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Family thrown off flight b/c toddler wouldn’t wear a mask!
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 1:01 pm
Here is the video. The passengers were on the mother's side. Also, all the comments on YouTube were protesting this TYRANNY.

America used to be a beacon of FREEDOM but now.....

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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 1:07 pm
#BestBubby wrote:
Here is the video. The passengers were on the mother's side. Also, all the comments on YouTube were protesting this TYRANNY.

America used to be a beacon of FREEDOM but now.....

While I agree that government mandates are poorly followed and enforced, I totally agree with allowing all businesses to decide how to best protect employees and customers. In this case, however, they arbitrarily changed their policy after the passengers boarded.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 1:13 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
I just watched the video. I don’t know why everyone is saying she was screaming and yelling. She was actually really quiet and composed all things considering. You heard the desperation and hysteria in her voice but she did not resort to screaming or any offensive language. It was others who were screaming and yelling. And jet blue is so stupid. Why any company would ever act like this is beyond me. Don’t they want business?

I guess everyone has a different tolerance level since she was definitely screaming and yelling and out of control in my opinion. She was "swearing" (not foul language but swear as in a neder, which is wild) and threatening (involving media) refusing etc.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 1:20 pm
little neshamala wrote:
Yes, but this is distracting from the main point, which is that at the time the story occured, Jet Blue's policy, while strict, did specify that small children who can not keep a mask on are excempt.

If they can show the flight attendant wasn't aware of the change in protocols (which sounds like it was happening on a weekly basis if not daily), I don't see how this is going to be a majorly winning lawsuit. They will settle and probably not for a huge amount, just because they don't want to deal with it. Probably if it did go to court, they would win. They have enough money to hire top of the line lawyers.
The anti semitism claims really aren't helpful, either.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 1:33 pm
newcomer wrote:
If they can show the flight attendant wasn't aware of the change in protocols (which sounds like it was happening on a weekly basis if not daily), I don't see how this is going to be a majorly winning lawsuit. They will settle and probably not for a huge amount, just because they don't want to deal with it. Probably if it did go to court, they would win. They have enough money to hire top of the line lawyers.
The anti semitism claims really aren't helpful, either.

The change was in the reverse. Until this story happened small children were exempt. While this was going on JetBlue reversed course and updated their site to remove the exemption. I initially didn't believe this was true but I checked the internet archive and it backs this up.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 1:41 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
I just watched the video. I don’t know why everyone is saying she was screaming and yelling. She was actually really quiet and composed all things considering. You heard the desperation and hysteria in her voice but she did not resort to screaming or any offensive language. It was others who were screaming and yelling. And jet blue is so stupid. Why any company would ever act like this is beyond me. Don’t they want business?

Every business is terrified of not being PC enough. And being PC includes forcing mask orders.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 2:43 pm
Blessing1 wrote:
Did you see how they replied to the mom? She brought up Nazi Germany. We shouldn't be bringing up Nazi Germany whenever anyone behaves wrongfully towards us. This might just attract more negative attention. I think her response is harsh in general. She's making it seem like only jews are required to wear masks and that places that require masks have lost their humanity. This is pretty harsh. Seems like she's starting an anti mask movement, this is bad news. The stories she's been posting are in bad taste, especially coming from jews.

Nazi Germany in reference to exactly how Hitlers brownshirts took power - limited freedom, encouraged snitching, it's actually eerily similar and a very educated comparison.

Also, mlw (not to be confused with the plane mom) is not starting an anti mask movement, she provides research on efficacy of masks (hint: none).

And the same way you say lets not call Hitler, I say let's not call Jews. Let everyone be brave enough to speak up against the freedoms we are slowly losing, and don't kid yourself, that's exactly whats happening in our country. The government has told us where to shop, even when to leave our house, whether we are allowed to work or not, whether we can have our faces free in public. All to save us from the deadliest virus in history? The numbers don't support that, at all. (Not to go off topic here)
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 2:51 pm
trixx wrote:
Nazi Germany in reference to exactly how Hitlers brownshirts took power - limited freedom, encouraged snitching, it's actually eerily similar and a very educated comparison.

