Today at 10:46 am
What is the goal of a Monsey Seminary?
Just another year of learning until they get married? To gain kosher college credits? (Then again, what is the goal of any seminary - I have yet to see a clear finite goal.)
To open a sem in Monsey, it would need to attract a specific girl and reason. If its because Israel is too expensive? I cant see how being in Monsey would be different. Main gain of Israel is seeing & experiencing the Eretz Yisroel. I dont think a Monsey sem is taking the girls on trips every week to see the local Monsey life - unless they are really IT or OOT or BT's. If its just to keep the girls local - then its just a 13th grade and there are very few local girls who want that (their parents might), and OOT girls I presume would prefer to be in Brooklyn for that In Town experience. If it was a kosher college type place, then maybe - but again, there are Brooklyn places who do this. There was a sem in the 5Towns opened a few years ago - great program, but again there was not enough demand and it closed.
If you see a need for it, and can find someone to drive this project - kol hakavod and go for it.
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