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Dreams - What are they trying to tell us?...
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Post Thu, Nov 25 2004, 7:38 pm
Are dreams true , do we always remember a dream, and What can we decipher from dreams Question
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Post Fri, Nov 26 2004, 10:43 am
I've heard most dreams really come from what you were thinking about the previous day. So they're not "prophecies," more like distorted recaps of your day.
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Post Fri, Nov 26 2004, 11:45 am
Just like Shabbos is 1/60th of Olam Haba,
Dream is a fraction o prophecy (do not remember the proportions Wink)

I also heard that when a person dreams it means H' is thinking about him.

From a scientific pt of view, dreams, like 0613 said, are the result of our brain's processing the emotions of the past - it 'unloads', 'unwinds', so that it can function proberly next day.

We dream almost every night, but often we do not remember our dream in the morn.

My DH and I always interpret dreams for each other, b/c deams turn out as predicted.

Also, the fact that some people do hfe 'prophetic' dreams, proves to me that our neshamos know more than we think. I f we cou;d just learn how to listen to their voices!!!

Good Shabbos!
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Post Sat, Nov 27 2004, 4:34 pm
If you want to scare yourself, look in the Siddur Bais Yaakov (R' Yaakov Emden) under Hatavas Chalom for his interpretation of dreams. (There are also some unscary interpretations....)
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Post Mon, Nov 29 2004, 7:06 pm
I have had dreams that came true.
I heard what it is is that your soul goes up and while it is away it sees things, some things it gets shown by "bad" malachim and those things are rubbish and some are shown by "good" malachim and those are true. Truth is we do not know which ones are which.
What about dreams where people come to you.
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Post Mon, Nov 29 2004, 7:30 pm
I believe that dreams are a prophocy, how much? I dont know. I see it more and more. for example my husband had a dream and when he woke up it didnt make sense until he came home from work that dream made 100% sense. There was once a time when there was a rumor that was going on and my husband and I were trying to figure out who started it, I had a dream about that it was a certain person. I told my husband and he said it is impossible. Maybe she will know who started it. And thats what happened. SHe told me who started it. You just have to know how to put the pieces of the puzzle together and that is what my DH and I did. this is only one story. there is many more
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Post Mon, Nov 29 2004, 11:52 pm
I had a dream that a friend of mine was hysterical and nonething I said or did could calm her down... and I didn't know why! The next day in the afternoon her husband called and told us 1/2 earlier her parents were in a car crash and her mother passed away... So proudmom you're right but unfortunatley we sometimes only figure it out after the fact!
True we dream what we see b/4 we go to sleep that is why we should be careful what we read or see. But the deep sleep, the dream that we don't always remember is the Prophetic one I think Exclamation
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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 12:19 am
ooooooooh freaky.
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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 12:33 am
Yes miriam it is... and I can tell you more. I dreamt 4yrs ago approx, a family member would pass away in their sleep... so naturually I thought of an older relative, and invited them to our home for Yom Tov thinking or dreading when would I ever see them again... I felt the dream was very real. Little did I know it would affect my immediate family, Well months later we had a terrible tragedy with one of my children Crying Crying . And then after the fact... I realized.... the full meaning of the dream. Exclamation
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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 7:57 am
I am so sorry to hear. What happened if you dont mind me asking? I had a dream something like that. 2 days before my wedding I had a dream that my uncle passed a way. I got really scared. I got up and then went back to sleep. I had a simillair dream again that he passed away. I got up and was terrified. I didnt want to go back to sleep because I was scared that I would dream about it again. I fell back to sleep and I dreamt of it again. In the morning I went to my mother and I told her the dream I had and 2 seconds later my mother got a phone call that my Uncle passed away.
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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 8:41 am
you guys are freaky! the most I get B"H is a dream where I am so mad at a person, then the whole day I have to remember that I am actually not really mad at them.
but my husband had a dream once- which in itself wa weird cause he sleeps so deep he said he never does. anyway in the dream the rebbe marash whom he is named after was coming to our city. my hubby was part of the group that organized a frabrengen and at the farbrengen the rebbe was saying l'chayim to everyone. but when he got to my husband he smiled a brilliant smile and said l'chaiyim. then he called him back and made him say another l'chayim with another smile. and nodded as if to say- everything will be OK. whats odd is there are no pictures of the rebbe marash in curculation, yet my hubby saw him and his red beard clearly.
the next morning he told this to his co-workers, and then he told it to me in the car on the way to NY. we noticed some snowplows sitting idly waiting for snoww to plow, and as a joke I said look they should be learning rambam- they must be bored. and we were talking how my hubby made a hachlata to learn 3 prukim rambam in depth which the siyum ends on my hubby's birthday which is also the rebbe marash yartzeit.
and he told me this dream and then said "isn't amazing that so many years after the rebb made a takana to sya rambam we still do it with a chayus. how special it must be to the rebbe that we are following his words then he said "es shimcha lo shachnu" (your name we have not forgotten)
and then seconds later we began to skid and slide and ended up crashing into a 18 wheeler truck that was coming up on our right. our van was totalled and B"H we and our kids all came out walking.
there is more to this story- but this is the part that is relevant to this thread. I also don't know if this is interesting to anyone...
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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 8:45 am
Micki that was amazing dream. WOW!!!
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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 9:18 am
wow, these are really amazing things. we could compile them into a book and sell it! (to support imamother.com, of course) iam so glad for this thread because I have so many strange dreams that come true, bh, not bad ones, and I was wondering who else out there does, because they drive me crazy.
dreams about the Rebbe are very special and very meaningful. when I wake up from them and see I am still completely tznius from my sleep, I am so relieved... :)mabe its a little crazy, but maybe not...
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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 11:58 am
I am so sorry to hear. What happened if you dont mind me asking

