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Does racism only count
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:23 am
...If it’s against blacks? Or are black people held just as responsible when it emanates from them? It remains to be seen what will happen to this vile anti semite, and if the same level of outrage will result.

Philadelphia NAACP Head Faces Calls To Resign After Briefly Posting Anti-Semitic Meme On Facebook

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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:25 am
He is facing calls to resign.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:32 am
chanatron1000 wrote:
He is facing calls to resign.

Yes... calls from Jews! Let’s see the outrage from others who pretend to care so much about racism. Or does racism only count when it’s against black people?
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:34 am
What do you do about racism that black people face? Do you call for racists to resign?
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:43 am
Apparently these days it only counts if it's against African Americans. Feel free to be racist against white people and it's totally fine.


Such a double standard. I'm all for equality, but that's equality for ALL.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:43 am
chanatron1000 wrote:
What do you do about racism that black people face? Do you call for racists to resign?

Can you give an example of racism that blacks face?

I see lots of examples of black PRIVILEGE:

1. affirmative action allows less qualified african-americans to get college admissions and jobs which is legal DISCRIMINATION in FAVOR of POC.

2. People of Color cannot be criticized. If you criticize a POC, you are automatically a racist.

3. Racism against White People is rampant. ALL white people are deemed Racist.
As OBAMA stated "IT IS IN THEIR DNA". If anyone says that Black DNA is inferior to White
DNA that is Racism. But to smear an entire racial group (Whites) is perfectly legitimate!

4. For a White Person to deny they are Racist is PROOF they are Racist!

5. For a White Person to say they are Color Blind is proof they are Racist.
So Dr. Martin Luther King was also a Racist because he advocated for a color blind society.

6. Any failure by Black People or POC is not the fault of the individual but the fault
of White People's Racism.

7. This Racism is INVISIBLE, but they know it exists. It is called "systemic" racism which is
another word for Racism we cannot prove but "know" exists. See #4 "Any failure...."
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:46 am
ohmygosh wrote:
Apparently these days it only counts if it's against African Americans. Feel free to be racist against white people and it's totally fine.


Such a double standard. I'm all for equality, but that's equality for ALL.

Absolutely right.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:51 am
Discrimination against white people is legal. Many Jews consider themselves white therefore its legal to discriminate against us under the pretext of being "white". Why do you expect non-Jews not to discriminate against Jews (who they consider "white") when Jews dont speak out against it?
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:55 am
Racism against white people is being taught at schools--
Racial obsessions make it impossible for NYC schools to treat parents, kids as people, By Maud Maron

July 23, 2020 | 7:51pm | Updated

I am a mom, a public defender, an elected public-school council member and a City Council candidate. But at a city Department of Education anti-bias training, I was instructed to refer to myself as a “white woman” — as if my whole life reduces to my race.

Those who oppose this ideology are shunned and humiliated, even as it does nothing to actually improve our broken schools.

Though facing severe budget cuts, the DOE has spent more than $6 million for the training, which defines qualities such as “worship of the written word,” “individualism” and “objectivity” as “white-supremacy culture.”

The administration, and many local politicians, buy into a benign-sounding but chilling doctrine called anti-racism, which ­insists on defining everyone by race, invites discrimination and divides all thought and behavior along a racial axis.

Many of the theories trace to “White Fragility,” a small-minded book which relentlessly insists all white people are racist and need to think about race all the time. Conveniently for its author, who charges $6,000 an hour to discuss this conundrum, there is no way to fix the situation … except with more of her expensive workshops.

I was personally exposed to the pitfalls of this ideology after New York Times writer Nikole Hannah-Jones asked to interview me. She had heard me testify at a City Council hearing, where I said, “Parents who disagree with [Chancellor Richard Carranza] should not have to be called racist all the time.”

Our interview lasted 90 minutes and covered a range of topics, but she and others in the toxic Twittersphere took offense at my suggestion to listen to other parents’ viewpoints, “even if you think it’s racist.” That bit was snipped out of a much longer answer about the importance of integration efforts and the role of school choice.