Also, mlw (not to be confused with the plane mom) is not starting an anti mask movement, she provides research on efficacy of masks (hint: none).

And the same way you say lets not call Hitler, I say let's not call Jews. Let everyone be brave enough to speak up against the freedoms we are slowly losing, and don't kid yourself, that's exactly whats happening in our country. The government has told us where to shop, even when to leave our house, whether we are allowed to work or not, whether we can have our faces free in public. All to save us from the deadliest virus in history? The numbers don't support that, at all. (Not to go off topic here)

Hitler singled out the jews. Bh, jews are not being singled out. We're not being tortured or losing are freedom. Nazi Germany does not come in here bh.
If holocaust survivors would hear the people are referring to what's going on now as nazi Germany, they'd be horrified. She's making it sound like we're being tortured and having our rights taken away. Her reactions and stories are pretty harsh, it didn't even happen to her. She wasn't there. Her stories are open for the world to see, we should be a bit more careful. She's posting curse words and foul language, not something that jews should be posting publicly.

Last edited by Blessing1 on Thu, Aug 20 2020, 3:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 2:57 pm
QueensMama wrote:
You dont seem to understand the sequence of events. The child would not wear a mask despite the mom's best efforts. You would just walk off, six kids in tow? And then what, try your luck on the next flight?

Nah I say just leave the kid behind
She has more anyways

Can't Believe It
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 3:00 pm
bzb wrote:
Even the most unreasonable very almost 3 yr old can be bribed with a lolly. Cmon.
Stick a lolly in her mouth and all would’ve been good .
Or Instead of using all ur energy on the stupid flight attendant use it to TALK to ur ,again, basically 3 yr old.
Honey, do u want to see the big plane go high in the sky? Great! We gotta keep this on tilllll we’re up in shamayim! And while ur wearing the mask, let’s pick out which treat ur gonna want when we are in shamayim.

My toddler can’t get bribed with a lolly.

Now what’s your plan?
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 3:07 pm
giselle wrote:
In a calmer manner, because ultimately her screaming got her nowhere and just traumatized her kids. Again, not because I’m a better person, but because I’m lucky to have learned these skills. I see situations all the time that are not handled well due to lack of skills, and everyone just ends up stressed out. It doesn’t have to be this way. That’s all I’m saying. There’s literally no judgment on my part. I’m trying to make people aware that there is a better way. It’s like when people here post very stressful parenting moments that can be avoided, and someone posts excellent advice and then gets told they don’t understand kids or whatever. That’s not true. I don’t know why people just assume things have to be a certain way. Just like it’s not a rule that kids have to be ungrateful and complain because that’s what kids do, it’s not a rule that we have to respond to bad behavior with our own yelling and screaming.

You’re assuming people deal with things poorly because of a lack of skills but Bh Bh you have those incredible skills!
Did you ever meet a person so vile and impossible?
I guess not.
Because it doesn’t always take two.
Sometimes it takes one.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 3:11 pm
giselle wrote:
I’m not, but I see you’re insistent on insisting so, so I will respectfully bow out from this conversation which I have nothing more to add to.

Love the dismissiveness, with the hint of condescension!

I wouldn’t want to learn your skills.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 3:17 pm
Blessing1 wrote:
Hitler singled out the jews. Bh, jews are not being singled out. We're not being tortured or losing are freedom. Nazi Germany does not come in here bh.
If holocaust survivors would hear the people are referring to what's going on now as nazi Germany, they'd be horrified. She's making it sound like we're being tortured and having our rights taken away. Her reactions and stories are pretty harsh, it didn't even happen to her. She wasn't there. Her stories are open for the world to see, we should be a bit more careful. She's posting curse words and foul language, not something that jews should be posting publicly.

Hitler rewired a society. Have you read The Wave? That is the point being made here.

