-> In the News
Wed, Feb 14 2018, 6:44 pm
There is also the issue of children (and adults) being desensitized to violence through the media (movies, gaming, etc), and not even understanding the potential impact of their actions because they experience overexposure in a virtual reality. This has as much to do with the (liberal) purveyors of the garbage that passes for entertainment in this country as it does the lawmakers of all stripes who have been influenced by special interests instead of studying and deploying effective crime deterrent methods.
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Wed, Feb 14 2018, 6:47 pm
Cookiegirl wrote: | There is also the issue of children (and adults) being desensitized to violence through the media (movies, gaming, etc), and not even understanding the potential impact of their actions because they experience overexposure in a virtual reality. This has as much to do with the (liberal) purveyors of the garbage that passes for entertainment in this country as it does the lawmakers of all stripes who have been influenced by special interests instead of studying and deploying effective crime deterrent methods. |
Again, every other first-world country has the same videos and entertainment. None, besides for America, has this issue. Entertainment is not the cause.
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Wed, Feb 14 2018, 6:51 pm
SixOfWands wrote: | Why are you horrified?
Feb. 1: Salvador B. Castro Middle School in Los Angeles, California
A female student opened fire striking a 15-year-old boy in the head and a 15-year-old girl in the wrist. Three others, ranging in age from 11 to 30, suffered minor cuts and scrapes.
Jan. 23: Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky
A 16-year-old boy opened fired on campus, killing two and injuring 18 others.
Jan. 22: Italy High School in Italy, Texas
A 16-year-old boy shot and injured a 15-year-old girl with a semi-automatic handgun in the school cafeteria. He was taken into custody after the incident.
Jan. 22: NET Charter High School in New Orleans, Louisiana
An unidentified person pulled up in a truck and shot into a group of students standing outside the school during lunch time. One teenager was sent to the hospital with a superficial injury.
Jan. 20: Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
A North Carolina football player from Winston-Salem State University was shot to death while at an event at Wake Forest University.
Jan. 15: Wiley College in Marshall, Texas
Police believe two suspects in a car exchanged gunfire with a person in a dormitory parking lot. No injuries were reported, but a bullet entered a dorm room during the incident.
Jan. 10: Grayson College in Denison, Texas
A criminal justice student fired a bullet through a wall after mistaking the firearm for training gun. No one was injured.
Jan. 10: California State University, San Bernardino in San Bernardino
A gun was fired on campus, however, no injuries reported.
Jan. 9: Coronado Elementary School in Sierra Vista, Arizona
A 14-year-old boy was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the school bathroom.
Jan. 6: School bus in Forest City, Iowa
A 32-year-old man was arrested after firing a pellet gun into a school bus. No children were injured, but a window on the bus was shattered.
Jan. 4: New Start High School in Burien, Washington
Shots were fired from outside the school into the school's administration office, but no one was injured.
Jan. 3: East Olive Elementary School in St. John's Michigan
A 31-year-old man shot and killed himself in the school parking lot after hours of negotiation with police. The man called authorities, said he was suicidal and had a handgun.
Did I miss anything?
No one cares. If people cared, we would be discussing meaningful gun control legislation, not sending out yet more thoughts and prayers. Heck, its so common, most people just move on to the next news story. |
Yes but:
1. Chicago has strict gun laws and still has a gun problem.
2. It's too soon.
3. You're politicizing a tragedy.
4. This could have been stopped by a good guy with a gun.
5. Lalalalala I can't hear you.
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Wed, Feb 14 2018, 7:00 pm
amother wrote: | Killers were always find a gun.
Or a car.
Or a knife.
What we need, is more adults carrying a LEGAL weapon so they can stop the killer before he kills 17 innocent people. |
This is FACTUALLY incorrect.
These things hardly happen in the UK because it is almost impossible to obtain a gun.
This issue is definitely more rampant in the US than in countries which have tight gun control.
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Wed, Feb 14 2018, 7:10 pm
WhatFor wrote: | There were at least two police already on campus with weapons. 17 kids still died and many more were injured. Somehow, the idea of my children being surrounded by even more guns does not make me feel safer. Call me crazy, but I prefer they can go to school where they don't have to worry about being murdered by fellow students. You know, like the kids in most first world countries who don't have this crazy proliferation of guns with no background checks. |
If no one carry guns, who will stop the lone shooter from just getting up and killing EVERY SINGLE KID IN HIS CLASS??
Schools in more 'urban' neighborhoods have metal detectors for exactly this reason. However, kids can be hurt multiple ways as a previous poster pointed out. But if we, as a nation, HELD PARENTS RESPONSIBLE, there would be much much better parenting out there. There's no way Joe and Jane Doe are going to twiddle their thumbs while their son posts images of himself online with weapons. Especially if they had to go to jail too! Yes! They MUST take responsibility!
In communities where parents take an active role in parenting, there are suicides rather than mass shootings. Because there are troubled children. But killing others without remorse in cold blood?!?
How do we even pretend to sleep at night..
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Wed, Feb 14 2018, 7:13 pm
I firmly believe that if Sandy Hook didn't change anything, nothing will.
Too many Americans have bought the "we need more good guys with guns" and "it's not the guns, it's the people" lies, hook, line and sinker.
It's not rocket science. This stuff doesn't happen in Australia, and England, and every other first world country with proper gun laws.
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Wed, Feb 14 2018, 7:27 pm
oliveoil wrote: | I firmly believe that if Sandy Hook didn't change anything, nothing will.
Too many Americans have bought the "we need more good guys with guns" and "it's not the guns, it's the people" lies, hook, line and sinker.