It is in the miscarriage thread
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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 3:37 pm
micki: your husband dreaming about the Rebbe Maharash is EXTREMELY SPECIAL

dreaming about a Rebbe! and the Rebbe saying l'chaim to him!

and then what happened afterwards! amazing!

there seems to be a big difference in dreaming about a Rebbe and an actual visitation from a Rebbe in a dream

here's a transcript of a radio program Simon Jacobson did on Dreams with lots of interesting information:

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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 3:38 pm
R. Avraham haMalach's new wife...[t]wice...dreamed that a tribunal of distinguished-looking sages wanted to take away her husband, but she screamed and pleaded his case. In the third occurrence of this dream, the court decreed, "Your defenses are so strong that we will allow him to remain with you for another twelve years." The next morning, the Maggid thanked her profusely for her efforts, which had granted his son another twelve years of life.

After his death, the Maggid appeared to his daughter-in-law in a dream whenever necessary. One night he told her, "Tell your husband to change rooms, or at least to move his books into your room." Her husband, however, dismissed the matter. The next night, a fire broke out in R. Avraham's room, burning his entire library.

From The Life and Times of Rebbe Dov Ber The Maggid of Mezritch, by Yitzchak Dorfman

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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 3:38 pm
After the week of Shivah, R. Avraham's wife came to Chavastov to receive her husband's bequest. R. Avraham's followers tried to comfort her, but she was inconsolable. That night she dreamed that she entered a great, beautiful palace, where she beheld her husband, his face radiant with joy, and several distinguished-looking elders.

"My wife always complained that I was overly abstemious," he told them, "and she was justified. I therefore beg her forgiveness in your presence."

"You are forgiven wholeheartedly," she replied.

"The Torah allows her to remarry," R' Avraham continued, "especially since she is only 24 years old. I will not prevent her. But if she agrees not to marry another, I will cover all her expenses, and those of her children. And when she comes home, each child will already have an appropriate match."

When she returned home, her children immediately found good shidduchim (matches), and her business improved and provided for all her needs. The Malach continued to appear in her dreams whenever necessary.

When the wife of Rabbi Nachum of Chernobyl passed away, R. Nachum considered taking R. Avraham's widow as his wife. He sent the Malach's son, Rabbi Shalom Shachna, to discuss it with her.

One night, on the way to his mother's home, R. Shalom Shachna dreamed that his father was standing at the entrance to a magnificent palace, his hands reaching its ceiling. "Who dares to enter my palace?!" the Malach shouted. When he awoke, R. Shalom Shachna realized that he and R. Nachum had overstepped their bounds.

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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 5:10 pm
Several years ago, Bracha was hospitalized with kidney stones. The doctors pulverized the stones with ultrasound in the hope that they would pass. But instead of being flushed out, the sharp edges of the shattered stones stuck in the walls of her kidneys. Bracha spent weeks in the hospital in excruciating pain, while the staff tried to keep her fever down and figure out a way to relieve her agony. One Friday, she begged to be sent home for Shabbat, promising that she would come back on Sunday.