Naturally, the Twitter mobs ­descended on me.

After I explained my thinking and provided context on Twitter, Hannah-Jones tweeted in response that it was “disingenuous” of me to refer to specialized high schools as “majority people of color,” when they are actually “Asian.”

Her casual dismissal of Asians as not being people of color infuriated many who viewed her comment as racist. Nevertheless, she is a public-school parent, and she should be invited to the table to continue to discuss her concerns about her daughter’s education, even though many people think her words are evidence of her racism.

See how that works?

There are some who are much more interested in casting aspersions than doing the hard work of building alliances to achieve the important shared goal of fixing our schools. And they need fixing.


Obscene federal 'diversity training' scam prospers — even under Trump
In 2019, only 46 percent of students were proficient in math and 47 percent in English Language Arts. For black students, who struggle the most, those numbers drop to 28 percent and 35 percent, respectively. Only 75 percent graduate high school.

Yet the race-obsessed account of education reform persists. The state Department of Education is funding school districts to develop and implement integration plans based on the theory that integrated schools raise the academic proficiency of all the students.

But the endeavor has its skeptics. At one community forum, a Chinese-American parent shared that she transferred her child from a majority-white school to a less affluent, mostly Asian school, where she believed the students are “better behaved and work harder.” She told me, “I don’t think sitting next to white kids is important for learning.” Then she added: “No offense, Maud.” Which made me laugh and made me think.

I want more integrated schools, regardless of whether integration is an academic booster. Diverse classrooms have beautiful gifts to bestow, wholly separate from the crude metric of increased test scores. But we have to think through all this with nuance, not by vilifying some parents or setting parents against each other.

We all want a well-integrated, high-quality public-school system. Parents have the right to demand an education that prepares their children to meet or exceed grade-level expectations, which in America often lag other countries.

Those who yell the loudest about integration should stop the accusations against those who think or speak differently than they do about the shared goal of integrated, quality schools — and find ways to work together.

Maud Maron is a public-school parent and the president of Community Education Council District 2.

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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:58 am
#BestBubby wrote:
Can you give an example of racism that blacks face?

It's pretty extreme to deny the existence of racism altogether.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 10:59 am
Racism against white people is perfectly acceptable and legal in the FDNY:

A top FDNY official says it’s “most definitely” acceptable to exclude a white firefighter from a ceremonial unit based solely on his skin color, The Post has learned.

Cecilia Loving, the department’s chief diversity and inclusion officer, is defending a decision to kick Lt. Daniel McWilliams — one of three firefighters in the iconic 9/11 Ground Zero flag-raising photo — off a color-guard procession so it would be all-black.

Loving testified at a state Divsion of Human Rights trial on McWilliam’s complaint that he was the victim of racial bias.

When McWilliams showed up at a 2017 memorial mass to honor deceased members of the Vulcan Society, a fraternal group of black FDNY firefighters, he was barred from holding a flag in the color guard.

Regina Wilson, then Vulcan Society president, asked McWilliams to “help in a different capacity” because he is not black.

Loving, who is black, testified there is nothing wrong with that.

“So, a request for an all-black color guard is not discriminatory?” McWilliam’s lawyer, Keith Sullivan, asked in the trial.

“No, it isn’t,” Loving replied.

Asked if it’s acceptable to request an all-black color guard, she said, “Most definitely.”

Loving said it’s okay to replace a white member with an African-American to “uplift our identities and our separate ethnicities in order to instill a sense of pride and community and support for one another.”

Enlarge ImageDaniel McWilliam
Daniel McWilliamsAP
In a written brief, Sullivan called the rejection of McWilliams “deplorable,” and evidence of a stark double standard in the FDNY.

“If you’re black and you discriminate against a white person in the workplace, you get a slap on the wrist at best,” he wrote. A white person who discriminates gets “heavy-handed discipline and punishment.”

Wilson received “one hour of counseling” as discipline for her treatment of McWilliams.

