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Do you have food stamps?
Yes |
17% |
[ 29 ] |
No |
82% |
[ 138 ] |
Total Votes : 167 |
Fri, Sep 27 2024, 2:07 pm
Yes, Why do you want to know?
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 2:44 pm
I wish
Food is so so expensive
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 2:50 pm
ChayaKa wrote: | Do you have food stamps? |
Do you?
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:05 pm
No but a quick look around the grocery and I go carts will tell you who does and doesn’t.
There’s a very telling sign when carts are piled high with things that middle income people only get once every few yomim tovim.
Not bashing just saying
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:16 pm
amother Impatiens wrote: | No but a quick look around the grocery and I go carts will tell you who does and doesn’t.
There’s a very telling sign when carts are piled high with things that middle income people only get once every few yomim tovim.
Not bashing just saying |
How do you know the income of people at the grocery? But also if someone is truly relying on FS they have to be conscious of what they buy or it won’t last.
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:17 pm
amother Impatiens wrote: | No but a quick look around the grocery and I go carts will tell you who does and doesn’t.
There’s a very telling sign when carts are piled high with things that middle income people only get once every few yomim tovim.
Not bashing just saying |
How do you know?
I don't get food stamps and I buy expensive stuff because I can afford it but I probably look "needy" to you because I don't dress up to go to the grocery store.
If people are actually not "scamming" in some way they aren't filling their carts with expensive items. The amount allocated for each person is relatively low. People have tried eating on food stamps allocations to see what it was like and it is possible but only if one shops and buys in an extremely frugal manner.
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:19 pm
I get food stamps and no, you cannot tell from my cart. There are no fancy extras, no bought dips, no precut vegetables. I'm very very careful and it still doesn't last the whole month.
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:20 pm
I know people that only use their food stamps to buy expensive meats & other items for yom tov. They save up the food stamps.
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:22 pm
Most that have food stamps say it covers very little. They don’t indulge at all. Stop judging other peoples carts😉
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:26 pm
amother Impatiens wrote: | No but a quick look around the grocery and I go carts will tell you who does and doesn’t.
There’s a very telling sign when carts are piled high with things that middle income people only get once every few yomim tovim.
Not bashing just saying |
Um huh? Were middle income with zero government program's, and food is the last thing we'll cut on.
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:28 pm
Hooray to all the people that can easily afford to fill their carts to the brim and walk up and down the aisles at whim. I am sincerely happy for you.
When I look around will I pinpoint you as a snap person? Idk. But vast majority in my community are very recognizable. There’s all these extras and comforts that they allow themselves to buy - and even little kids fill their carts…
We were discussing it as a group the other day and someone was saying that when she sees a person filling a cart with ice cream she *knows* it’s uncle same paying.
Again, there are the rich understated and the poor overrated and the middle income who splurge on food and everything in between but by and large looking around will give you a picture
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:32 pm
amother Impatiens wrote: | Hooray to all the people that can easily afford to fill their carts to the brim and walk up and down the aisles at whim. I am sincerely happy for you.
When I look around will I pinpoint you as a snap person? Idk. But vast majority in my community are very recognizable. There’s all these extras and comforts that they allow themselves to buy - and even little kids fill their carts…
We were discussing it as a group the other day and someone was saying that when she sees a person filling a cart with ice cream she *knows* it’s uncle same paying.
Again, there are the rich understated and the poor overrated and the middle income who splurge on food and everything in between but by and large looking around will give you a picture |
Unless people are cheating in some way there is no way that someone whose income genuinely merits food stamps is filling their cart with expensive luxury items.
If there are people who are doing this they must be hiding their income or in some way supplementing food or income in some way because there is not anyway a family with an income low enough to actually qualify for food stamps can afford luxury food - unless they are complete imbeciles and essentially starving their families.
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:37 pm
Just yesterday I heard that it’s a popular practice to apply on maternity leave when one doesn’t have income with a no income letter. (Obviously relating to people who are over income when they are working, and these same people have plans to continue working after 6 weeks paid family leave)
Not sure how that is not considered fraud but yes it’s a regular practice apparently.
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:38 pm
Food stamps do not cover groceries, it is a very low number especially for kosher food and even more so now since inflation. Of course every bit helps but my friends on FS are definitely not buying expensive meats on it, they need to be frugal with their FS.
During COVID or just afterwards I'm not sure, the govt gave a lot of food stamps but those days are long over.
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 3:50 pm
I have food stamps and my wagon is overloaded not cuz it gets covered by fs. Cuz I have a large family to feed . I shop the cheapest store in my neighbourhood and buy whatever is on sale. It’s not an enjoyable shopping experience,but I know plenty rich ppl who also shop there to save a buck. And we struggle to cover our food. But it doesn’t mean that my kids can’t have snacks or treats sometimes. They help a lot at home cuz I can’t afford lots of cleaning help . Although me and dh both work.
During the Covid fs surplus I used to treat myself (a overwhelmed exhausted working pregnant mom of large brood) to a bought salad at my local bakery. I hope you fargin it for me. Today I dream of such a treat. Instead o chop it up myself. ….
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 4:18 pm
ChayaKa wrote: | Do you have food stamps? |
Why did you start this thread? Really curious about why.
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 4:18 pm
amother Impatiens wrote: | Hooray to all the people that can easily afford to fill their carts to the brim and walk up and down the aisles at whim. I am sincerely happy for you.
When I look around will I pinpoint you as a snap person? Idk. But vast majority in my community are very recognizable. There’s all these extras and comforts that they allow themselves to buy - and even little kids fill their carts…
We were discussing it as a group the other day and someone was saying that when she sees a person filling a cart with ice cream she *knows* it’s uncle same paying.
Again, there are the rich understated and the poor overrated and the middle income who splurge on food and everything in between but by and large looking around will give you a picture |
Again I ask, how do you know people’s income?
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Fri, Sep 27 2024, 4:22 pm
amother Floralwhite wrote: | I have food stamps and my wagon is overloaded not cuz it gets covered by fs. Cuz I have a large family to feed . I shop the cheapest store in my neighbourhood and buy whatever is on sale. It’s not an enjoyable shopping experience,but I know plenty rich ppl who also shop there to save a buck. And we struggle to cover our food. But it doesn’t mean that my kids can’t have snacks or treats sometimes. They help a lot at home cuz I can’t afford lots of cleaning help . Although me and dh both work.
During the Covid fs surplus I used to treat myself (an overwhelmed exhausted working pregnant mom of large brood) to a bought salad at my local bakery. I hope you fargin it for me. Today I dream of such a treat. Instead o chop it up myself. …. |
Not only do I fargin you but I think there should be a “working mother card” in which working mothers get to buy food at cafes and treat themselves.
One point does not negate the other.
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