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Machon Ora Passaic

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Post Sat, Jun 22 2024, 10:40 pm
Hi, I'm looking for information about Machon Ora. Dd is currently very unhappy in HS and we were advised by our rav to try to switch her to Machon Ora. She's looking specifically for a OOT vibe where the girls are nice and not snobby. She's very smart and willing to work hard. Her HS is very RW and although she's a good frum girl she's feeling slightly suffocated. She wants a school where girls are encouraged to think and ask questions.
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Post Sat, Jun 22 2024, 10:52 pm
I went there a couple years ago so I can’t speak for the crowd there now, but I’m still in touch with a lot of the teachers so I can tell you they’re amazing, want the girls to think and ask questions, very close relationship with the girls and really care about them, encouraging each one to grow in their own unique way. To your last sentence, BYMO definitely fits the bill. It is an academic school, but you said your daughter is ok with that.
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Post Sat, Jun 22 2024, 11:58 pm
DD currently in BYMO and have to say it’s a bit materialistic and some snobby girls there. Really depends on the grade.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 12:26 am
There are a huge range of girls who go to the school- baruch Hashem a huge positive Smile and there will always be some in some. My impression of the school is that they are a warm academic school. The teachers and faculty really try to develop long lasting relationships with the girls, even after seminary, shidduchim etc.
They try to cultivate a growth oriented environment and are truly focused on intentional chinuch.
In general the girls that go there want to learn and enjoy the challenge of the rigor and also love having fun!
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 10:45 am
The staff really sounds amazing. I really want to know about the students if they're mostly friendly welcoming non-judgmental girls? My daughter has amazing qualities but it's hard to break into a new social circle especially since she doesn't know anyone in the school. We aren't from Passaic but our rav knows some people in the school and he felt it would be a good fit.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 10:49 am
This is may seem like a silly question, but how is this school different from Reenas which is also an academic school in Highland Park that girls from Passaic go to?
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 11:12 am
Do.NOT. Send.

I am a parent of a recent graduate.

Yes there are nice girls. And snobby girls. And materialistic girls. Like any other school. Depends on the grade. On which crowd your dd clicks with.

The school is not well run. I say this as a parent.
If I knew then what I know now I would have pushed dd to accept Reenas.

I have a younger daughter in YK now and I am not even going to apply. She can stay and go to BYP or Reenas.

A school that fired their founding principal who was a stellar mechaneches with years of experience before the first class graduated and then spent five years searching for a replacement found one for this year. It will take her at least another year or two to begin sorting thru the chaos.

There is poor communication to the parents. Disorganization everywhere. Teachers don’t really do more than teach their class - it’s just a job for most. Lot of talk. No more than that. And having a new principal this year didn’t solve any of it yet.

My dd is an on the box kid and got thru ok. She didn’t have issues. But it’s so poorly run and just a mess. Kids from wealthy homes are certainly favored and get away with things that other kids don’t. They are late to davening and bring a drink in and nobody says boo. If my dd was a minute late she was penalized. She noticed this and would complain to us about it.

Yes we need wealthy families to donate money. But their kids should be expected to follow the rules and not be above them.

It’s a very academic place with a lot of stress for nothing. The girls are going to the same seminaries as less stressful schools. Just with lower averages and more struggle getting in because of that. The same college programs. They don’t need this stress level. Much of it busy work.

In Reenas the curriculum aligns together. Every little detail is thought out. There is logic and an educational goal. In Machon Ora it’s just a mess. None of that exists.

Parents of kids who have no issues will tell you their daughter loves it. It has a camp feel to it in many ways. I wouldn’t feel comfortable that the school could handle a social or emotional or academic issue well without parents being on top of them and even then I wouldn’t be confident.

Bunch of parents have spoken to me even this year that when their child had a problem they had to push the school to get involved and so many of the ideas the school suggested to help their daughter remained just that : an idea. No more. Never put into play. Nobody reaching out to them to see how things were going.

The new principal is a sweet woman. And maybe in the future she can fix things. But for now stay away. It’s really not well run. No innovative curriculum. Busy work. Poor communication. Favoritism towards wealthy kids and parents for sure.

I would worry that your daughter joining a grade wouldn’t be such an easy social adjustment and they wouldn’t even notice or help her.

Not well run.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 11:27 am
When bymo was founded it was more open minded.
Now it is really very similar to BYP. It’s not nearly as open minded a it was. It’s just more of a classic bais yaakov now.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 1:25 pm
Ok, that was pure lashon Hara and even motzei sheim ra.

