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De Blasio or Malliotakis for Mayor?

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Who is the preferable NYC Mayoral candidate?
De Blasio  
 25%  [ 10 ]
 75%  [ 30 ]
Total Votes : 40



Post Sun, Oct 29 2017, 8:43 pm
Is Mayor De Blasio the better mayoral candidate? The Jewish Press says NO:

The Jewish Press urges New York City voters to choose Nicole Malliotakis over the incumbent, Bill de Blasio. Although you wouldn’t know it from Mayor de Blasio’s campaign rhetoric, New York City faces major issues including

mushrooming public spending and taxation;
meager job growth;
declining economic infrastructure;
failing educational and transit systems;
wholly inadequate housing stock; increasing numbers of homeless people sleeping in the streets and the subways;
and extraordinary public negativity toward the critical work of the NYPD, fueled in good measure by Mr. de Blasio.

Indeed, these are the very themes Ms. Malliotakis continues to sound in her campaign. But rather than focusing on the real issues facing our city, the mayor seems more interested in burnishing his credentials as a card-carrying member of the political hard left, with its incessant and indiscriminate challenges to anything and everything emanating from the Trump White House.

Further, New York City is home to the largest concentration of Jews outside of Israel and its mayors have consistently used the office as a bully pulpit in support of the Jewish state. Yet Mayor de Blasio went all out in his support of Congressman Keith Ellison for the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee. Never mind Mr. Ellison’s past association with Rev. Louis Farrakhan, the outspokenly anti-Israel Nation of Islam leader, or Mr. Ellison’s opposition to U.S. funding for Iron Dome, or Mr. Ellison’s support for the BDS movement and his efforts to get the Obama administration to force Israel to unilaterally ease the Gaza blockade.

Support for Mr. Ellison was a particularly egregious act on the part of the mayor, especially given the emergence of a vigorous anti-Israel wing in the Democratic Party and the spread of anti-Israel animus across college campuses.

A vote for Nicole Malliotakis should be an easy decision for New Yorkers worried about the direction of the city and Mr. de Blasio’s hard left inclinations and policy preferences.

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Post Sun, Oct 29 2017, 8:58 pm
I can't vote in NY anymore, but I was absolutely floored at how de Blasio fueled the fire against the NYPD. Forget Israel for a minute, doesn't he realize antagonizing the NYPD and tying their hands will only bring crime stats up in NY?
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Post Sun, Oct 29 2017, 9:03 pm
I know nothing about Nicole Malliotakis, but I have 3 words for you: Anybody but de Blasio!!!
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Post Sun, Oct 29 2017, 9:18 pm
doctorima wrote:
I know nothing about Nicole Malliotakis, but I have 3 words for you: Anybody but de Blasio!!!

De Blasio's support for Jew-Hater Ellison makes me feel the same as you, but way more emotional.

Im waiting to see which messed up people and newspapers will allow their names to be used for newspaper ads and "tzetlach" that the schools give out and endorse de Blasio who supports outright Sonei Yisroel.

Where will Hikind and Yeger stand on this? Its doubtful that they'll both back the same candidate.

Democrat Keith Ellison at an End the Israel Occupation conference.

Last edited by Mevater on Sun, Oct 29 2017, 10:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Oct 29 2017, 10:38 pm
doctorima wrote:
I know nothing about Nicole Malliotakis, but I have 3 words for you: Anybody but de Blasio!!!

This. NYC is a mess right now. I hope she's good because we need a change for the better.
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Post Mon, Oct 30 2017, 6:05 am
I have strong dislike for DeBlasio but Malliotakis doesn't strike me as particularly capable of running the city. I also don't like that she ran for the Republican ticket unopposed. I think I'll write in my own candidate.
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Post Mon, Oct 30 2017, 6:36 am
I think is naive and completely lacking in nuance to refer to Keith Ellison as an anti-semite. But even if he were, NYC faces a lot more serious issues than who supported Ellison. If DiBlasio were otherwise doing a good job, I'd be supporting him.

But he's not.

The problem is that Malliotakis doesn't have a clue. Eg, she's opposed to raising the minimum wage in NYC. I disagree, but its certainly an issue that is worthy of intelligent debate on both sides. The problem is that she apparently isn't aware of what the minimum wage is, or that it differs based upon the sized of the employer. She appears similarly clueless on a number of issues. You're running for mayor, for gosh sakes. Read up on the issues!

I don't know if I could vote for Malliotakis if she actually had a shot to win. But since she doesn't, I'll probably vote for her. Or a third party candidate.
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Post Mon, Oct 30 2017, 6:39 am
That's sad.
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