-> In the News
Thu, Jun 28 2018, 11:57 am
SixOfWands wrote: | Trump wants to murder every undocumented alien with his bare hands and then drink their blood?
That's about as accurate as stating that most Democrats want "open borders." Obama's immigration policy, for example, called for the expulsion of huge numbers of undocumented aliens. (I didn't particularly care for Obama's immigration policy. |
That's become a bit of a hard sell, what with Keith Ellison's t-shirt exhortation; calls by various Democratic candidates to disband ICE; and the concept of "sanctuary cities."
Republicans are welcoming all this, btw, because immigration is a lightening-rod issue among African-Americans, who favor stronger immigration enforcement by a large majority. In many races, shifting even a couple of percentage points of the black vote to Republicans as a result of this issue can lock the seat.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 12:03 pm
jkl wrote: |
Personally, I'm so glad Trump is the one to receive this opportunity. I shudder to think what kind of replacement Hillary would have selected. The cherry on the cake will be if Ruth Bader Ginsburg follows suit (I'm allowed to dream, aren't I?). |
Considering that RBG is Jewish, and very unlikely to resign during Trump's term, yeah, I'd consider it extremely uncool to dream about her death/incapacitation.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 12:06 pm
SixOfWands wrote: | Trump wants to murder every undocumented alien with his bare hands and then drink their blood?
That's about as accurate as stating that most Democrats want "open borders." Obama's immigration policy, for example, called for the expulsion of huge numbers of undocumented aliens. (I didn't particularly care for Obama's immigration policy.)
In any case, you are aware that Reagan's Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 provided amnesty for 3 million undocumented immigrants. He also proposed a “North American accord” in which commerce & people would move freely across the borders of Canada & Mexico, although he obviously never acted on that.
Reagan stated, "Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries." He did not use the incendiary rhetoric that Trump uses. |
Reagan signed the bill for amnesty only because he believed it was a way to regain border control (read his diaries). He provided amnesty in return for increased border securities and penalties for companies hiring illegal immigrants.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 12:12 pm
Jeanette wrote: | Considering that RBG is Jewish, and very unlikely to resign during Trump's term, yeah, I'd consider it extremely uncool to dream about her death/incapacitation. |
There may come a point in time when she decides to put her limited number of years left before all else. She is 85 years old and may want to relax a bit before your aforementioned morbid thoughts of death and age related incapacities set in. Especially, if the tide keeps favoring the Republicans, time may just run out for her.
As I said, I'm allowed to dream. And dreaming allows for positive directions too.
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anon for this
Thu, Jun 28 2018, 12:40 pm
Fox wrote: | That's become a bit of a hard sell, what with Keith Ellison's t-shirt exhortation; calls by various Democratic candidates to disband ICE; and the concept of "sanctuary cities."
Republicans are welcoming all this, btw, because immigration is a lightening-rod issue among African-Americans, who favor stronger immigration enforcement by a large majority. In many races, shifting even a couple of percentage points of the black vote to Republicans as a result of this issue can lock the seat. |
Sanctuary cities are a favorite target of Republican lawmakers, but the truth is that most police chiefs, even those who are politically conservative, don't want to be forced to take a more active role in immigration enforcement. They feel that asking routinely about immigration status of those who report or witness crimes harms law enforcement's efforts to build good relationships within the community and discourages people from contacting police, making it tougher for police to fight crime. That's why most big city police chiefs in Texas were against that state's Senate Bill 4, which imposes fines on cops who don't work with immigration enforcement.
And in fact, research shows that sanctuary cities have slightly fewer homicides than comparable non-sanctuary cities.
Regarding your claim about African-American support for Republican border policies, the polls I've seen show that 70% of African-Americans don't believe that undocumented immigrants take jobs from them, and that they oppose a border wall by a larger margin than Latinos do.
The poll was conducted a couple of months ago, so it's possible that Trump's attacks against "low-IQ" Maxine Waters will help the Republican cause.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:21 pm
jkl wrote: | There may come a point in time when she decides to put her limited number of years left before all else. She is 85 years old and may want to relax a bit before your aforementioned morbid thoughts of death and age related incapacities set in. Especially, if the tide keeps favoring the Republicans, time may just run out for her.
