Almost. I wrote my story about my divorce and mental illness for the book call out to me, but then the publisher decided that they didn't like aspects of my true story and I said pull it
Have you ever felt a huge accomplishment which when you told somebody else they completely invalidated and was like. So what I do that all the time
Almost. I wrote my story about my divorce and mental illness for the book call out to me, but then the publisher decided that they didn't like aspects of my true story and I said pull it
Have you ever felt a huge accomplishment which when you told somebody else they completely invalidated and was like. So what I do that all the time
Not that I can recall. But that sounds like a terrible feeling!
Have you ever bought a gift for a friend, and then discovered she bought the same for you?
Have you ever taken a day off from work and went out somewhere fun, just u?
Not that I can recall
Have you ever met a teacher that taught you when you were very young and she recognized you before you recognized her?
(That happened to me with my 2nd grade teacher!)
Not exactly, but I have taken my children to parks in the cold weather, gone walking through trees, found a stream... The cold is part of the adventure!
Have you ever taken a walk and the ground was muddier than you thought and your foot sunk into the ground?
Not exactly, but I have taken my children to parks in the cold weather, gone walking through trees, found a stream... The cold is part of the adventure!
Have you ever taken a walk and the ground was muddier than you thought and your foot sunk into the ground?
Have you ever gone for a walk and the sky opened up into torrential downpour?