I stayed at my hometown for Yom tov. Due to an unexpected family situation we ended up staying until a couple of hours ago. A little more than a week. My kids days are all messed up. The younger ones nap but my other kids, grades 1-8, are passed napping. They have all been getting up at 6:30-7. We've all been going to see close to 11:00 even the younger ones. We traveled back last night the kids went to sleep 5-6:00 am. They have to go back to school this week. What time should I wake them up today? How do I put them back on a normal schedule.
I would wake everyone up by 12. I would not allow for anyone over age 2 to nap.
If anyone is zonked then can do bedtime a bit early. Those that can't fall asleep can read in bed.
Bathe/shower everyone tonight so bodies are more relaxed.
I’d wake them soon and put everyone to sleep really early like 7/8. If the older kids can’t sleep yet I’d have them read in bed so they can start the resting process.