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Is coronavirus going to obstruct Pesach travel?
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 7:59 am
Was just publicized that the woman in NY who has Corona (the wife of the man from New Rochelle) was in Jerusalem last week. She was all over the city, in all the popular places, restuarants, public transportation, stores, malls etc.
It's all over folks.[/quote she her son
And daughter tested positive a the man who drove husband had it a man and wife who are friends with them
Have three of their kids have it one daughter does not have it
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 8:12 am
chanchy123 wrote:
No. I’m pretty sure the US will be next on the list. As of now very few people are traveling through Ben Gurion. Ella is laying off 1000 employees. All international conferences have been canceled. This is very likely the next step.

Do you realize the economic repercussions of such a decision? Most Western Countries could not afford to risk that. If every country in the world closed there borders for 2 weeks, shut schools and work etc. the virus would be over and contained, but the financial repercussions would be worse than the results of the virus so they weigh the pros v the cons. I guess never say never, but like Etky said, it would be a very very very hard decision.
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 9:00 am
etky wrote:
Was just publicized that the woman in NY who has Corona (the wife of the man from New Rochelle) was in Jerusalem last week. She was all over the city, in all the popular places, restuarants, public transportation, stores, malls etc.
It's all over folks.

She was not in isreal last week
The lawyer davened at the young isreal of newrochelle on feb 22 the shul is now closed
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 9:11 am
amother [ Periwinkle ] wrote:
She was not in isreal last week
The lawyer davened at the young isreal of newrochelle on feb 22 the shul is now closed

Well, if she wasn't, someone else was, and Misrad HaBriut have published a very detailed list of her movements. They don't mention names. They maintain privacy as far as possible. It doesn't really matter who it was. A woman, who later tested positive for covid-19 was around Jerusalem last week.
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 9:12 am
amother [ Periwinkle ] wrote:
She was not in isreal last week
The lawyer davened at the young isreal of newrochelle on feb 22 the shul is now closed

Well then maybe it was a different 50-ish year old frum woman from NY who was in close contact with the lawyer hospitalized with Corona (this is how she was described by the media here). I assumed it was his wife. She was here from Feb. 23-27.
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 9:45 am
Op Israel just cancelled ALL INCOMING flights. Only Israely citizens can get in and they need to be under supervision for 2 weeks... GL
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 9:51 am
amother [ Slateblue ] wrote:
Op Israel just cancelled ALL INCOMING flights. Only Israely citizens can get in and they need to be under supervision for 2 weeks... GL

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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 9:56 am
That's a bit of an exaggeration. A number of European airlines have stopped flights to Israel for the immediate future. Others, from non restricted countries, have cut the amount of flights, due to lack of demand.

Israel has not closed its borders.

Medical personnel are not allowed to leave the country without special permission.
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:02 am
My sis (whose daughter is in Israel for seminary) told me that a number of people are bringing their daughters home today, as they are afraid they won't be able to come home later on.

My niece's flight home for Pesach (via Rome) was cancelled. Cost was refunded. She now booked a flight via Moscow and is hoping that won't be cancelled. (she has contingency plans if she ends up staying in Israel for Pesach.)
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:11 am
I'm pregnant. My friends are coming back from Israel shortly and we planned to visit. Should I stay away? That bad? Or can I be careful not to hug etc... and wash my hands when I leave?
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:23 am
Bringing kids home from seminary? Why don't the seminaries just make pesach for them there? Sure it would be a big project but it would also be a real experience, and having families arrange all this extra traveling and potentially have the girls miss almost half their seminary year is insane!
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:24 am
What are the chances of our flight to London being cancelled?
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:27 am
seeker wrote:
Bringing kids home from seminary? Why don't the seminaries just make pesach for them there? Sure it would be a big project but it would also be a real experience, and having families arrange all this extra traveling and potentially have the girls miss almost half their seminary year is insane!

Agree it sounds insane to me. Plus many of these students are losing their Masa by ending the year early, and it will cost their parents a small fortune.

I think these people are panicking, thinking their kids will be stuck there and unable to come home for quite a while....

Seminaries can arrange Pesach, but many students want to be with family for Y"T, not in the dorm. It can be a real experience for some girls, but some girls have different personality types and needs. I know my niece would not like to stay in her seminary for Y"T, but B"H we have lots of family there who are very happy to accommodate her if she ends up staying.

Last edited by Chayalle on Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:29 am

Last edited by allthingsblue on Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:33 am
nchr wrote:
Do you realize the economic repercussions of such a decision? Most Western Countries could not afford to risk that. If every country in the world closed there borders for 2 weeks, shut schools and work etc. the virus would be over and contained, but the financial repercussions would be worse than the results of the virus so they weigh the pros v the cons. I guess never say never, but like Etky said, it would be a very very very hard decision.

Yes, I do. Israel has decided to be uber strict so it does not become Italy or Iran (or WA state). There are now 50-100k people in quarantine. 16 known coronavirus carriers. Whenever a person tests positive the media announces their whereabouts for 14 days prior and anyone who was there has to self quarantine by law. That’s besides mandatory self quarantine for people who have returned from a list of countries and a bunch of other steps.
Israel figures it’s better to lose the business warding off an epidemic than having a full blown plague. They figure a pandemic will cripple the economy far worse and this is their hishtadlut
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:34 am
allthingsblue wrote:
ASk your ob. From what I've read, it seems pregnant women and infants are not particularly at risk. It's mostly the sick and elderly. (If you will be in contact with a sick or elderly person, I would stay away so as not to expose them through indirect contact.)

It is dangerous in late pregnancy. Can cause preterm birth and death
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:36 am
Zehava wrote:
It is dangerous in late pregnancy. Can cause preterm birth and death

You're right- I'm deleting my post.
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:45 am
Zehava wrote:
It is dangerous in late pregnancy. Can cause preterm birth and death

So if I'm at the start of my 2nd trimester it's not terrible? I guess I'll need to ask my ob.
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Ema of 5


Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:48 am
Not quite the same thing, as our plans don’t include international travel, but we are planning on going to my in laws and parents, in two different states. Our plan was to fly. I don’t think we will totally cancel our plans, but we may drive to my parents instead. (My in laws live within driving distance.) My real concern is that my father is on chemo, so I will speak to him when pesach gets closer, and see what the deal is, and if THEY want us to make any changes or cancellations.
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Post Thu, Mar 05 2020, 10:50 am
Zehava wrote:
It is dangerous in late pregnancy. Can cause preterm birth and death

Where do you have proof of that?
There have been two studies on 18 women in late pregnancy. The results were similar to those of healthy women. Unless there have been more studies, there is no proof in either direction and no information at all about earlier in pregnancy.
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