I don't agree with this whole premise. May as well speak up, they'll find things to come after us for regardless.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 3:56 pm
newcomer wrote:
If they can show the flight attendant wasn't aware of the change in protocols (which sounds like it was happening on a weekly basis if not daily), I don't see how this is going to be a majorly winning lawsuit. They will settle and probably not for a huge amount, just because they don't want to deal with it. Probably if it did go to court, they would win. They have enough money to hire top of the line lawyers.
The anti semitism claims really aren't helpful, either.

Um, no, it's the flight attendant's job to be up to date with the airline's policy, even if it changes HOURLY.

I hope they pay big.
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  little neshamala


Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 4:19 pm
newcomer wrote:
If they can show the flight attendant wasn't aware of the change in protocols (which sounds like it was happening on a weekly basis if not daily), I don't see how this is going to be a majorly winning lawsuit. They will settle and probably not for a huge amount, just because they don't want to deal with it. Probably if it did go to court, they would win. They have enough money to hire top of the line lawyers.
The anti semitism claims really aren't helpful, either.

I dont think so. The flight attendants and pilot should be aware of the policy, I dont care how often it changes.
If theyre uncertain, they can ask their superior
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 4:43 pm
For all you judgmental ones, I know this woman and she is the gentlest, least confrontational person you will find. I can't imagine the stress of having to deplane with six kids. Also, she offered to "force" the mask on her kid, but the stewardess told her she had to deplane because her toddler was already unmasked. Meaning, once you're unmasked, you've earned a "consequence". You can't just say, "ok, I'll put it on". Beyond stupid.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 4:45 pm
bzb wrote:
Even the most unreasonable very almost 3 yr old can be bribed with a lolly. Cmon.
Stick a lolly in her mouth and all would’ve been good .
Or Instead of using all ur energy on the stupid flight attendant use it to TALK to ur ,again, basically 3 yr old.
Honey, do u want to see the big plane go high in the sky? Great! We gotta keep this on tilllll we’re up in shamayim! And while ur wearing the mask, let’s pick out which treat ur gonna want when we are in shamayim.

Do you have kids??
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 5:02 pm
nchr wrote:
That's more than enough. Even then she was responsible for 6 children- how is it okay to subject them to hysteria once asked to leave. Do you know how much anxiety that causes children? When you're teaching little ones about the world and other people and life you always need to be 110% on your game and stay calm for them no matter what's going on inside. That's how they learn to deal with challenges. I'm sure she was in an awful position but that doesn't excuse her reaction. And kids can eat lollipops under masks to the poster who asked (but I wouldn't give my kid a lollipop for wearing a mask - but that may be effective for some).

You always know better and can do better than everyone else.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 5:12 pm
I am looking at press release dated August 5 which requires face masks for everyone except a child two or under.

If the child was 2 then the child was required to wear a mask - e.g. anyone more than 24 months must wear a mask.

I would assume the flight attendant was basing it on instructions received as of August 5.


"If a crewmember identifies a face covering or mask that does not appear sufficient based on its features or potential lack of protection, they will provide a mask for the customer to use instead," the airline said.

The rule will not apply to children two years and younger.

The airline said any customer who doesn't agree to wear a face covering will not be allowed to board and customers who don't follow in-flight crew requests to wear a face covering will be reviewed for future travel on JetBlue.
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Post Thu, Aug 20 2020, 6:02 pm
This is a very unpleasant story.

For the mother; it looks like she really tried her best before she started screaming. I feel bad for her.
She was lost and she felt singled out.

I'm not sure how I would handle this situation but I know that I'm not stepping foot into any vehicle with 6 children by myself.

I hope she bumps back soon.

For the children; to be part of a chaotic scene. They are resilient. They will bounce back.

And for Klal Yisroel; To have videos going viral of how another Yid says to a non Jewish pilot "this will go to the media" is not just unpleasant but it is not reconcilable.

I know. I have extremely old fashioned views.
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