Please tell me abt this option for my son- moving into 5T and this seems like the most obvious option for my son but I wanted to hear more from other imas.
Is it warm and happy place? Is the hanhala very strict and uptight on the boys?
What is the schedule- is thier busing if we live in the 5T area?
It depends on ur son. Does he toe the line ? He fits in the box? He’ll do well. I loved the yeshiva but it was harder for my out of the box son than for the one that fit in the box. Even though it’s huge it’s very compartmented so it doesn’t feel that big. The Rebbes are mostly amazing and the classes depend on the year. Yes there’s budding if you sign up for it. Overall, it’s the most amazing yeshiva and I just would tell you if your son has any problems to advocate immediately for him before things get too far