kinder (ages 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 — the oldest and youngest are girls), b”H, and this will be our first proper family getaway. While we are a two car household, b”H, we’re still trying to be mindful of our budget. Whether by car or plane, it’s very important to us that the destination is truly frum-compatible, with easy access to kosher food, minyanim, and a tzniusdig atmosphere for our mishpacha. Any ideas or recommendations? Tizku l’mitzvos!
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Today at 12:01 am
Hotel in Teanek/Passaic area
Hotel in Monsey area
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Today at 12:04 am
Arizona is frum compatible? 👀
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Today at 12:07 am
It is, if you stay in the frum area. There are several frum communities in Arizona.
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Today at 12:08 am
You didn’t say what sort of activities your family enjoys or how far you’d travel but here are some ideas
CT (Stamford, West Hartford, New Haven)
(Anywhere in NY/NJ)
(Not now, but LA, San Diego)
Las Vegas
St Louis
New Orleans
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Today at 12:09 am
Phoenix/Scottsdale has a pretty decent frum community including restaurants and shuls
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Today at 12:12 am
Maybe Lakewood area is a good option?
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Today at 12:21 am
Thank you so much for the suggestions! Really appreciate it. As a family, we’re looking for something low key and simple that all the kids can enjoy. We’re not super into museums or overly “touristy” stuff, but parks, zoos, aquariums or nice nature trails would be great, as long as it’s easy enough for the little ones. Having access to kosher restaurants or takeout, plus a community with minyanim is really important too.
We’re planning to go in the summer, iy”H, so we’re trying to figure out how far we’re willing to travel. If we’re flying, we’d consider anywhere that’s affordable and fits our needs, but for driving, something like Montreal or Cleveland could be doable.
Also, is it frum-compatible to go to a baseball game? Our son has been asking about it, but we’re not sure if it’s something we should look into or not.
Thanks again for sharing these ideas! It’s really helpful.
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Today at 12:22 am
Frum compatible is too broad a term.
Maybe ask, Do yeshivish families (if that’s how you identify) typically feel comfortable going to baseballs games ?
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Today at 12:25 am
op, Are you a BT or "flipped out" from your family's chinuch?
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Today at 12:28 am
If you are traveling in summer, how would you define a "tzniusdig atmosphere?"
If other people are dressed for warm weather (shorts, sleeveless tops, etc.), is that okay, as long as the activities are wholesome?
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Today at 12:30 am
Op I hope you find a wonderful place for your vacation but anywhere you go who you can’t expect to be 100% tzinus. I think if you’re looking for that, you probably need to stay home and Make it a nice day. Even in the most religious places in America, it is still America and you can still find people walking around. Granted, I don’t know All the communities but when I understand they’re not really gated. I think you’re going to have to be a dropout more open-minded if you want to go on a vacation especially in the summer. I mean if you go hiking, you could run into somebody that’s not 100% modest dressed. I actually live in Israel and pretty much everywhere you go yes even in. Mesh Sharim Tourists that are not dressed, 100% according to what they want.
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Today at 12:30 am
EishesChayil613 wrote: | Thank you so much for the suggestions! Really appreciate it. As a family, we’re looking for something low key and simple that all the kids can enjoy. We’re not super into museums or overly “touristy” stuff, but parks, zoos, aquariums or nice nature trails would be great, as long as it’s easy enough for the little ones. Having access to kosher restaurants or takeout, plus a community with minyanim is really important too.
We’re planning to go in the summer, iy”H, so we’re trying to figure out how far we’re willing to travel. If we’re flying, we’d consider anywhere that’s affordable and fits our needs, but for driving, something like Montreal or Cleveland could be doable.
Also, is it frum-compatible to go to a baseball game? Our son has been asking about it, but we’re not sure if it’s something we should look into or not.
Thanks again for sharing these ideas! It’s really helpful. |
I consider myself frum-compatible. While my husband would never go to a baseball game, he always said that if our son really wanted to, and we felt he needed it, he would consider taking him.
People who are more frum-compatible than me might say no to their son no matter what.
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Today at 12:43 am
We are frum. We go to baseball games.
You can take him to a minor league game. They're cheap and much more low key and he won't know the difference if he's young.
Just search "minor league baseball" and the city you're visiting. Baltimore should have a minor league team as well.
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Today at 12:58 am
Poconos. They have minyanim regularly in the summer. We bring frozen meat/chicken and portable grill. Buy veg/sides/pareve milk.
You can go to parks, they have great ones, farms, boating, etc. Airbnb or hotel rooms.
If you want to travel further you can do Lincoln but probably better when kids are older and can enjoy hiking more.
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Today at 1:02 am
EishesChayil613 wrote: | Thank you so much for the suggestions! Really appreciate it. As a family, we’re looking for something low key and simple that all the kids can enjoy. We’re not super into museums or overly “touristy” stuff, but parks, zoos, aquariums or nice nature trails would be great, as long as it’s easy enough for the little ones. Having access to kosher restaurants or takeout, plus a community with minyanim is really important too.
We’re planning to go in the summer, iy”H, so we’re trying to figure out how far we’re willing to travel. If we’re flying, we’d consider anywhere that’s affordable and fits our needs, but for driving, something like Montreal or Cleveland could be doable.
Also, is it frum-compatible to go to a baseball game? Our son has been asking about it, but we’re not sure if it’s something we should look into or not.
Thanks again for sharing these ideas! It’s really helpful. |
You will have non Jewish music, people yelling things possibly inappropriate at a baseball game. Depends what you call Frum appropriate.
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Today at 1:14 am
Thank you everyone for your input. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to respond. I just want to clarify a little since maybe I wasn’t so clear in the original post.
First of all, I’m not a baalas teshuva or “flipped out.” I grew up frum, and b”H we try to raise our kids with strong Torah values but also with a realistic view of the world. I live in Baltimore, so obviously, I know that not every [gentile] is dressed tznius 100% of the time — that’s true even in frum areas. For example, I would feel comfortable taking my family to Denver, where the atmosphere seems pretty calm and normal, but I wouldn’t feel the same way about Miami Beach. It’s just not the kind of environment we want to put ourselves in.
When I said “frum-compatible,” I didn’t mean that I expect to be in a completely sheltered bubble. It’s more about finding a place where we can enjoy family time without feeling like we have to compromise on our standards. Frum-compatible to me means that there’s kosher food available, a shul nearby for my husband to daven with a minyan, and an atmosphere that feels okay to spend time in as a frum family. Of course, I don’t think everywhere will be perfect, and I’m not expecting every single person around us to be dressed tznius, but there’s a big difference between that and choosing a destination where the whole vibe feels totally not appropriate.
This is our first family vacation, and we just want it to be something special and memorable, without feeling like we’re stepping out of our comfort zone in a way that doesn’t feel right for us. I hope that helps explain what I meant, and thanks again for all the ideas and advice!
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Today at 1:26 am
Most frum comparable would be the Catskills if you don’t regularly come to NY.
you can also spend some time in Monroe area and do Legoland (perfect for those ages) spacefarm zoo, ruach hachaim park, bear mountains.
You will have more davening and food options than Baltimore which can be a spiritual experience as well.
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Today at 1:29 am
Maybe New Hampshire? There are many places to go with kids and several shuls with minyan. In the last few years there's been kosher food available at PMR. They have a grocery and takeout food.
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