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Wake Up America
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 5:24 pm
southernbubby wrote:
Shuls should have a few armed congregants and an active shooter drill. Armed members can take turns guarding entrances.

And schools and yeshivas too, with active shooter drills. Maybe even self defense courses.
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 5:29 pm
momfive wrote:
And schools and yeshivas too, with active shooter drills. Maybe even self defense courses.

Self defense against an assault rifle is usually another gun but that requires training.
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 6:53 pm
Yes, we do need to make do our hishtadlus - lock down drills, security, etc.
But before, during, and after, above all, know the profound truth of the first pesukim of Tehillim 127.
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 7:04 pm
I don't think that from a purely safety perspective, that Israel is safer than the United States.
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 7:45 pm
asmileaday wrote:
I don't think your solution is rational.
Firstly, Israel doesn't even have room for all the Jews of the world.
Secondly, I may get bashed for this, but say what you want Israel IS NOT a safe place. I'm sorry, it just isn't.
I'll wait for Moshiach to gather us all and take us there iy"h.

Saying that one place is safer than another is cutting Hashem out of the picture. Hashem can protect us no matter where we live, and if something is meant to happen, it will happen no matter where you are.
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 7:47 pm
shoshanim999 wrote:
I don't think that from a purely safety perspective, that Israel is safer than the United States.

Nor is the US safer than Israel.
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 8:00 pm
I agree with Pink Fridge. And Heidi
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 8:08 pm
Cheiny wrote:
Saying that one place is safer than another is cutting Hashem out of the picture. Hashem can protect us no matter where we live, and if something is meant to happen, it will happen no matter where you are.

Agreed. That's not a contradiction to what I wrote. I didn't say America is safe and Israel isn't. I merely said Israel is NOT a safe place so there's no reason for the entire world to just pick themselves up right now and flee there.
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 8:12 pm
heidi wrote:
From the dearth of responses I guess I understand.
6 inch heel debates are what really matters.

Heidi, my husband and I are taking everything we are seeing in the US very seriously, and trying very hard to see how we could possibly make it in Eretz Yisrael. Why would we think that after all the antisemitism erupted in Europe we in the US would be immune? And we believe in the promise of the Navi "B'har Tzion tiheye plaita," not that Eretz Yisrael won't suffer the birth pangs of Moshiach, but it will be the best place for Jewish survival when everywhere else becomes unbearable.

We are so frightened of what the move to Eretz Yisrael would do to our family, as we have teens and elementary school aged children, and we know that older American children don't statistically do well with the adjustment to Israeli culture. But the anti-Semitic cartoons in respected newspapers, extreme anti Israel rhetoric by the liberals in government, the shul shootings, CNN covering the measles outbreak by blaming "unvaccinated Chassidic Jews that traveled to Israel," Jews asked to leave flights because "another passenger complained they smelled"...well, we can read the handwriting on the wall. The train has taken off down the tracks, and once it's left, there's no turning back.

When I was growing up in the eighties and nineties, Orthodox Jews were really invisible in the US. Israel was constantly in the news, but not JEWS, and certainly not Orthodox Jews. The only groups that received any sort of media attention were Chabad, because they publicized their kiruv activities. When my husband and I went on trips with school, Bais Yaakov girls and yeshiva bachurim were mistaken for Amish, because who knew what an Orthodox Jew was, outside of maybe Brooklyn NY? Now we are suddenly so visible, we are in the news, and so very despised. My children are growing up in a US I don't recognize...
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 8:40 pm
It’s scary times. I keep thinking I need to do something. Or go somewhere. For the safety of my family. But where? Who decided that Israel is safer place to be a Jew than anywhere else in the world?
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 8:54 pm
solo wrote:
It’s scary times. I keep thinking I need to do something. Or go somewhere. For the safety of my family. But where? Who decided that Israel is safer place to be a Jew than anywhere else in the world?

The Navi, quoted by the Chofetz Chaim when asked where the safest place for Jews would be during the Holocaust. Eretz Yisrael remained safe during the Holocaust, although it was certainly high on Hitler's hit list (see famous story of Rommel and the intended invasion of Palestine). Emes is always emes, in any era.
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soap suds


Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 8:58 pm
doodlesmom wrote:
Israel isn't too desperate for chareidi chassidim either.

Came here to say this. No, Israel is definitely not a country that 'wants' us. If given the coice, they'd want all chareidim to move out of there.
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Post Tue, Apr 30 2019, 9:38 pm
Why put all our eggs in one basket? Until Moshiach comes and we all arrive in Israel, why would we want to concentrate all the world's Jews in one tiny place surrounded by hostile Arab countries? Israel can not exist alone without friends. If USA is no longer a friend to Israel because antisemitism has taken over to the point we all must move out, there is no Israel.

Until Moshiach comes, will there not always be anti-semitism?

Rabbi Goldstein is right. We need to continue to be Jewish. Be the light in the darkness.
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Post Wed, May 01 2019, 5:42 am
Heidi, I was so moved by the rabbi's article as then shocked at the bottom line. I agree, there is no other place for Jews but our land of Israel. This is where we belong. I understand that aliayah is not possible for everyone but cannot fathom how anyone's conclusion from such events is that America is the ideal country for the Jews.
However, I don't understand why you need to badmouth Israel ava Israelis. We are not rude, we have other sets of manners. After driving in the US I really don't understand how anyone can criticize Israeli drivers.
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Post Wed, May 01 2019, 5:50 am
solo wrote:
It’s scary times. I keep thinking I need to do something. Or go somewhere. For the safety of my family. But where? Who decided that Israel is safer place to be a Jew than anywhere else in the world?

G-d? He's pretty explicit about the unique protection, bounty and hashgacha pratit the Jews receive in the Land.


I'm certain someone is going to follow this up with "but I know poor people in Israel!" My response: money isn't riches here. The more you open yourself to G-d, the more bracha and hatzlacha you see in your life everywhere when you live in EY. Things just work out. It defies logic, because it's G-d revealing His open hand. Just like Israel is nourished by rains, and not aquifers or rivers, so too it is nourished by Emunah, and everything here reflects that.
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Post Wed, May 01 2019, 7:51 am
Rappel wrote:
G-d? He's pretty explicit about the unique protection, bounty and hashgacha pratit the Jews receive in the Land.


I'm certain someone is going to follow this up with "but I know poor people in Israel!" My response: money isn't riches here. The more you open yourself to G-d, the more bracha and hatzlacha you see in your life everywhere when you live in EY. Things just work out. It defies logic, because it's G-d revealing His open hand. Just like Israel is nourished by rains, and not aquifers or rivers, so too it is nourished by Emunah, and everything here reflects that.


Also, if Hashem decides that it is my time to die by the bullet of a terrorist, I'd rather have my blood spill on the land of our forefathers, than on the cold pavement of any other country. Meanwhile, I get to walk down the street and see miracles every single day.

(BTW, more people are shot on an average weekend in Chicago, than are shot in Israel in an entire year.)
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