It's not rocket science. This stuff doesn't happen in Australia, and England, and every other first world country with proper gun laws. |
I agree. This is so very devastating. YWN was saying to say tehillim for Rochel bas Leah who is a student at the school who hadn't been found as of their posting a few hours ago. I haven't seen any update.
There was another tehillim name for a shooting victim who's in surgery but now I can't seem to find it anywhere, if anyone can post it.
And at this point, tehillim is not enough without some action, which I plan to take at the polls later this year.
I can't even begin to imagine what 17 more families are now going through, to think that they will never see a child or sibling again. I cannot imagine how a parent's heart must stop to know that there's a shooting in their child's school.
The most devastating thing is, this is almost certain to happen again within the next month. And today's shooting will already be long forgotten except for by the families of the victims who will wake up every morning for the rest of their lives with a hole in their heart.
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Wed, Feb 14 2018, 7:30 pm
Jewishfoodie wrote: | If no one carry guns, who will stop the lone shooter from just getting up and killing EVERY SINGLE KID IN HIS CLASS??
Schools in more 'urban' neighborhoods have metal detectors for exactly this reason. However, kids can be hurt multiple ways as a previous poster pointed out. But if we, as a nation, HELD PARENTS RESPONSIBLE, there would be much much better parenting out there. There's no way Joe and Jane Doe are going to twiddle their thumbs while their son posts images of himself online with weapons. Especially if they had to go to jail too! Yes! They MUST take responsibility!
In communities where parents take an active role in parenting, there are suicides rather than mass shootings. Because there are troubled children. But killing others without remorse in cold blood?!?
How do we even pretend to sleep at night.. |
1. Every kid in his class would add up to less than all the other shootings that are prevented.
2. It would be next to impossible for this kid to get hold of a gun.
3. And tight gun control doesn't mean that no one at all has a gun. It just means it is tightly controlled and solely for higher-up law enforcement officers.
4. Somehow no one tried to shoot the killer in any of these situations.
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Wed, Feb 14 2018, 7:48 pm
WhatFor wrote: | Because the NRA pays them millions upon millions of dollars. Next election, take a look at how much money your candidates are taking from the NRA before voting for them. |
I hate the NRA. They have so much blood on their hands. And they are destroying our country.
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Wed, Feb 14 2018, 7:50 pm
Ppl also seem to have a misconception (probably based on movies) that all it takes to shoot a moving target in a crowd of innocents is two hands and strong will.
First of all, most people, even if they've practiced shooting a few times, will not react to a real life threatening experience by shooting back. Generally, only people specifically trained to shoot in high-stress situations (think military or similar programs) will have the wherewithal to even pick up their gun. A more common reaction will be to freeze or run.
For the few who do manage to get their act together and shoot back, they're also likely to hit other innocents and add to the pool of victims.
I don't think most people are opposed to ppl owning a single weapon if they pass background checks and undergo and keep up with regular training.
But really I think that if someone can't understand that free proliferation of weapons leads to more casualties, I don't think I can explain it to them.
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Thu, Feb 15 2018, 12:40 am
Grenades. Grenades don't kill people, only people kill people. Grenades are the answer. If only more citizens had grenades. All that stops a bad guy with a grenade is a good guy with a grenade.
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Thu, Feb 15 2018, 3:28 am
40% of the students in this school are Jewish.
Horrible. How did a troubled kid like that have access to such weapons?
With a weapon like that, you can kill a lot of people in a few seconds or minutes before you are stopped.
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Thu, Feb 15 2018, 4:41 am
It's beyond tragic.
It is a gun culture. I've lived in other English speaking countries with tight gun control, armed polic and security guards and none of these massacres.
I'm conservative-leaning about so many issues but I just don't get this obsession with guns that is present in the USA.
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Thu, Feb 15 2018, 4:41 am
The killer had a legal gun and passed background checks.
He had no parents- he was adopted and both adopted parents had died.
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Thu, Feb 15 2018, 6:16 am
Even if all the gun laws changed tomorrow, there are so many illegal guns on the market in the US. They're out there, so how do you get the toothpaste back in the tube? It would take decades to eventually collect them all, if not more.
There are no easy answers.
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Thu, Feb 15 2018, 8:20 am
FranticFrummie wrote: | Even if all the gun laws changed tomorrow, there are so many illegal guns on the market in the US. They're out there, so how do you get the toothpaste back in the tube? It would take decades to eventually collect them all, if not more.
There are no easy answers. |
For some reason no one takes this stance about terrorism. Of course we don't throw our hands up. Of course there are solutions. They're just not financially lucrative to the NRA, so they want you to think that they don't exist.
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Thu, Feb 15 2018, 8:50 am
People should be allowed to own a gun after vigorous background checks.
However bumpstocks, silencers, semi automatic, and automatic weapons should be illegal. No one should need a gun with more than a few bullets. The guns should not be able to be modified in anyway
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Thu, Feb 15 2018, 9:44 am
We need stronger comprehensive national gun control legislation:
Every firearm must be licensed registered and insured
Registration to be renewed annually, including a mental health assessment and review of social media accounts, as well as any reports to a national databank. Citizens should have one address for reporting concerns about an individual to the databank. Costs associated with this system will be paid by annual registration fees.
Ban on assault rifles
Mandatory jail time for possession of an unregistered firearm.
Mandatory jail time for anyone in possession of a firearm modified to become like a banned assault-type weapon.
Strict liability for gun owner whose registered firearm is used to perpetuate violence if theft has not been reported to police.
If a child get a hold of an unlocked firearm and it discharges - strict liability for the gun owner.
It should be like israel and Japan where one who is permitted to own a gun is held fully accountable for it.
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Thu, Feb 15 2018, 12:05 pm
Heartbroken. I don't even want to process this.
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