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What Flatbush school does your dd go to?
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What Flatbush school does your dd go to?
 0%  [ 0 ]
 25%  [ 2 ]
Prospect Park  
 50%  [ 4 ]
Lev Bais Yaakov  
 0%  [ 0 ]
Bnos Yisroel  
 25%  [ 2 ]
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 8



Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 2:37 pm
Said Rabbi Lieberman:

“ Class will be conducted Ivrit b'Ivrit. Shulamith schools focus intensely on textual learning and skill development in Navi, halachah, and Chumash. It's important for our girls to be able to open a Tanach and learn independently. We intend to provide our girls with the educational, social, and emotional tools needed to succeed on any path.... [We're] placing great emphasis on hashkafa, midot tovot, bein adam l'chaveiro, derech eretz, erhlichkeit and eidelkeit, and a frum outlook based on Torah and Shulchan Aruch.... Our graduates attend Ivy League universities ... and we're just as proud that our girls are accepted at every seminary in Israel.[5]
from wikipedia.
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 2:52 pm
faigie- sorry, my mother's not a high school teacher, but she may be friends with your mom and I may be just like the hs teacher to whom you refer Smile also, for those who are interested, prospect was originally co-ed.

chestnut- one thing prospect is very open about is that it is not really a BY school. they go to the convention every year, but are not really considered BY. this is brought up very often in hs when discussing shidduchim. the problem with prospect and with shulamith is not the curriculum or teachers, for the most part. the crowd of girls changes periodically, and right now I hear prospect does not have the best crowd. as for the ppy mom in a tank, yes, it was a tank. I live on her block and have seen her in a tank a few times. I don't think she walks around the neighborhood in them, but she comes out of the house in them for a minute to tell her kids to get away from the curb or something like that. what she does in her own home is her business, in my opinion, but the fact that she's not embarassed to do this says a lot to me. as for shulamith tzniut rules, they do have them and try to enforce them, but some of the girls are brilliant at finding loopholes. I think that rather than try to teach them certain sensitivities, they have rules. both are needed to inspire real tzniut in our children, especially in today's society where skin is in. prospect high school I know has frequent talks with mrs press about this. I don't know what they do in the elementary school these days. as a high school student I noticed that my friends in prospect were much more toned down (though admittedly much more expensive) in dress than shulamith girls.

I recommend that you not only talk to the principal, but see if you can observe a class in the classroom and at recess. your daughter will hear exactly what you hear on the playground, just more of it. send her where you are comfortable.
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 3:04 pm
what I am upset about, is the hs is growing and now they take 3 classes per grade.
I think its better when schools limit to two classes per grade, otherwise it gets too big and its hard to get to know everybody( which shulamith hs is known for)
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 5:53 am
Ok, this is going to be anon, not because I'm embarassed of saying my opinion and want to hide behind a mask, but rather because I don't want to announce to the world which sem I went to.
The girls that I know who went to Shulamis... definitely do fit the category of "slut", and I could generally tell who is a shulamis girl from a mile away.
Of course, how can I possibly judge a whole school based on the girls that I know, but from the impression I got from my friends, I definitely would not send my kids there. Too many bad influences, in my opinion.
However, I've heard the elementary school has a much better crowd than high school.

Reb Chaya Ginzburg who is a teacher at Maalot NY and also taught at shulamis always used to tell us in class at maalot differnet stories about her Shulamis girls and from her stories, they sounded like nice aidel girls... I mean I guess Reb Ginzburg had a closer contact with these girls, and she knows what they're REALLY like...
But the shulamis girls who were in maalot with me... left much to be desired in terms of frumkeit, aidelness, etc.
Middos were great, but not much else in terms of frumkeit.
I definitely wouldn't send my kids there, no matter how many good things I hear about it. A few rotten apples spoil the bunch, (speaking from my own experience in high school) and there definitely are more than a few rotten apples in shulamis.
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 6:16 am
I am going to say this without a mask. If you saw me, would you be able to tell if I went to Shulamith or not. If you saw me with my dh with his black hat and me in my Sheitel, I doubt you would know which school I went to. I have also seen girls that went to Bais Yaakov xyz who got so turned off by their school that they are super modern today. You have to be very careful where you send your kids but you will find s-l-u-t-s whereever you go.
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 6:27 am
arita430 wrote:
I am going to say this without a mask. If you saw me, would you be able to tell if I went to Shulamith or not. If you saw me with my dh with his black hat and me in my Sheitel, I doubt you would know which school I went to. I have also seen girls that went to Bais Yaakov xyz who got so turned off by their school that they are super modern today. You have to be very careful where you send your kids but you will find s-l-u-t-s whereever you go.