"I had a feeling that my salvation was at home," Bracha recalls. On Shabbat morning, Benzi went to shul and Bracha fell asleep "after drenching my Tehillim with tears." Her mother appeared to her in a dream, carrying a huge oval watermelon (Israeli watermelons are small and round) and placing it on Bracha's lap. Her mother told her that eating the entire watermelon would cure her.

"I couldn't wait for Havdalah. Immediately after Shabbat I sent my husband out to find a watermelon. Soon he came back, holding the exact watermelon I had seen in my dream. He quartered it and I began to eat. And eat and eat and eat. I thought I would pop. I got through half of it. The next morning my husband went to work and called a neighbor to stay with me.

"When I started on the second half and kept eating, she thought I had gone berserk. I finally got down to the last bits. Suddenly I felt my innards turning upside down. I screamed to my neighbor to help me to the bathroom, and pow! All the tiny shards of rock came tumbling out. My neighbor screamed when she saw the blood. I just breathed a sigh of relief. We gathered up the stones and presented them to the skeptical doctor. After that, my neighbor, who wasn't religious, started keeping Shabbat!"

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Post Tue, Nov 30 2004, 11:30 pm
all right here goes part 2 of our accident- I was asked to finish the story!!
so we are skidding accros the highway lanes, there were 4 at the place we were plus a median coming up on our right where a major highway the 80 merges with the 380 where we were. we are in the left most lane when we began to skid. my husband is asking should I brake and I said no just try to steer. as he is trying to correct the skids I saw how wildily the van was moving, not even responding to the steering and I thought that we are not gonna make it out of here with out crashing into something. well we skidded accross 4 lanes of highway, and onto the grass median and then on my right I see a huuge 18 wheeler truck coming in to merge. all I thought was please truck move out of the way. our first nes was that as we skidded accross the 4 lanes, not one car hit us. then we slammed into the side of the truck kind got stuck underneath it- were dragged abit until the truck fishtailed and flung us out from under him. wwe then flew accross the same 4 lanes of highway backwards and slammed into the trees that were there. if we had been one second earlier the truck would have slammed into us. instead of us into him.
then the same 4 lanes again , no one hit us as a side impaact.
when we came to a stop, I looked over at my hubby andd said are you ok. he's like what about the kids. we didn't want to turna round to see what happened. I was too scared. I looked down and saw that the entire front section where my feet are supposed to be was smushed till the seat. I was sitting with my legs folded underneath me. chas vesholom if they were down as normal people sit...
someone pounds on my window and he is trying to open the door. its jammed shut. so he gos to the sliding door and leans in saying are you all right? and I say we are but the kids... its earily silent in the back. so I tell him I am afraid to look. and he said how many kids are back here- I say 4 K"H and he says well I see 4 pairs of eyes looking at me. I started to turn around but my neck was so painful that I couldn't fully turn. suddenly someone screams fire! and the I don't know how pushed the sliding door open and they literally threw the kids out of the car into a waiting van. then we came outt and when I looked there was no fire- so I on't know but it got us out of the van fast enough.
my son was bleeding on his face but otherwise everyone else of hte kids had not a SINGLE scratch o them. the boys were COVERED in shards of glass that shattered from the side windos but not a scratch aside from his face. turned out later to be a small cut that missed his eye by 1 milimeter. they ttok the kids with their car seats and put them in the other van.

I am sitting there and the heat is going when I am turning to sooth them and I see everyone start running for the trees and my hubby running twards the van. I turn more and see anoterh 18 wheeler swooshing by us trying to get control of itself and missed us. everyone else was running to not get hurt- hubby was running to tey to prtect us. the conditions were sooo slippery and they moved the van we were in closer to the trees off the shoulder, and they flagged downa truck who I saw parked itself in an angle to protect the van if anything were to happen to skid agin. well not a second after it rolled to a stop, I see the whole truck jump into the air and I saw an impact theat the angle would have hit our van had the truck not been there. I look forward and see a jeep flying through the air landing a few feet in front of us. finally the police and ambulance came and they put us in. they collected all our suitcases and put them in a seperate ambulance. the only injuries were my sons cut, a cut that they had to glue shut on my leg and sever whiplash for me and slight for hubby.

ok- falling asleep here- more tomorrow.
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Post Wed, Dec 01 2004, 12:26 am
Oh Freilich I just read it
I don't know what to say.
My heart truly goes out to you
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