-> Yom Tov / Holidays
-> Succos

Tue, Oct 15 2024, 3:52 am
amother Hotpink wrote: | He can be doing so many things during the day like watching the kids or cooking for YT or learning during the day so that there is learning every hour and most people will be learning at night. Being in Kollel is irrelevant. It doesn't mean they are sitting on their tuchuses until 7 and then deciding to build.
The title could have easily been written as 'building a sukkah during evening' and mention in the OP that the builder is in Kollel so is off. No one would have flinched.
But to write a post titled 'Kollel men have holidays' for something to do with banging in the evening is screaming I hate and resent Kollel lifestyle.
Even if OP doesn't mean it that is how it comes across!
The title is irrelevant to her post. |
In your opinion.
Besides for the fact that if someone is learning in kollel they have an additional responsibility to make a kiddush Hashem and not make people resent those who sit and learn.
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 4:19 am
amother Cappuccino wrote: | In your opinion.
Besides for the fact that if someone is learning in kollel they have an additional responsibility to make a kiddush Hashem and not make people resent those who sit and learn. |
This is the responsibility of every single Jew regardless of their occupation.
I don't agree for anyone to be drilling and banging at that time but I also don't agree about bashing down an occupation which is irrelevant to the situation! (DH works)
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 4:42 am
amother OP wrote: | Oy that's tough. I didn't think of that , that's a crazy schedule. I think I'd ask for a day off work actually. What if he's sick Chas vesholom? This is a mitzvah but you really don't want to turn it into a Chilul Hashem. Maybe it's a question for your Rav. I wouldn't feel comfortable with my dh banging that late. I'm sorry for you. |
That is beyond not realistic.
Op, many wotking adults cant start building until we get home from work and have dinner.
My husband and I were banging the lst 2 nights well after 7pm. Its part of frum life.
It is not just this poster who will be banging late.
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 4:46 am
amother Hotpink wrote: | This is the responsibility of every single Jew regardless of their occupation.
I don't agree for anyone to be drilling and banging at that time but I also don't agree about bashing down an occupation which is irrelevant to the situation! (DH works) |
Yes and even more so the responsibility of anyone claiming that his Torah is his occupation and he is on an elevated more kadosh level because he is a yeshiva student.
Also, anyone who claims to be a frum Jew and observant of Torah. But if you are claiming to schedule your life around Torah then even more so. Kollel is not just random study, it comes with responsibilities. That is why people don't see it the same way they see college studies. They expect more of kollelniks and when they are disappointed they get upset. Justifiably so, IMO.
Regardless, yes, if a man is off because it's bein hazmanim then he can schedule the rest of his life around his Sukkot prep and part of that means making sure that he's not disturbing the whole block late at night.
I say this as the mother of likely the most overwhelmed family on the block (objectively, and we've been told this multiple times from various sources), who has at least 2-3 doctor/dentist/therapy appointments every WEEK and both of us work full time. If DH was in kollel our sukka would've been built two mornings ago. We both work full-time so it's not. He doesn't get off to build his sukka and neither do I. Because if you are on vacation you can schedule errands around yom tov prep and do your yom tov prep at sane hours of the day. And Torah learning in the morning so that your hammering wakes your neighbors at night is toivel vsheretz byado.
(Also, our sukka isn't built yet because DH won't build past 10pm so as not to wake neighbors. Even though we have no other time to build it, pretty much.)
BTW our neighbors hammer at 11pm but I shrug it off, I don't know which ones are doing it, there are so many families around us, and I don't care (I only care when people renovate late at night).
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 4:47 am
shabbatiscoming wrote: | That is beyond not realistic.
Op, many wotking adults cant start building until we get home from work and have dinner.
My husband and I were banging the lst 2 nights well after 7pm. Its part of frum life.
It is not just this poster who will be banging late. |
But it's davka this person's hammering which is waking OP's kids, so who cares about the others?
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 4:49 am
amother Denim wrote: | I remeber one year my neighbor was taking DOWN the sukka at night. Loud banging and all. Before sukkos...ok I'd have to be DLKZ that they dont have time by day, but AFTER sukkos?! Yes some people are truly clueless. |
No, not clueless. Not everyone has time by day. Most work by day. We take our suka down at njght.
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 4:50 am
amother Cappuccino wrote: | But it's davka this person's hammering which is waking OP's kids, so who cares about the others? |
Because OP title is saying all Kollel men.
It doesn't say neighbour in Kollel is banging!!!
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 4:56 am
After 10 is rude, typically against local noise laws, and doing a mitzvah through doing an aveirah( unless you’re in E”Y where it’s accepted). Typically noise law are to finish loud noise by 9 although every place is different. At 7 you have no valid argument. His profession is not your business. Either way I would have texted them at 10 to let them know noise was bothering you. Posting won’t help.
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 5:03 am
amother Cappuccino wrote: | But it's davka this person's hammering which is waking OP's kids, so who cares about the others? |
So she could go over to the neighbor and ask if they can stop banging.
But to take a day off? Thats just not realistic.
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 5:04 am
shabbatiscoming wrote: | So she could go over to the neighbor and ask if they can stop banging.
But to take a day off? Thats just not realistic. |
10000% agree
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 5:06 am
amother Hotpink wrote: | Because OP title is saying all Kollel men.
It doesn't say neighbour in Kollel is banging!!! |
Her title is: "Don't the kollel men have off during the day now?!"
Her complaint is: Why, if ALL kollel men have off, including in her family, does THIS PERSON have to be so inconsiderate, when there is no reason he can't be considerate?
It is not "why do all kollel men hammer late at night?!"
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 5:16 am
OP sounds like the grinch that stole sukkos. Chill. It’s the sounds of yom tov! Smile and move on. Lakewood has noise ordinances that prohibit noise late at night but the ordinance specifically excludes cinco de mayo when the Hispanics like to celebrate well into the night. Sukkos is at least as important.
Before pesach the garbage trucks make an extra round late at night. When it snows the plows are out making noise at night. Sometimes it’s time to stop kvetching and move on.
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 5:40 am
amother Cappuccino wrote: | Her title is: "Don't the kollel men have off during the day now?!"
Her complaint is: Why, if ALL kollel men have off, including in her family, does THIS PERSON have to be so inconsiderate, when there is no reason he can't be considerate?
It is not "why do all kollel men hammer late at night?!" |
So her title is irrelevant to her post
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 5:42 am
Her title is the first sentence of her post.
And we're not in English class right now.
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 5:44 am
amother Cappuccino wrote: | Her title is the first sentence of her post.
And we're not in English class right now. |
There is a title and there is a post.
You can't just write anything on as the title and have it irrelevant to the post
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 7:02 am
amother Hotpink wrote: | There is a title and there is a post.
You can't just write anything on as the title and have it irrelevant to the post |
It's her post, she can write whatever she wants as the title and whatever she wants in the post.
And anyone who doesn't like it can scroll on.
This isn't English class.
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 7:09 am
amother Cappuccino wrote: | It's her post, she can write whatever she wants as the title and whatever she wants in the post.
And anyone who doesn't like it can scroll on.
This isn't English class. |
It's called bait click
She has a right to it but we have a right to argue on it.
Incase you are new here, a title is used to indicate what the topic of post is about. Not just a random sentence....
I'm not sure why you keep mentioning English classes???
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Ema of 5