OP, different people have different experiences.
I was there as a student and had the most wonderful HS experience.
I keep up with my teachers still today and contrary to the poster above, I felt that the teachers were passionate about what they did and went out of their way to make a kesher with students.
That being said, your daughter has to want the kesher otherwise there can't be a relationship-- it has to be two way.
Like any new school, the school has gone through changes-- some smoother than others.
When the administration turned over, it took a bunch of years to find someone who would be a fabulous fit for the school-- but as I have heard from current parents AND students, the new principal really is a spectacular fit.
The academics are rigorous but not busy work-- I felt I really had to stretch my brain and learn how to think, not just spit back information.
I felt that the school was run beautifully and lots of thought was put into making sure that the girls can have a great experience in a structured environment that helps them grow.
In response to the poster above-- they did not fire her before the first class graduated-- it was after that. I was there as a student during the switch over and I can say that the administration handled everything with grace and kavod (caved to ALL involved). Also I want to clarify-- the board started the school and hired the principal that they thought would be the best fit. Things did not work out the way they hoped and they chose to let her go (despite her being wonderful) in order to find someone who they felt would better represent the school.
I personally have seen wealthy kids get penalized alongside their not-as-wealthy friends. If your daughter saw the wealthy kids getting away with things, maybe that is what she was choosing to see.

In terms of your daughter er joining a grade and breaking in-- I have seen girls switch in and instantly be accepted into the class and welcomed. But I have also seen the other way. It depends how confident your daughter is and if she will be willing to put herself out there at first.

In all, I had an absolutely FABULOUS experience in high school and felt it really helped develop me into a thinking person who is still learning and still growing today as a mother and wife.
Pease take everything that people say with a grain of salt-- Lashon Hara in any form is not ok and I would be hesitant to accept ANY information given here as fact (including my own info that I just gave)
Speak to people you know personally, maybe ask for a list of some girls who are there so you can get a feel for the type.
HATZLACHA, and I hope you are able to make the decision with clarity and do what is best for your daughter!
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 4:18 pm
You should learn hilchos loshon hara
When there’s a toeles you speak
Only when there is a real toeles and this can be serious
A teenage girl going to a new school and not doing well socially or academically is a real problem. One you can’t understand if you’re only a young graduate in your early 20s at most.
I wouldn’t send your daughter there. It is not well run. If you do send I hope you have a positive experience. But the op should have all the info she needs. Not just being told it’s great bc saying anything else is loshon hara.

I am happy the poster above had a great experience. Ask her if she had any issues that needed to be dealt with. Ask her if she’s a recent parent who has had a child with a problem.

Ask her if she knows the current administration.

And no - it wasn’t a smooth letting go of a founding principal. In the neighborhood me the parent body of the time it made a lot of anger and resentment. A bunch of teachers actually quit because of what and how it had happened. And it was done after the yearly dinner but right before the first graduation ceremony. The founding principal finished that year but it was a known fact at that first graduation that the principal was not returning because her contract was not renewed.

If it was so simple they wouldn’t have struggled for five years to get a principal. There’s a reason experienced mechanchos didn’t apply.

Good luck op but do ask current parents of kids who didn’t fit in the box perfectly. . Don’t rely on young graduates who aren’t yet parents of teens and who didn’t have an issue in school and who don’t know what is going on now.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 4:46 pm
I am very happy with the school and have a lot to do with it. I will say that it is run really well, the teachers go above and beyond d for the girls and most do the girls are thrilled to be there!! The administration will never be able to please everyone but please don’t bash a school that has produced 6 years of growing, thinking, and genuine graduates.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 5:21 pm
10 years as a school
5 of which have had no principal

Only one of the last six years has had a principal.

Find the parents who have kids with an issue. Not the ones who don’t

Your daughter is going to school with a social problem - no friends. Make sure you are really sure they can handle it.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 5:40 pm
There now.
Excellent experience.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 6:10 pm
My daughter just graduated. I’ve had a few daughters before her graduate, too from BYMO. Yes, some had issues and were dealt with in a thoughtful, professional, caring and productive way. I am forever grateful to all the staff who are truly dedicated mechanchos! This is coming from a parent who isn’t wealthy at all.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 6:54 pm
amother DarkKhaki wrote:
I am very happy with the school and have a lot to do with it. I will say that it is run really well, the teachers go above and beyond d for the girls and most do the girls are thrilled to be there!! The administration will never be able to please everyone but please don’t bash a school that has produced 6 years of growing, thinking, and genuine graduates.

