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Shtisel - WITH spoilers :) including season 3
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Post Sat, Jan 16 2016, 12:48 pm
amother wrote:
What's the last part you saw?

Did you see Shulem with the picture?

It ends at the exhibition.

Oh I just realized that I did see the end Smile the last 2 minutes are just credits.
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Post Sat, Jan 16 2016, 3:39 pm
Wow what a great episode. I was really crying by the end. The whole thing was so bittersweet but what really got me was when Shulem couldn't bring himself to burn the painting and then ended up painting over her hair. And then Libi came looking for Akiva. What a great ending.
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Post Sat, Jan 16 2016, 4:03 pm
A good ending but also an ending that is sort of in the middle of nowhere.
Also, what nuchem told libi he did? That is the worst and it just showd once again how really terrible he is.
I hope there will be another season.
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Post Sat, Jan 16 2016, 6:13 pm
So why did Akiva show hair in the painting?
When I first saw it, I was also surprised. He said in the TV interview that it's not a chareidi picture, which is what I figured, so did he just do it to make it more appealing to the outside world?

It's interesting that it didn't bother Libi at all.
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Post Sat, Jan 16 2016, 7:08 pm
I liked season 2 better then one. Akiva's interest in a widow with a child did not ring true to me.

I got from the ending Shulem is still mourning his wife so he is not moving on. Gitty and Lipa resolved their issues. Ruchami and Chanina begin their lives. Akiva and Libi also do.

I just get the feeling that it is the end of the series. I enjoyed it so much.

Looking forward to English subtitles so I can get all the nuances. For example I did not understand the last conversation between Nuchem and Libi so please share.
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Post Sat, Jan 16 2016, 11:56 pm
Shulem got a call from the Chevra Kaddisha that someone from Paris wants a particular burial plot, and would he sell his? Not for any money in the world, he says, he needs that spot between his mother and his wife.

Well, when he decided he needed to get the picture away from Kaufman, he offered $11K, which was exactly the amount the "French businessman" had offered, according the Chevra Kaddisha.

Nuchem reveals that he played a joke(?) on his brother and imitated a "French businessman". He thinks it shows his brother as a hypocrite who won't sell his plot for any money, but, of course, he didn't sell it for money but to protect the memory of his wife.

(I didn't even really notice the hair, but now that we see what was really bothering him, why couldn't he just ask Kive to change the picture???)

After Shulem was the one who got him the loan that got him out of big trouble with the airlines, it would seem. So where did he have an extra $11K anyhow?

I am not sure if this was the last straw for Libi, but she tells her father that his idotic fights with his brother (metupashim, I assume from tipesh only stronger) are ruining her life, and I think it may be part of what pushes her to go back to Kive.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 12:09 am
penguin wrote:
Shulem got a call from the Chevra Kaddisha that someone from Paris wants a particular burial plot, and would he sell his? Not for any money in the world, he says, he needs that spot between his mother and his wife.

Well, when he decided he needed to get the picture away from Kaufman, he offered $11K, which was exactly the amount the "French businessman" had offered, according the Chevra Kaddisha.

Nuchem reveals that he played a joke(?) on his brother and imitated a "French businessman". He thinks it shows his brother as a hypocrite who won't sell his plot for any money, but, of course, he didn't sell it for money but to protect the memory of his wife.

(I didn't even really notice the hair, but now that we see what was really bothering him, why couldn't he just ask Kive to change the picture???)

After Shulem was the one who got him the loan that got him out of big trouble with the airlines, it would seem. So where did he have an extra $11K anyhow?

I am not sure if this was the last straw for Libi, but she tells her father that his idotic fights with his brother (metupashim, I assume from tipesh only stronger) are ruining her life, and I think it may be part of what pushes her to go back to Kive.

Thanks, this is what I thought
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 12:13 am
Libi also said that she wanted a life with akiva and that she liked him how he is and she even liked his art work and the fact that he did what he loved.

