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NY: They ARE coming after your kids

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Post Wed, Sep 21 2022, 4:39 pm
Email I received from John Gilmore of The Autism Action Network

NY: They ARE coming after your kids:

New bill allows ANY medical procedure without parental consent

After twenty years of closely interacting with the New York legislature I didn’t think I could be surprised by anything they do. I was wrong. There is a bill, Assembly Bill A9963, that allows ANY medical procedure to be done to ANY minor of ANY age without parental knowledge or consent. Parents are removed completely from healthcare decisions for our children.

Far beyond giving drugs or immunizations to your children, this bill allows any medical procedure including surgery, ANY kind of surgery, without your knowledge or consent, as long as the person providing the surgery thinks your child understands the consequences of what they are doing.

The New York legislature just passed a law prohibiting anyone under the age of 21 from buying whipped cream dispensers for fear that some young people would huff the nitrous oxide propellant, and minors may not consent in New York to getting their ears pierced or going to a tanning parlor. But it is OK to allow a child to “consent” to surgery?

Please call the following Assemblymembers who have sponsored the bill and politely explain to them why this is not a good idea.

Before you do that, please CLICK HERE to send a message to your Assemblymember asking him or her to oppose A9963.

Richard Gottfried, (D-West Midtown) (212) 807-7900, (518) 455-4941

Amy Paulin, (D-Scarsdale), (914) 723-1115, (518) 455-5585

Joanne Simon, (D-Brooklyn Heights) (718) 246-4889, (518) 455-5426

Karines Reyes, (D- Parkchester) (718) 931-2620, (518) 455-5102

Maritza Davila, (D-East Williamsburg) (718) 443-1205, (518) 455-5537

Edward Gibbs, (D- East Harlem), (212) 828-3953, (518) 455-4781

You can read the bill for yourself here: https://nyassembly.gov/leg/?de.....ext=Y

A9963 was introduced by outgoing Assembly Health Committee Chair Richard Gottfried. Gottfried is retiring after more than 50 years in the Assembly and more than 30 as Chair of the Health Committee. But you can be sure that someone else in the Assembly will pick up the bill in the next session.

It is already possible under New York law to bill parents’ health insurance but not inform the policy holder that charges have been made to their account. New York law also allows for children to qualify for Medicaid to allow payment for procedures and drugs without parental knowledge or consent.

What could be a more powerful attack on parents and families?

What legislation could make children more vulnerable to rapacious drug companies, quacks and medical service providers looking first and foremost to make money?

What is the unmet need for medical services this bill is supposed to alleviate?

Nothing in the bill prevents children from “consenting” to participating in medical experiments.

Did it ever occur to the bill’s sponsors that medical service providers may have financial interests that do not coincide with the best interests of a child?

What protections are there for children with developmental disabilities?

What happens when things go wrong? How are parents supposed to make healthcare decisions for their children when they may have no idea what drugs the child is taking or what procedures have been done?

Please share this message with friends and family, and please share on social networks while we still can.

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Follow us on Instagram, https://instagram.com/autismactionnetwork/
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Post Wed, Sep 21 2022, 5:30 pm
Really really frightening. But not surprising. Many if us saw this coming in the past few years but instead were called "conspiracy theorists". This is what happens when you let the government interfere with your health decisions. Those of you who supported the vax mandates and those who didn't "support" the mandate but were happy about the perks it gave them, you can thank yourselves.
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