As I said, I'm allowed to dream. And dreaming allows for positive directions too. |
Your dream is against halacha, and rather disgusting. Truly. You should be ashamed for wishing she will die.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:22 pm
jkl wrote: | The hissy fit in all the news yesterday, which followed the democrats' defeat in the Tuesday's election. It was a bad week for the democrats, and it provided strong backing for the Republicans. I don't think they're too worried about losing control of anything at the moment, though I wouldn't go so far as to say its not a factor at all.
The democrats played many loose games of their own, while the Republicans stood by and did nothing or acquiesced. It's about time the Republicans show some backbone of their own and do what it takes to shore up this country, according to their ideology.
Personally, I'm so glad Trump is the one to receive this opportunity. I shudder to think what kind of replacement Hillary would have selected. The cherry on the cake will be if Ruth Bader Ginsburg follows suit (I'm allowed to dream, aren't I?). |
Democrats were defeated in Tuesday’s elections? What in the world are you talking about? Six or so states had primaries. Democrats won Democratic primaries; Republicans won Republican primaries. That’s the way primaries work.
You do know that, right? What else could you be referring to?
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:29 pm
anon for this wrote: | Sanctuary cities are a favorite target of Republican lawmakers, but the truth is that most police chiefs, even those who are politically conservative, don't want to be forced to take a more active role in immigration enforcement. They feel that asking routinely about immigration status of those who report or witness crimes harms law enforcement's efforts to build good relationships within the community and discourages people from contacting police, making it tougher for police to fight crime. That's why most big city police chiefs in Texas were against that state's Senate Bill 4, which imposes fines on cops who don't work with immigration enforcement.
And in fact, research shows that sanctuary cities have slightly fewer homicides than comparable non-sanctuary cities. |
Indeed, this is something that Orthodox Jews should clearly understand. We're not supposed to rat out other Jews because of fear of what the government could do to us, except in certain circumstances. Well, that's the whole basis of sanctuary cities. Rat them out. Report crimes. We won't look at anyone's immigration status.
anon for this wrote: |
Regarding your claim about African-American support for Republican border policies, the polls I've seen show that 70% of African-Americans don't believe that undocumented immigrants take jobs from them, and that they oppose a border wall by a larger margin than Latinos do.
The poll was conducted a couple of months ago, so it's possible that Trump's attacks against "low-IQ" Maxine Waters will help the Republican cause. |
African American support for Trump has been edging into the double digits. That's right. For the first time, fewer than 90% of African Americans oppose Trump. If the Republicans want to celebrate an 11% approval rating, let them enjoy.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:37 pm
zohar wrote: | Reading through this thread has made me realize that people don't know what the job of a Justice is. A Justice is supposed to rule what the law is and if that law is constitutional. Not if they like the law or the outcome of it. Paraphrase Justice Gorsuch, a judge who likes all the rulings he's made, is not a good judge. The problem is that liberals like to nominate activist judges, who decide what they want the outcome to be and then make their ruling. Conservatives look for textualists or originalist judges who might make rulings they personally dislike. For example, they may rule that flag burning is protected by the 1st amendment even though they abhor the practice themselves. The "travel ban" has nothing to do with if the judges like it or not. They were ruling if it's in the power of the presidentcy to make such a ban. ( It clearly is.) The reason conservatives like originalist vs activist judges is not totally pure. The reality is that originalist judges will more often rule the way conservatives do because the conservatives ideology is much closer to the founding fathers. Limited central government, protecting individual rights, state rights etc. |
Zohar, don’t patronize and insult us. I and the other liberal posters on this thread are quite aware of what a good justice is supposed to do. (On the whole, I would guess that we’ve studied more political science, read more of the Federalist Papers, more Supreme Court opinions, etc. than have conservatives, because MO Jews tend to be both more educated and more liberal than RWO Jews. And their education is more general because they don’t aim to place out of courses that they believe are irrelevant to their fields of study. I say on the whole: there are some very smart conservatives posting on this thread.)