“The FDNY has created a policy and procedure for bending over backwards, coming up with excuses and accommodating members of the Vulcan Society … who commit racist acts, and it has to stop,” Sullivan wrote.

McWilliams declined to comment, but he was upset and “embarrassed” by the incident, Sullivan said.

After filing his complaint, McWilliams was the target of retaliation and intimidation by Wilson’s supporters, Sullivan argues. One put his hands on McWilliams, and said, ”I’ve heard about you, they told me you’d act this way, and now you know me.”

The FDNY declined to comment because a final decision is pending.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:02 am
But one example of racism is Joe Biden's "poor kids are just as bright as white kids" being tolerated simply because his opponent is perceived as worse.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:05 am
chanatron1000 wrote:
But one example of racism is Joe Biden's "poor kids are just as bright as white kids" being tolerated simply because his opponent is perceived as worse.

There are plenty of poor white kids so the comment is nonsensical.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:10 am
#BestBubby wrote:
Can you give an example of racism that blacks face?

I see lots of examples of black PRIVILEGE:

1. affirmative action allows less qualified african-americans to get college admissions and jobs which is legal DISCRIMINATION in FAVOR of POC.

2. People of Color cannot be criticized. If you criticize a POC, you are automatically a racist.

3. Racism against White People is rampant. ALL white people are deemed Racist.
As OBAMA stated "IT IS IN THEIR DNA". If anyone says that Black DNA is inferior to White
DNA that is Racism. But to smear an entire racial group (Whites) is perfectly legitimate!

4. For a White Person to deny they are Racist is PROOF they are Racist!

5. For a White Person to say they are Color Blind is proof they are Racist.
So Dr. Martin Luther King was also a Racist because he advocated for a color blind society.

6. Any failure by Black People or POC is not the fault of the individual but the fault
of White People's Racism.

7. This Racism is INVISIBLE, but they know it exists. It is called "systemic" racism which is
another word for Racism we cannot prove but "know" exists. See #4 "Any failure...."

1. I'm opposed to affirmative action but it exists because of the way the US treated/treats black people. Not an example of privilege.

2. Not an example of privilege. Privilege is about how the person themselves benefits.

3. Not an example of privilege.

4. Not an example of privilege.

5. Same as above.

6. Same as above.

7. Why is it invisible?
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:11 am
monkeymamma wrote:
There are plenty of poor white kids so the comment is nonsensical.

It shows that Biden thinks of all non-whites as poor.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:14 am
monkeymamma wrote:
Discrimination against white people is legal. Many Jews consider themselves white therefore its legal to discriminate against us under the pretext of being "white". Why do you expect non-Jews not to discriminate against Jews (who they consider "white") when Jews dont speak out against it?

Discrimination based on religion is illegal. Therefore discrimination against Jews (who can be any color) is NOT legal.

And Jews have been at the fore-front of the Civil Rights Movement - even two Jews who were martyred - murdered - while fighting for voting rights for African-Americans! So it is
anti-semitic of you to accuse Jews of not speaking out for rights of African-Americans!
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:15 am
#BestBubby wrote:
Discrimination based on religion is illegal. Therefore discrimination against Jews (who can be any color) is NOT legal.

Jews are an etho-religious group. Discrimination based on ethnicity is not the same as religious discrimination.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:17 am
monkeymamma wrote:
Discrimination against white people is legal. Many Jews consider themselves white therefore its legal to discriminate against us under the pretext of being "white". Why do you expect non-Jews not to discriminate against Jews (who they consider "white") when Jews dont speak out against it?

In all fairness, it’s jews that are speaking out about the NAACP lowlife.
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:18 am
chanatron1000 wrote:
But one example of racism is Joe Biden's "poor kids are just as bright as white kids" being tolerated simply because his opponent is perceived as worse.

Can't Believe It
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Post Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:19 am
chanatron1000 wrote:
It shows that Biden thinks of all non-whites as poor.

It shows he’s senile like everything else he says off teleprompter does.


Last edited by Cheiny on Mon, Jul 27 2020, 11:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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