Tue, Oct 15 2024, 2:22 pm
amother Cappuccino wrote: | It's relevant because if he is in kollel then by definition he is on vacation right now so that he can get ready for Sukkot. Which means there's no reason for him to be doing it at a time that comes at the expense of the neighbors' sleep (and next day).
Now if he were working then there WOULD be a reason, because he would NOT have off right now and thus he would have no other choice but to build his sukka at night, or not have one at all. So unless you are offering to build it for him for free, you don't really get to demand that he not build it at night. Because he's not off right now, he works and presumably can't get off for sukka-building.
So yes in this case it's 100% difference |
Except that you have no idea what else is going on in their lives which may preclude him from having done it earlier in the day. The question still stands, would OP have been just as upset if the neighbor was working full time?
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Ema of 5

Tue, Oct 15 2024, 2:23 pm
amother Cappuccino wrote: | In your opinion.
Besides for the fact that if someone is learning in kollel they have an additional responsibility to make a kiddush Hashem and not make people resent those who sit and learn. |
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Tue, Oct 15 2024, 2:26 pm
amother Hotpink wrote: | Because OP title is saying all Kollel men.
It doesn't say neighbour in Kollel is banging!!! |
It says all kollel men have off so why is this one kollel man banging at night. It doesn’t say what you just said.
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