I just found the ending to be an up in the air ending. I mean, it was great that libi and kive finally saw each other, but its so up in the air, I wish it would have been a more substantial ending, thats all.
With the art work, someone above asked why kive left the hair showing. First, I didnt even notice that, and second, I think kive was painting from feeling, not from anything else, and that is how it came out. Thats all. I think it was awful what shulem did to the painting. It wasnt his to destroy.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 10:22 am
shabbatiscoming wrote:
I just found the ending to be an up in the air ending. I mean, it was great that libi and kive finally saw each other, but its so up in the air, I wish it would have been a more substantial ending, thats all.

totally agree, no fun such an end
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 12:06 pm
To me the ending was absolutely perfect. The whole show was about each character working through grief (after the loss of Devorah-- remember the first episode of the first season is right after her shloshim) and all the struggles the characters have had have been colored by or a function of that grief. I wish I had time to go into more detail, but if you view each character's arc as a grieving process, the endings are so satisfying, and really, really, beautiful.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 12:47 pm
What bothered me about the plot was that Libi said in the studio that it was her idea to have Kiva stop painting and now in the hotel she was acting like it wasn't her idea. Also, who was she waiting for when Kiva called that first time? Also why is Shira Haas wearing that ugly uniform skirt? They couldn't think of something more religious looking?
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 12:52 pm
gallie657 wrote:
What bothered me about the plot was that Libi said in the studio that it was her idea to have Kiva stop painting and now in the hotel she was acting like it wasn't her idea. Also, who was she waiting for when Kiva called that first time? Also why is Shira Haas wearing that ugly uniform skirt? They couldn't think of something more religious looking?

I think she realized that her father was a manipulative jerk, and had manipulated her too.

I think the scenes with her in the lobby waiting was supposed to make us think that she was waiting for a date, but in the end we see that it was her father (and so we can reasonably assume it had been the other times), and that she had been pining for Akiva too but was torn between him and her father.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 12:59 pm
gallie657 wrote:
What bothered me about the plot was that Libi said in the studio that it was her idea to have Kiva stop painting and now in the hotel she was acting like it wasn't her idea. Also, who was she waiting for when Kiva called that first time? Also why is Shira Haas wearing that ugly uniform skirt? They couldn't think of something more religious looking?

They were staying in a hotel, seems normal to me to sit in the lobby
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 2:47 pm
gallie657 wrote:
Also, who was she waiting for when Kiva called that first time? Also why is Shira Haas wearing that ugly uniform skirt? They couldn't think of something more religious looking?

At least her skirt makes sense for her character.

Libi's skirt was too short and did not cover her knees.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 3:05 pm
I think one of the climaxes of the ending was that each character managed to overcome a huge part of their personality to do what is right:

Lipa - he tells Ruchomi that a father never stops caring for his kids. He overcame the part of him that wanted to run away.

Gitty - She calls Lipa and says she needs him. Since he left her, she became very tough with an "I can handle it all on my own, I'm always right" attitude and she finally realized that it's ok to need others, especially her husband.

Chanina - I loved the scene where he secretly met Ruchomi the day before their wedding. This is a guy who learns all day and wants to be the perfect masmid. He even left to Tzfat even though Ruchomi told him she wasn't happy about it. But he finally learned that he has to be flexible when it comes to his wife's feelings, even if it means going against this particular minhag, which is so out of character for him and shows major growth.

Ruchomi - Wow, without a therapist, she realized on her own that the root of her problems is her fear of being abandoned again. Talk about self-awareness!

Shulem - Although at the end, he was upset about the painting, that was only because of his wife's kovod. He really came to terms with Akiva's art and is even proud of him and happy when he goes to the studio.

Nochum - He finally realizes that he can't control everyone, or at least not his daughter.

Akiva - He finally says no to his father! I was cheering him on when he actually defended himself instead of sitting quietly and just "taking it" as he usually does.

Libi - She has a similar issue as Akiva (which is why they're a great fit). She also finally learns to stand up for her beliefs.
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 4:48 pm
Can someone post a link for me to last episode? I can't seem to find it. Thank you!
(Trying hard not to read the spoilers yet. .. so hard!)
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Post Sun, Jan 17 2016, 4:53 pm
All here
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2016, 10:28 am
So is Ruchami going back to 10th grade as a married women or is she going to quit school altogether?
All of Geula calling the late wife a prutza because of an inch of hair showing? Really?
I'm just happy that Nuchem showed his daughter his true colors and she went back to Akiva.
Does the constant smoking on the show bother anyone else??
And what about the dog??
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2016, 11:06 am
The constant smoking is a great part of the authenticity, unfortunate as it may be.
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Post Mon, Jan 18 2016, 4:50 pm
I agree with so many of the comments. I have to say that the end was bittersweet because of Shulem. Yes everyone around him seems to be growing and forgiving and being there for each other. But for Shulem, the "ikar" is the hair and what everyone in Geulah is saying about his deceased wife. He doesn't realize that in buying and then changing the painting, he's forcing a wedge between himself and his precious son who is here and living and needs his approval.
I thought all of the conversations about being accepted/acceptable vs your loved ones needing you to change set so many things so well. What a beautiful episode.
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