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Arvin Netanel Ben Sonia- Perek 13
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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 11:27 am
20 year old Arvin Netanel has been sentenced to the death penalty in Iran this Shabbos. HaRav Netaneli (a very respected Mekubal in LA) has said to get 1000 people recite Perek 13, 13x.

It’s a short Perek.

If you want I see there is a link to a WhatsApp chat in this post:

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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 1:46 pm
I was sent Edwin Netanel ben Tsiona
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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 1:48 pm
amother Sage wrote:
I was sent Edwin Netanel ben Tsiona

It’s Arvin not Edwin.

I hope he gets freed and rescued!
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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 1:49 pm
Yeshivaworld has the name as Arvin Netanel Ben Sonia Tziona.
Please Hashem spare him and set him free.
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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 2:33 pm

Someone posted to instagram that’s his execution is pushed off to Monday.

Everyone Daaven he goes home alive and free.
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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 6:20 pm
Chayalle wrote:
Yeshivaworld has the name as Arvin Netanel Ben Sonia Tziona.
Please Hashem spare him and set him free.

Hmm I’m not sure which one it is? I saw most sites posted the name in the title.
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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 6:21 pm
Boca00 wrote:
Hmm I’m not sure which one it is? I saw most sites posted the name in the title.

I’ve seen most sites the same name as the title. Only one place did it say his mother is Sonia tziona.
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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 7:28 pm
What if the community offered millions of dollars? They said the family has to accept the buy off. Why isn't massive fundraising being done? Why are Jews still in Iran?!?!
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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 7:30 pm
justforfun87 wrote:
What if the community offered millions of dollars? They said the family has to accept the buy off. Why isn't massive fundraising being done? Why are Jews still in Iran?!?!

The family doesn’t want money. They want the death penalty Chas Vishulem.
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Post Fri, May 17 2024, 7:45 pm
justforfun87 wrote:
What if the community offered millions of dollars? They said the family has to accept the buy off. Why isn't massive fundraising being done? Why are Jews still in Iran?!?!

Who said the family has to accept it?
They say they offered (I'm assuming big) money, but the family refused 😡
May Hashem have rachmanus on this boy and save him!
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 3:15 pm
Why is he being sentenced to death?
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 5:49 pm
amother Lemonlime wrote:
Why is he being sentenced to death?

From the yeshivaworldnews:

"Two years ago, when Arvin was 18, he lent money to an Iranian man. When he asked for the money back, the man attacked him with a knife. Arvin fought back in self-defense in an altercation that ended with the man’s death.

According to Sharia law, the fact that Arvin is Jewish allows the Iranian man’s family to demand the death penalty without evidence or a trial. The law allows the death sentence to be commuted to reparations only with the consent of the victim’s family. Arvin’s family has begged the Iranian man’s family to reverse their decision and offered them generous reparations but the family has refused and insists that Arvin be put to death.

Arvin’s mother is begging for Jews to daven for her son to be spared"
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 9:13 pm
Bh it’s confirmed that he is free! Baruch matir assurim!
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 9:17 pm
amother DarkOrange wrote:
Bh it’s confirmed that he is free! Baruch matir assuring!

BH. Where did you see that?
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 9:20 pm
amother DarkOrange wrote:
Bh it’s confirmed that he is free! Baruch matir assuring!

הודו לה כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 9:21 pm
amother DarkOrange wrote:
Bh it’s confirmed that he is free! Baruch matir assuring!

Where do you see that?
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 9:21 pm

This was posted in Hebrew hence the “see original” at the bottom.
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 9:46 pm
Is this website push, legit?
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 9:48 pm
amother Azure wrote:
Is this website push, legit?

It seems so. I was looking thru their posts.
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Post Sat, May 18 2024, 10:08 pm
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