Conservatives are actually the activists who are trying to change the law through new interpretations. The most salient example of this is the relatively new interpretations of the Second Amendment, which for years was understood by all to give unrestricted permission to bear arms only to people affiliated with well-regulated militias, until the radical right decided that everybody needed to have the right to keep as many semi automatic weapons in their home as their hearts desired.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:41 pm
JoyInTheMorning wrote: | Democrats were defeated in Tuesday’s elections? What in the world are you talking about? Six or so states had primaries. Democrats won Democratic primaries; Republicans won Republican primaries. That’s the way primaries work.
You do know that, right? What else could you be referring to? |
I was referring to the 'establishment' in the Democrats party. They lost an incumbent in NY, two others barely scraped by. Bernie Sanders pick for Maryland Governor triumphed and another NY district (I forgot which one, I can look it up for you'd like) defeated the Democrat party's pick. I say that's called a defeat for them or perhaps, if you don't agree, it's at least voters sending them a message.
On the other hand, Trump's endorsement of candidates apparently did work - Donovan in Staten Island won handily and Trump's ally in South Carolina won the election too.
Elections, even primaries, send messages. And this week it was mostly good for the Republicans and bad for the democrats.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:49 pm
I’m personally unhappy about Alexandria Cortes’s (I may have the name wrong; I am posting from an iPhone.) victory over Joe Crowley, because she is anti Israel. (Note that an unintended consequence of Jews leaving the Democratic Party is that there is much less influence on Democrats to be pro-Israel.) But my non Jewish friends all over the country are delighted that the Democratic Party is becoming more progressive and younger. They don’t consider it a loss at all. I think you’re looking at this from a very narrow perspective.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:50 pm
JoyInTheMorning wrote: | Zohar, don’t patronize and insult us. I and the other liberal posters on this thread are quite aware of what a good justice is supposed to do. (On the whole, I would guess that we’ve studied more political science, read more of the Federalist Papers, more Supreme Court opinions, etc. than have conservatives, because MO Jews tend to be both more educated and more liberal than RWO Jews. And their education is more general because they don’t aim to place out of courses that they believe are irrelevant to their fields of study. I say on the whole: there are some very smart conservatives posting . |
I just want to clarify something. I do not identify as MO (although I do have a master's degree from a very reputable university). I believe many of the anti-Trump posters also do not identify as MO. We can be yeshivish, chassidishe, Lubavitch or just plain frum and still be able to spot a shady grifter from a mile away.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:56 pm
JoyInTheMorning wrote: | Zohar, don’t patronize and insult us. I and the other liberal posters on this thread are quite aware of what a good justice is supposed to do. (On the whole, I would guess that we’ve studied more political science, read more of the Federalist Papers, more Supreme Court opinions, etc. than have conservatives, because MO Jews tend to be both more educated and more liberal than RWO Jews. And their education is more general because they don’t aim to place out of courses that they believe are irrelevant to their fields of study. I say on the whole: there are some very smart conservatives posting on this thread.)
Conservatives are actually the activists who are trying to change the law through new interpretations. The most salient example of this is the relatively new interpretations of the Second Amendment, which for years was understood by all to give unrestricted permission to bear arms only to people affiliated with well-regulated militias, until the radical right decided that everybody needed to have the right to keep as many semi automatic weapons in their home as their hearts desired. |
You do realize that your second paragraph is not a fact, but its literal translation is open to interpretations as exhibited by Scalia in his majority opinion and Breyer in his dissent*. The amendment is difficult to translate into modern context, so the debate will be ongoing as to the original intent. Arguably, the obvious intent of the amendment was to provide civilians a means of resistance to government force. And in modern times, there is a much wider gulf between citizens and militias. Therefore limiting arms to militia members only would actually violate the original concept of the amendment, and would not provide means for citizens to resist government force. And so the debate will probably be forever ongoing, with the legal standing of it dependent on its era.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:58 pm
Jeanette wrote: | I just want to clarify something. I do not identify as MO (although I do have a master's degree from a very reputable university). I believe many of the anti-Trump posters also do not identify as MO. We can be yeshivish, chassidishe, Lubavitch or just plain frum and still be able to spot a shady grifter from a mile away. |
Point taken, Jeanette. I pointed to a correlation, but it won’t always hold for individuals.
