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New California Curriculum and Jewish Privilege
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Post Tue, Sep 01 2020, 1:26 pm
Rapell, I was focusing on intergenerational wealth as a product of redlining. I do not automatically equate wealth with one ethinicity or another.
Monkeymama, the discussion topic in question appears to be about comparing and contrasting different ethnicities ability to assimilate and thrive in America. I posted from the unit overview which I was directed to read, not this particular topic.
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Post Tue, Sep 01 2020, 1:35 pm
Ruchel wrote:
In my world you are what you ARE. There's no whiter than Ikrish Wink and European Jews are white

Yes, but not all Jews are European and some people don't seem to acknowledge this. In America, white is not just the color of your skin.
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Post Tue, Sep 01 2020, 2:31 pm
saw50st8 wrote:

California is implementing a new curriculum to be inclusive of racial issues. One of the resources for the curriculum is about comparing Jewish and Irish immigrants now have privilege.

Link to curriculum here: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/c.....8d9Vs

The paragraph below is taken from Appendix A.

Unit 6: Irish and Jewish Americans: Redefining White and American
We will examine the differences between the reception of Jewish and Irish immigrants to what it means to be Jewish and Irish now in the twenty first century. We will discuss parallels between language used to describe Irish and Jewish immigrants to those used in the early years of the United States to describe Native Americans. Students will investigate labor disputes and how they were ended and how that relates to the redefining of white. Posing questions on who gets to decide those that get to join the 'club' and why. Students will write a paper detailing certain events in American history that have led to Jewish and Irish Americans gaining racial privilege. They will be asked to think critically about why and who is allowing this evolution in white identity and how this shift is affecting the identity of Irish and Jewish Americans.


I actually think that this is the danger of the liberal left. The idea of lumping Jews in with privilege allows the subtle shift of allowing antisemitism to continue in different, more subtle forms. I think I prefer the rabid straightforward antisemitism of the radical right who are very open about hating us then this method of slowly building up the idea that Jews have privilege and can be marginalized as white until its convenient to marginalize us as Zionists.

EMAIL YOUR CONCERN at ethnicstudies@cde.ca.gov. Or call them at 916-319-0243. Let your voice be heard.
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Post Tue, Sep 01 2020, 3:00 pm
youngishbear wrote:
While I agree in principle that this is not good, I personally would find it interesting to compare the two groups, but more importantly, to contrast them. While it's true that the majority of Jews are now considered white, we are in the possibly unique position of being part of the privileged in-group sometimes and for some purposes yet Othered and hated at other times.

It's a bit like the "define what it means to be Jewish" question. I find it an interesting question, but I'd rather not have it debated in public school classrooms across the country.

And at the risk of being a broken record, what price have some Jews paid for white privilege, to be able to pass at the expense of their identity? I don't think I mentioned Gentleman's Agreement yet.
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Post Tue, Sep 01 2020, 3:03 pm
finprof wrote:
Why are you so concerned? Jews and Irish were both discriminated against during their initial migratory waves but both groups assimilated well into American society while maintaining their cultural identities. I only skimmed, but isn't the idea of the assignment to compare the experience of these groups with currently marginalized communities? Y'all really think HS kids can't handle that discussion? They encounter this daily in the halls of every public school in the country! Why not talk about it in the classroom?

Edited to add- Have some faith in kids- they do know that antisemitism exists. Reform and Conservative students have Jewish clubs in public schools where they discuss antisemitism. The ADL is also highly active in schools. Kids understand both privilege and hatred. They see their interplay daily.

Yes, many people of a variety of identities changed their names to get ahead. But they maintained their identities.
May Hashem gather us all, including those who are barely hanging on to their Jewish connections, b'karov!
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Post Tue, Sep 01 2020, 3:40 pm
finprof wrote:
No, I don't think it is THE determining factor but it is A factor, mostly as a function of generational wealth. I don't believe anyone can't succeed, but I do recognize that it is easier for some than others. You can't tell me you don't think Trump had it "easier" than some random person from the inner city. Does that preclude the inner city person from future success? No, but where you start can either give you an undeniable advantage or disadvantage. What is so wrong with having kids recognize and discuss that? How can change happen unless the need for change is recognized and discussed? That is precisely what exercises such as this are meant to do. Their goal isn't to tear anyone down or promote antisemitism, but rather for everyone to openly discuss the factors that both unite and divide us.

Trump had financial privilege. Any black kid raised in a wealthy home in a cushy suburb has the same privilege.

Anyway, if this curriculum discussion makes Jews uncomfortable, are we allowed to weigh in? Or does our "white privilege" preclude us from being allowed to have an opinion? In a world where people call others out for "cultural appropriation" and "racism" all the time, are Jewish people allowed to weigh in on what they perceive as a slippery slope towards anti-semitism? Or are we too privileged for that?
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Post Tue, Sep 01 2020, 4:27 pm
Gold21- why says your not allowed to? Its a discussion.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 4:40 am
Bruria wrote:
Yes, but not all Jews are European and some people don't seem to acknowledge this. In America, white is not just the color of your skin.

No one would call a black Jew white. No one should call a white Jew non white. I disagree with so much in america. Just one thing to the list. It is novlague to call an Irish non white. It is novlangue to call a WHITE non white.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 5:12 am
This is not so much in an American context, but an interesting read. Much more applicable to the UK, where the Irish were treated very badly and colonised. (still are, in fact)


Anti Jewish or Irish (or even Catholic) sentiment, may not exactly be racism, but it is definitely a thing.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 5:29 am
Not reading new posts yet but want to give everyone the heads up that in a few minutes, Hugh Hewitt will be interviewing Don Jr. on his new book Liberal Privilege. (I have no prior knowledge about the book. Not responsible for anyone who doesn't have Tums available.)
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 6:08 am
finprof wrote:
The overview says:
". Furthermore, ethnic studies scholars and classroom teachers established through research that courses in the field have:

Curious how African American students evaluate the class
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