Last amother here.
Once the girls graduate and move on with their lives, I for sure wouldn't be able to guess who was a shulamis girl...
Just while the girls are in high school, they're very noticeable. Ever notice that Ave M has a distinct look to it?
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 6:40 am
Avenue M definetely does but I don't believe that it's a reflection of the school. By the way , how do you know which girls are shulamith girls and which are BYA? They are both in the same area. I know that a nice group of my classmates were of those types and that one year on a shabbaton some girls were caught drinking . Those were the misfits of the class. The good girls were the ones who went to the BY convention and were in all the productions and did chesed etc.

I HATE when shulamith is badmouthed like this b/c they are amazing ppl. You could even say that b/c they made sure to know everybody they were able to make an impact on many girls. Where are girls from interesting backrounds supposed to go. Even if you are MO you would never dress like some of these girls dress. It is an amazing school that really prepares the girls for the real world. I think that if the other schools would have the level of education that shulamith does, the kollel system would be on a much better footing. If more girls who want kollel boys would have decent professions the men would be able to sit in learning a lot longer.
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 6:42 am
ok im going to reiterate.
shulamith is NOT a BY school. it is a MO machmir school.
the girls will reflect that, and for some people who are of the BY genre we are too MO for them.
the school is exactly like prospect was in the late 70s early 80s. the families in shulamith are the ones that did not go far to the right, when most everyone else was veering more to the right.
in comparison, we may seem less frum to you....but to label a person SLUT for being MO..........what can I say, it isnt healthy to pass judgment, ---because it usually vomits right back up on you.
Yes the hs girls speak to boys. thats the way we were raised. thats how I raise my kids. thats YU . thats what we are. That was what your parents probably did back in the 70s and 80s. we still think that it is normal.
---interestingly enough, we also have incredible achdut in our school. I believe it comes from learning tolerance for people around you.
many schools claim to have achdut, but in reality there is a snobby eschatology. our graduates actually miss our hs after they are gone.
do we have our problem kids? sure. show me a school in this day and age that doesnt. such is the matzav of the world today in general.
----take all of that, add it to what arita said, and youll have a good picture of what shulamith is about
some of the parents wear hats/tichels, some wear shaitluch. some are black hat, some are sruggie kipot. we are altogether. we also are the only MO machmir zionistic school in brooklyn, with an excellent education.
I personally think we are offer one impressive package.
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 6:52 am
My girls are in the LI Shulamith.
Our community has some serious Tznius concerns (though from my recent *visiting day* experiences I see it goes beyond the 5 Towns)
There are many women here who are perfectly aidel and ehrlich and tzanua.
There are also women here, who dress "technically" tznius, but are missing the spirit of the law. Their shirts are "sprayed on", their skirts are tight, and as short as can be without being too short. They wear ridiculously high heels, and boots that look like harlots would wear. They leave more hair out of their sheitels than they cover.
The proportion of women in the first category, to women in the second, is the same in the parent body of Shulamith, TAG and BBY. I suspect the same is true in the Brooklyn schools.
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 7:05 am
faigie wrote:

in comparison, we may seem less frum to you....but to label a person SLUT for being MO..........what can I say, it isnt healthy to pass judgment, ---because it usually vomits right back up on you.
Yes the hs girls speak to boys. thats the way we were raised. thats how I raise my kids. thats YU . thats what we are. That was what your parents probably did back in the 70s and 80s. we still think that it is normal.

Same amother here.
I don't call these girls slutty because they talk to boys. I talked to boys growing up (grew up MO) and that didn't make me a slut. I'm saying these freinds of mine were slutty because of how they acted, because of what they were doing with boys in public without being embarassed....
And I'm talking about the insanely revealing disgusting way they dressed. (No, I'm not talking about short sleeves here...)

And arita, yea, I'm sure they're not BYA girls- many times they were wearing the shulamis sweatshirts... Unless it was BYA girls pretending to be shulamis girls...
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 7:06 am
Oh, and I know many people that are from charedi families, and because they were the "black sheep" of their family, the rebels, etc... they went to shulamis, because no other school really would accept them...
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 7:08 am
lets see what we can learn from hear,

complete discussions on a school based on the dress of one parent.

somebody and her husband are obviously very frum because she wears a sheital and her husband wears a black hat. I wonder if they organize the entrance to heaven by style of hat or sheital, oy I feel bad for those who do not wear them.

although there was a good point made in that post and that is that everyone is different and many people are turned off by some of the more "frum" schools, and different schools have different positives and negatives, so it really depends on the person and family.