And yes, you’d think RWO of any garb could tell a shady grifter like Trump from a mile away, but that’s not what has happened!
Then again, there are plenty of MO supporters of Trump, as well. Just, as I’ve said, not as many. How are they fooled? I still can’t figure it out.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 3:58 pm
JoyInTheMorning wrote: | I’m personally unhappy about Alexandria Cortes’s (I may have the name wrong; I am posting from an iPhone.) victory over Joe Crowley, because she is anti Israel. (Note that an unintended consequence of Jews leaving the Democratic Party is that there is much less influence on Democrats to be pro-Israel.) But my non Jewish friends all over the country are delighted that the Democratic Party is becoming more progressive and younger. They don’t consider it a loss at all. I think you’re looking at this from a very narrow perspective. |
The younger democrats are delighted about these changes, but that is exactly what's freaking out the establishment. If this continues, the democrats votes will be split, and will literally guarantee Republican wins in November.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 4:03 pm
Indeed, this is something that Orthodox Jews should clearly understand. We're not supposed to rat out other Jews because of fear of what the government could do to us, except in certain circumstances. Well, that's the whole basis of sanctuary cities. Rat them out. Report crimes. We won't look at anyone's immigration status.
Six, no insults I promise . No debating. Just a drop of haskafas ha Torah, if I may..
The concept of moser or "ratting out" as you call it is learned out from "amecha".
All Jews are one body. As far as I am aware , all non-Jews are separate bodies.
There is no such concept when 'dina d malcusa' says otherwise..
If you can quote me a source in the Rishonim or Achronim that says otherwise, I would be in your debt for life..
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 4:04 pm
jkl wrote: | The younger democrats are delighted about these changes, but that is exactly what's freaking out the establishment. If this continues, the democrats votes will be split, and will literally guarantee Republican wins in November. |
You mean like the Republican establishment's steadfast opposition to Trump guaranteed that he lost.
Yup. Got it.
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 4:05 pm
jkl wrote: | The younger democrats are delighted about these changes, but that is exactly what's freaking out the establishment. If this continues, the democrats votes will be split, and will literally guarantee Republican wins in November. |
I seem to remember the Democrats saying similar things about the Republicans in spring 2016 after Trump had locked up the nomination.
Internal party wars don’t mean that a party is defeated.
I am concerned about Democrats losing seats but mostly due to gerrymandering and voter suppression, not to internal battles. We all know that any Democrat, traditional or progressive, will vote to keep Social Security and Medicare and other programs that make up our social safety net. The similarities between our candidates are much larger than the differences (except for on foreign policy issues such as Israel).
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Thu, Jun 28 2018, 4:12 pm
JoyInTheMorning wrote: | I’m personally unhappy about Alexandria Cortes’s (I may have the name wrong; I am posting from an iPhone.) victory over Joe Crowley, because she is anti Israel. (Note that an unintended consequence of Jews leaving the Democratic Party is that there is much less influence on Democrats to be pro-Israel.) But my non Jewish friends all over the country are delighted that the Democratic Party is becoming more progressive and younger. They don’t consider it a loss at all. I think you’re looking at this from a very narrow perspective. |
Cotez is worrisome.
If she is the new face and the future of the Democratic party it will be devastating. Putting aside her being very anti Israel which at least isn't a major focus of hers, very rarely do you have an American politician who is so openly "it's us against them" like she is.
Add that to other campaign platforms of hers like justice reform and to "demilitarize our police" ... if her ideas get traction it can only end in disaster.
She talks even worse than the politicians who allowed and fanned the flames of the Crown Heights pogrom.
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