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Fear by Bob Woodward
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 12:52 pm
PinkFridge wrote:
If this got Clarissa out of the woodwork (not going to stalk you to see if you have any other recent posts) let's keep discussing Trump.

And great avatar for a Woodward thread Wink
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:19 pm
PinkFridge wrote:
If this got Clarissa out of the woodwork (not going to stalk you to see if you have any other recent posts) let's keep discussing Trump.

And great avatar for a Woodward thread Wink

At least something came out of it but I really need to pack up the car and give someone else a chance to start some topics. How about you Clarissa?
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:37 pm
southernbubby wrote:
While I have liked several things about Trump's presidency and disliked others. For example de-funding the Palestinian Authority until they stop the "pay for slay" against the Israelis is a welcome policy.

OTOH, I don't envy Melania and Trump's cabinet is a revolving door and his style is a lesson in nastiness.

Bob Woodward of Watergate fame has a scathing review of what Trump's aides have to do daily to keep Trump from doing something dangerous. The Democrats are demanding that John Kelly addresses this danger in Congress and the Republicans are claiming that the book is only 10 to 20% true.

So is this just a president who is great for America as long as we forget about his personality or is he as big of a danger to the world as Bob Woodward claims? Is Bob biased against Republicans from the get-go?

I’d suggest that before u believe everything u hear from sources who hate the president, find out all u can. The people whom Woodward named as having said those terrible things about Trump ALL denied saying it, and Woodward claims he he heard it third hand.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:41 pm
Amarante wrote:
FWIW, Woodward is a Republican and his books are meticulously researched and documented. Anything in the book is on tape in terms of interviews. - often backed up with memos and emails. Generally there are a number of sources.

He is a journalist's journalist and has provided invaluable reporting on every President since Nixon as well as on other national matters such as the Supreme Court.

It is such diversionary tactics from the Trumpists in the same way that they are attempting to smear Mueller and his staff - most of whom are also Republicans - FWIW that's worth as is Rosenstein who is supervising the investigation.

I would suggest listening to the taped phone call of Woodward with the President in which he attempted to lie about not knowing about being asked for an interview. Trump is an accomplished liar - I believe that Dowd called him an f-ing liar :-) and resigned because an attorney cannot suborn perjury.

And how does that phone call prove what Woodward wrote is true? It doesn’t, and the supposed White House insiders who were quoted third hand as saying Trump is crazy, etc., all denied it. If you hate Trump, you be,I’ve woodward, amarosa and the others getting rich off writing salacious books. If you like Trump, u don’t believe it, or couldn’t care less, because the good he has done and is doing, and his huge accomplishments, ie. the record high economy, record breaking low unemployment for women, minorities, getting tough on terrorism, tightening loose immigration, lower taxes, everything he’s done for Israel, freeing Rubashkin, and everything else, far outweighs the pathetic rhetoric you hear from the other side, the haters, and the fake news media.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:42 pm
Amarante wrote:
And why do people assume that because one's party affiliation means that one is willing to lie. There has always been a clear line in the sand for reputable mainstream journalists who separate facts which are meticulously researched and opinions.

FWIW, there are a staggering number of life long Republicans who have disowned Trump or left the Republican Party because they cannot condone his threat to the basic institutions of our constitutional democracy.

With all due respect, by even raising the issue you are buying into the divisive Trumpist policies in which people of certain ethnic backgrounds can't be judges or that criminal charges against Congressmen are because the FBI and Justice Department is pursuing a political agenda.

Oy. Try switching off CNN and your views might dramatically change.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:44 pm
Jeanette wrote:
Nobody disagrees on the underlying facts. Nobody.

The defenders of Trump all say some variation of the same theme.

Yes, he's a gross disgusting chazzer and we LOVE gross disgusting chazzers!

Yes, he's a gross disgusting chazzer, that's why he gets things done.

Yes, he's a gross disgusting chazzer but it's worth it for all the great things he does.

Yes, he's a gross disgusting chazzer but so is every politician so you're being a total hypocrite by pretending to care now.

You don't hear anyone denying that he's a gross disgusting chazzer. It's hard to deny the obvious.

Really? How would you know how most republicans and his many, many supporters feel about him, if you choose to follow the views of CNN talking heads? And by the way, you’re quite wrong.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:45 pm
Cheiny wrote:
Really? How would you know how most republicans and his many, many supporters feel about him, if you choose to follow the views of CNN talking heads? And by the way, you’re quite wrong.

LOL. She’s back.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:46 pm
Amarante wrote:
I stand corrected as I don't follow party affiliations of people unless it is relevant in some way and Woodward's party affiliation is irrelevant to judging the body of his journalistic achievements.

So now party affiliation is suddenly irrelevant, only AFTER you found out he’s not a republican, which you claimed in your last post to make a point!
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:47 pm
Maya wrote:
LOL. She’s back.

I was just thinking this.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:49 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
I don't follow it. Its irrelevant to me. But I googled his party affiliation anyway.

Woodward is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist with an excellent reputation, who was trusted by people on both sides. He has hundreds of hours of taped interviews and dozens of sources, and I am certain that Simon & Schuster's attorneys reviewed a decent percentage of them. And, based on released materials, he pretty much backs up Comey and others who have published books.

The allegations should frighten everyone, whether or not they support Trump's policies. But they won't.

You act as if these “bombshells”about Trump’s supposed fitness for office and mental stability haven’t been spewed before, by his detractors, book writers, fake news media...please this is just more drivel...Amarosa, Comey, Woodward...no one cares other than liberals looking to latch onto any salacious piece of gossip with which to malign him with. Most people care more about their pocketbooks, safety from terrorism, a pro Israel govt, etc.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:50 pm
Cheiny wrote:
Really? How would you know how most republicans and his many, many supporters feel about him, if you choose to follow the views of CNN talking heads? And by the way, you’re quite wrong.