I think the poll left out some schools but I am not a flatbush person.
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 7:10 am
I never said that we would go to heaven b/c of my sheital or my dh's black hat. What I did say was that you can't judge the school by who they accept. Would you say that Neve Yerushalayim was a bad place b/c of the way some ppl dress there? I doubt it.
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 7:13 am
Nowadays there is so much confusion in the frum world that the way these girls are dressing is a symbol of that. Shulamith is great b/c they create a warm loving enviroment to grow in. Very Happy
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 8:03 am
amother wrote:
Ever notice that Ave M has a distinct look to it?

really? what look? does Ave J not have this look? some blocks in BP?

I recommend that you not only talk to the principal, but see if you can observe a class in the classroom and at recess. your daughter will hear exactly what you hear on the playground, just more of it. send her where you are comfortable.

how do I go about it - just call up a school and ask if I can observe a class? re: sending dd when I'm comfortable, I'm a BT and didn't go to a frum school, so clueless about them, that's why trying to ask as many people as I can.

if you are in highschool, your shirts must be tucked in . I miss being in highschool..

what's the problem? just tuck in your shirts and you are good to go Very Happy

If you saw me, would you be able to tell if I went to Shulamith or not. If you saw me with my dh with his black hat and me in my Sheitel, I doubt you would know which school I went to.

but didn't you yourself said earlier that at this point of your life you wouldn't send your daughter there (unless it was another poster; then I apologize)

PP is not a BY? I was sure it is... different than BY of BP, BYA, but still BY Confused

from what I hear, PP is known now for the rich parent body, so the kids all "need" fancy birthday parties, clothing, shoes, etc, and if you don't have it/can't afford it, you are "out". that is something that does bother me tremendously. is it really so from your experiences?

is Shulamith similar in this regard? is the majority of the kids from rich families? does everyone "have" to have the latest style or you are looked down upon?

and I value the achdus and acceptance that is taught in SHulamith, but I'm afraid of the influence of those "black sheep" in there.

thanks a lot to all who is answering, especially to mummydearest, arita and faigie! Smile

OT: can I quote a few people in the same time by pressin the "quote" button? instead of copying and pasting from different people's posts.
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 8:22 am
I wouldn't send there being that I more associate with the yeshivish velt now. I loved it there and it helped me become who I am now. It is a wonderful school and I hate when ppl besmirch it like one of the amothers above. I do think that the BY system can learn from their ideals of girls going to college and getting a good profession to provide for their kollel families. Very Happy
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 11:41 am
I understand.
what about this
is Shulamith similar in this regard? is the majority of the kids from rich families? does everyone "have" to have the latest style or you are looked down upon?

any insight?

btw, does anyone here sends her daughter to Lev BY? or someone's sister/cousing/neighbor does? someone teachers there?

what about Bnos Yisroel (I think it's called, around Kings Highway)?
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Post Thu, Aug 16 2007, 3:38 pm
the school is not snooty. by and large the girls are from educated families, but not the juicy or die set. and yes, you just can go up to the building and go to the office, and tell them that youre considering the school for your dh, and youd like to be shown around etc. very valid thing to do.
------------- to another point.....................
"And I'm talking about the insanely revealing disgusting way they dressed. (No, I'm not talking about short sleeves here...)

And arita, yea, I'm sure they're not BYA girls- many times they were wearing the shulamis sweatshirts... Unless it was BYA girls pretending to be shulamis girls..."
--- so lemme get this straight, you saw all of their revealing parts. while they were covered up in a sweatshirt????????????????????---------------
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Post Fri, Aug 17 2007, 6:34 am
thank you.

I'm curious - do the girls from shulamis elementary go to PP high school and vice versa? or shulamis girls pretty much stay there for high school?

(I can imagine the Shulamis office people's faces if I come there and say I wanna see teh school cause I'm considering it for DH Tongue Out LOL )

does SHulamith have the website?
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Post Fri, Aug 17 2007, 7:12 am
yes, kids from both schools transfer both ways.
if youd like, when school is in session, if you dont feel comfortable going by yourself, maybe we can meet and ill accompany you. Pm if youd like that. scoping out a school by visiting it is very common. no one will look at you funny.
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