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Tue, Nov 13 2018, 6:07 pm
smile12345 wrote: | I don't think this is true regarding R'Chaim Kanievsky. I believe he once ruled that the school should accept the unvaccinated children and it has since been twisted by anti-vaxxers as support for their movement. He never said you shouldn't vaccinate. |
Please listen to Headlines in Halacha with Dovid Lichtenstein.
Listen to Rabbi Tatz and Dr. Indich.
Rav Chaim shlita is not anti. He is pro. Dr. Indich said he isn't releasing but has access to a recording about a very pro vaccine shailah. And I forgot which speaker said that the anti camp is taking Rav Chaim's words out of context. They explained the context of the well-publicized "psak".
I'm hoping that the other rabbanim's sites have been taken out of context too, and that they don't really believe that vaccines are terrible and shouldn't be administered.
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Tue, Nov 13 2018, 6:21 pm
dena613 wrote: | Please listen to Headlines in Halacha with Dovid Lichtenstein.
Listen to Rabbi Tatz and Dr. Indich.
Rav Chaim shlita is not anti. He is pro. Dr. Indich said he isn't releasing but has access to a recording about a very pro vaccine shailah. And I forgot which speaker said that the anti camp is taking Rav Chaim's words out of context. They explained the context of the well-publicized "psak".
I'm hoping that the other rabbanim's sites have been taken out of context too, and that they don't really believe that vaccines are terrible and shouldn't be administered. | you are correct based on what ive heard
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Tue, Nov 13 2018, 6:26 pm
southernbubby wrote: | I think that a lot of adults who assume that they got both MMR injections at some time in their life in fact did not. From what it sounds like, many of the measles patients are adults and several claim to have been vaccinated. |
According to the news when there were about 50 cases in Richland county no one had 2 shots. So it wasn’t a case of missing information there.
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Tue, Nov 13 2018, 6:31 pm
dena613 wrote: | Please listen to Headlines in Halacha with Dovid Lichtenstein.
Listen to Rabbi Tatz and Dr. Indich.
Rav Chaim shlita is not anti. He is pro. Dr. Indich said he isn't releasing but has access to a recording about a very pro vaccine shailah. And I forgot which speaker said that the anti camp is taking Rav Chaim's words out of context. They explained the context of the well-publicized "psak".
I'm hoping that the other rabbanim's sites have been taken out of context too, and that they don't really believe that vaccines are terrible and shouldn't be administered. |
I tried to listen to this but seriously couldn’t listen to the entire thing.
It was really unprofessional in my opinion.
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Tue, Nov 13 2018, 6:46 pm
smile12345 wrote: | I don't think this is true regarding R'Chaim Kanievsky. I believe he once ruled that the school should accept the unvaccinated children and it has since been twisted by anti-vaxxers as support for their movement. He never said you shouldn't vaccinate. |
This was just discussed on another thread.
Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz said he heard THIS MONTH directly from a Dr friend in Israel who asked R' Kanievsky what his position on vaccinations is. The Dr friend said that R Kanievky said that parents who dont vaccinate should get "petch". Those were the words used by R' Akiva Tatz.
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Tue, Nov 13 2018, 8:30 pm
ra_mom wrote: | R Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky. There's an anti vax coalition with R Malkiel Kotler, R Elya Ber Wachtfogel, R Shmuel Meir Katz. R Matisyahu Salomon's signature was on the must not reject non vax kids from school letter and a bunch of other signatures I couldn't discern.
R Shmuel Kamenetsky and his wife Temi from Philly are the most vocal. |
So there is only one who actually said that not to vaccinate. The others just said don't exclude that is a huge difference. And they said that well before the current outbreak.
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Tue, Nov 13 2018, 8:54 pm
esuss wrote: | So there is only one who actually said that not to vaccinate. The others just said don't exclude that is a huge difference. And they said that well before the current outbreak. |
Its very likely its ONE going on NONE after today's news. Newborns in the ICU? Talk of Anti-Semitism?
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Wed, Nov 14 2018, 2:51 am
Mevater wrote: | Id like to hear the name of ONE Gadol who is anti-vax NOW! |
Our tradition teaches us that silence is agreement.
Until these rabbanim come out in public to take back what they said and what they wrote, to say that they are not anti-vax, like they came out in public with letters and coalitions... the anti-vax movement will continue to use them as their sources.
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Wed, Nov 14 2018, 6:26 am
At the very least, Rabbis Salomon, Kotler, and Kamentsky.
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Wed, Nov 14 2018, 6:27 am
And I know that anti-vaxers from Baltimore contacted R' Shmuel Kamenetsky. He told them that if they feel so strongly about it then they should start their own school.
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Wed, Nov 14 2018, 6:37 am
merrygold wrote: | And I know that anti-vaxers from Baltimore contacted R' Shmuel Kamenetsky. He told them that if they feel so strongly about it then they should start their own school. |
Baltimore schools are known to take a strong stance on vaccines.
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Wed, Nov 14 2018, 6:42 am
Baltimore schools refuse to take religious exceptions. Anti-vaxers took them to beis din and lost. That's why.
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Wed, Nov 14 2018, 6:46 am
southernbubby wrote: | I think that a lot of adults who assume that they got both MMR injections at some time in their life in fact did not. From what it sounds like, many of the measles patients are adults and several claim to have been vaccinated. |
I know that about 25 years ago the CUNY (City University of New York) school system starting requiring students to get a second measles shot - apparently whatever we had taken as kids had been medically found to be not good enough. I'm guessing that adults in NY who didn't continue on to college then, or went to ones with different rules, never got that second shot. They may not even realize they missed anything, as they probably figure they got everything they needed as kids.
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Wed, Nov 14 2018, 7:24 am
Goldie613 wrote: | I know that about 25 years ago the CUNY (City University of New York) school system starting requiring students to get a second measles shot - apparently whatever we had taken as kids had been medically found to be not good enough. I'm guessing that adults in NY who didn't continue on to college then, or went to ones with different rules, never got that second shot. They may not even realize they missed anything, as they probably figure they got everything they needed as kids. |
I just got off the phone with both the Oakland county health department and the Rockland County health department. I only got one shot and that was probably in '67 or '68 but they usually don't vaccinate at my age. The Rockland county health department told me not to worry about it.
I think that now, with electronic medical records, even if children are vaccinated in different states or cities throughout their childhoods, there is a way to check and make sure. Not all parents are great at keeping these records at home.
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Wed, Nov 14 2018, 9:43 am
PinkFridge wrote: | At the very least, Rabbis Salomon, Kotler, and Kamentsky.
Sheyichu. |
That letter from a few years ago was actually written for a specific case! It was written for a family that had a child with lukemia, and was used to get schools to take the siblings that couldn't get all the vaccines. It has been used since then by antivaxxers who like to use it as "proof" that they have halachic backing.
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Wed, Nov 14 2018, 9:59 am
bunchagirlies wrote: | That letter from a few years ago was actually written for a specific case! It was written for a family that had a child with lukemia, and was used to get schools to take the siblings that couldn't get all the vaccines. It has been used since then by antivaxxers who like to use it as "proof" that they have halachic backing. |
I'm not familiar with this case or this letter... but the bottom line is we should always ask our own sheila and not rely on a sheila someone else asked, even if the circumstances seem similar.
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