OK. Seriously. Do you really think Trump personally is a classy moral person?
I'm a Republican.
I don't and I don't know anyone who thinks that Trump has any concept of what morals are.
Like Jeanette said- he's a disgusting chazer.
But, many of us voted for him holding our noses because we were hoping for certain policies.
Most of us honestly say as Americans and Jews, there were some good things, maybe even great things he's done, but his personal behavior and moral compass stinks.
CNN or not. Rolling Eyes
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:51 pm
southernbubby wrote:
It would be a lot easier if everything that Trump did was bad for the Jews, bad for Israel of bad for America to say "lock him up" but my taxes are lower and Israel may be safer so while I hate his personality, and his cruelty to immigrant children will make the history books, (I know, immigration is a whole separate discussion), my own life is not necessarily worse.

How is a Democrat going to affect my own life in a way to make it better or is it really for someone else?

Democrats will harm Israel at every turn (bH Hilary, the Palestinian lover lost, and the most anti Israel president, Obama, is out!), take away the tax breaks, do away with ICE at the borders thereby endangering every American, etc.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:52 pm
Jeanette wrote:
So I guess you would put yourself in this camp:

Yes, he's a gross disgusting chazzer but it's worth it for all the great things he does

You’re assuming everyone calls him a gross disgusting chazzer. Wishful thinking on your part, but wholly untrue. Btw, did you think Bill Clinton was a gross chazzer too?
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:55 pm
southernbubby wrote:
At least something came out of it but I really need to pack up the car and give someone else a chance to start some topics. How about you Clarissa?
I have to think of a topic. I'm rusty, and I don't think another thread about why I don't like Whip is needed.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:56 pm
Clarissa wrote:
Let's not assume that what Trump wants is good for the Jews. For those of us who have family members (in my case, a child) with health issues, his desire to eliminate certain aspects of the ACA would be devastating. And I'm a Jew, as is my child.

Let’s not assume what he wants is good for Jews?! Was releasing Rubashkin from prison after so many years of Obama’s refusing to do so, good for Jews? Was moving the embassy to Jerusalem good for Jews?is cutting off the “Palestinians” for funding terror good for Jews? Wasdefunding UNRWA,who helped arabs perpetuate terrorism against Israel good for Jews? Was not pressuring Israel to stop building good for Jews? And there’s so much more, too long to write here. Are you joking?
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:56 pm
Cheiny wrote:
Let’s not assume what he wants is good for Jews?! Was releasing Rubashkin from prison after so many years of Obama’s refusing to do so, good for Jews? Was moving the embassy to Jerusalem good for Jews?is cutting off the “Palestinians” for funding terror good for Jews? Wasdefunding UNRWA,who helped arabs perpetuate terrorism against Israel good for Jews? Was not pressuring Israel to stop building good for Jews? And there’s so much more, too long to write here. Are you joking?
No, I am not joking.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:57 pm
Cheiny wrote:
You’re assuming everyone calls him a gross disgusting chazzer. Wishful thinking on your part, but wholly untrue. Btw, did you think Bill Clinton was a gross chazzer too?

Frankly- it's getting super annoying the way you take over a whole thread and attack anyone who thinks differently then you. Also if you choose another SN you may want to make it less obvious exactly who you are.
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:57 pm
Clarissa wrote:
Let's not assume that what Trump wants is good for the Jews. For those of us who have family members (in my case, a child) with health issues, his desire to eliminate certain aspects of the ACA would be devastating. And I'm a Jew, as is my child.

So you think he’s targeting you and your child (may he have a refuah shelaima) by wanting to replace a broken health care system with something better??!?
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:58 pm
Jeanette wrote:
The healthcare system is complicated. Some people ended up with worse health insurance after ACA, many people were helped and had access they didn't have before.

This is a bipartisan issue and I'd love to see a bipartisan effort to sit down and say, ok, let's look at what's working, what's not working and how we can fix it. Not "Obamacare bad! Obamacare bad!" Remember Trump's promise to overturn the ACA and replace it with something better that would be cheaper and cover more people? Never happened. Instead he did everything in his power to undermine the ACA and make premiums go up. Now they're fighting in court to declare the ACA unconstitutional and remove protections for preexisting conditions.

Who held CHIP funding hostage for months, leaving many parents in doubt whether their kids would get healthcare?

Is single payer the answer? Well, it would depend a lot on how its structured. But most of all it depends on having a government and society that is committed to solving our healthcare problems. That truly sees value in everyone having access to healthcare. Anyone can be sick. Anyone can be poor. Even if you work hard and save money all your life.

This isn't a political issue. We should ALL want a healthcare system that works well for as many people as possible. Of course we will disagree how to get there. But we ALL need to make a good faith effort to solve problems. Not just to knock down solutions because you dont like which side they're coming from.

And Democrats, with the deciding vote of John McCain, have derailed the chance to fix the broken health care problem!
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Post Wed, Sep 05 2018, 1:58 pm
Cheiny wrote:
You’re assuming everyone calls him a gross disgusting chazzer. Wishful thinking on your part, but wholly untrue. Btw, did you think Bill Clinton was a gross chazzer too?

1) Bill Clinton did not publicly bring his mistress on vacation with his family
2) most people that I talk to do consider Clinton immoral, but are able to have a nuanced conversation. Separate the man from his actions.
3) you actually know people who dont think Trump is personally immoral? I have got to meet these people who think he's personally a saint.
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