I'd love to speak with someone in real life and get a better picture. Time is of essence as I know school is about to end and my daughter is going to camp next week. Who can I reach out to in the school to get a better feel and see if it's the right fit for us?
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 7:14 pm
I am a graduate of BYMO and had the most wonderful experience. They taught me hilchos lashon hara and the 7 requirements which must all be met in order to speak ltoeles. One of the conditions is that the sole purpose in saying what happened must be to correct a wrong, not for any personal reason. Which doesn't seem to be the case here. Another condition is that the person must be certain that the information is factual, which from personal experience I can testify is also not the case here.

I was actually a student in the school when the original principal left and it was handled extremely well. The hanhala was open with us about how they continued to consult her and encouraged us to continue our relationships with her.

It is false that there was no principal.
They had no head of school/dean but there was an amazing english and hebrew principal who ran the school very well for year 4-7 of the school. There was a new English principal hired in the school's 8th year(3 years ago). They hired a rabbi 2 or 3 years ago as the temporary dean and then hired the new head of school an amazing woman whom is a perfect fit for the girls.
A few teachers did leave 4 years after the schools founding (the same year the original principal left ) 2 important points
1. they all only taught 1 or 2 english subjects a year and
2. it wasn't more teachers then typically leave and are hired every year.
The limudei kodesh dept has stayed the same for years. I have a sister currently there and she is using my notes for all navi, chumash, hashkafa classes(Which are phenomenal) and so far for most math, science and some history classes.
The mechanoches are world class and build personal relationships with all girls who are interested. They infuse the girls with a love for Hashem and Torah UMitzvos.
I was in a class with several very wealthy girls and we were all treated equally. My sister is in a class that has several wealthy girls and the school treats them all the same as well. The school is very on top of being late to davening(all girls sign in and all who don't are penalized.) There are no exceptions rich or not. Some girls may not care about the penalty which is a point deduction from their grade, but those girls are generally the non-academic types and that isn't typically dependent on their parent's bank accounts.
As with all schools, each grade differs so it's important to find out the type of the grade and see if you think your daughter would be a fit.

The best person to reach out to in the school is likely the mechanchos and parents in the school who you trust and have similar hashkafos.

Last edited by amother on Sun, Jun 23 2024, 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 7:39 pm
Boy does geranium have an ax to grind.
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Post Sun, Jun 23 2024, 7:40 pm
Maybe your kid with the issue was the issue. Not the school.
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Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 12:05 am
Sorry for bumping this old thread up but I have to come back and defend the school that made me who I am, I have so much hakaras hatov.

I was there when the founding principal was fired and in all honesty, I was extremely upset by it and the way the school handled it. That said, it’s still an amazing school, with amazing teachers and an amazing atmosphere. I had plenty of girls in my grade who were wealthy and they did not get treated any better. They treat girls as individuals, so maybe if someone wasn’t penalized for being late it was because she’s coming in from out of town and the timing really isn’t in her control, maybe she’s having a hard time in school in general so they decided to look past some things, it could be a million things. I remember a specific time I had a really hard situation that morning, I was crying and I came late. The principal noticed and knew a little bit about what was going on, after davening she announced that since we were going on a trip that day no one was being counted as late that day. But I knew that was really for me, and believe me my parents were not wealthy.

The school definitely helped with issues, they were really looking to help each girl. Obviously not all issues are just solvable.
Obviously, no school is a perfect fit for everyone, and anyone who says it is is lying. That’s just not possible.
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Post Mon, Jul 01 2024, 2:15 am
I am a current parent in the school and have also had daughters who graduated from it. I have very different daughters - some super academically strong and some not so strong. Each of them has found their place at BYMO and has thrived. The teachers and mechanchos really hone in on who each girl is, and find ways to connect with them and help them shine. My daughters who graduated still call their teachers often, and have attended Chaburos and Shiurim for them run by the teachers.

My girls have amazing friends from bymo - kind, caring, growing girls. Yes they had to work hard there - the classes are rigorous and the school is academic - but it’s also a ton of fun. Wonderful ruach, warmth and meaningful activities. There are some wealthy families and also many non wealthy families (like us).

The new head of school is wonderful, as are the principals who ran the school in the middle years (and who bH are still there).

We think the school is excellent - and are thrilled to have several BYMO students and graduates.
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