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Food in NON kosher restaurants
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What do you or would you take in non kosher restaurants
 39%  [ 36 ]
Only drinks  
 50%  [ 46 ]
Only bread  
 0%  [ 0 ]
Only desserts (because meat doesn't go in these dishes)  
 2%  [ 2 ]
Only cold stuff like sushi (no tolaim)  
 0%  [ 0 ]
Everything cold including salad  
 3%  [ 3 ]
Everything but meat  
 4%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 91



Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:25 pm
Feel free to add anything, anon or not. Please no bashing. I am just curious.
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chocolate moose  


Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:28 pm
I don't think this thread belongs on our board.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:29 pm
Why? I know people who describe themselves as observant or Mo and do eat in non kosher restaurants. Some even eat non kosher meat outside of their house but as you see I didn't include this option.

My community recently had an event and the food was non kosher. I saw people doing everything from "only drink" to "everything but meat", which inspired this poll.
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  chocolate moose  


Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:35 pm
This is a frum board and that's not the norm.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:36 pm
I don't know what is the norm. So I am asking. The norm also seems very different in France than in the US. Let people vote and we will see.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:38 pm
How about "won't even WALK into one, never mind eating!"
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:39 pm
First option.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:39 pm
Although I voted for drinks, I wouldn't stay in a non-kosher restuarant to drink it. Also, if I was in Brooklyn, I'd just buy it elsewhere.
But if I'm stuck on a highway and I need a drink and there's a McDonalds at the rest stop, I'd buy a coke. And drink it in the car.
Here in NY it's not even acceptable to buy salads from a treif restuarant. You have to be careful with knives, aside from bugs.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:42 pm
Ruchel wrote:
Why? I know people who describe themselves as observant or Mo and do eat in non kosher restaurants. Some even eat non kosher meat outside of their house but as you see I didn't include this option.

My community recently had an event and the food was non kosher. I saw people doing everything from "only drink" to "everything but meat", which inspired this poll.

Even if someone considered themselved MO or observant, I wouldn't eat in their homes if they ate out at a treif restaurant. And by eating out, I don't mean getting a coke at a rest stop. If they eat salad at a restaurant, that means their standards are different than mine, and I wouldn't be able to trust the food in their home as well.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:43 pm
I would get a coke from a rest stop and if they had kosher chips, I would get them too. I have done this before on a road trip.
If I was in the city I would just walk to the nearest Bodega or drug store instead of walking into a McDonald's.
But I have used the McDonald's bathroom when I was toilet training DD.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:44 pm
There's a problem just entering a non-kosher restaurant. Confused
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:46 pm
I get it Defy. It is true, these people do not keep cholov yisroel or glatt for example, and I suppose you keep them. At the same time the two families who took only drinks at the event do not keep them either, so you couldn't go either.
I happen to have a friend who keeps cholov yisroel and glatt, but will eat salads in non kosher restaurants. You also have those who don't act the same in holidays and at home. It's very complicated.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:48 pm
Why would you assume that I keep glatt and cholov yisrael? I don't.
There's a very difference between being machmir on kashrus and blatantly eating treif.
There's a big difference between buying a coke at McDonalds and ordering a salad.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:49 pm
About entering a treif restaurant:

For a man, it's absolutely a problem. He looks like a Jew with a kippah, peyos, whatever else... but a lady who's dressed tzniusdik-- it doesdn't label her "jewish" the same way-- so it isn't so much of a problem for a lady though she shouldn't do it in her community where people who know her might see.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 6:56 pm
There's definitely a big difference, I agree!

I assumed because I know people who don't go into non kosher restaurants and generally they keep cy and glatt. They are all charedi, so that must be why. Now, I know the situation is different here than in huge communities.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 7:00 pm
I never said I wouldn't go into a treif restaurant, however, the opportunity usually doesn't present itself because I'm usually not in a situation where the only bathroom available is in a treif place. Ditto with beverages.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 7:02 pm
You're right amother!
Dh says he was told by a teacher it is a problem in a Jewish community where people don't go to treif restaurants, and that these communities would have a kosher restaurant, so it would be unnecessary to go to the treif one anyway.

Now that I think about it, I saw a group of guys with the full look, payes, hat... in a restaurant a few weeks ago. I thought "yay they have opened a kosher restaurant around here", but no. lol
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 7:04 pm
DefyGravity wrote:
I never said I wouldn't go into a treif restaurant, however, the opportunity usually doesn't present itself because I'm usually not in a situation where the only bathroom available is in a treif place. Ditto with beverages.

I get it. Of course if you have kosher things all around it would be weird to just go to the non kosher!
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 7:05 pm
I live in Brooklyn, but when I'm in the City, I would never eat anything from a treif restaurant, but I've walked into delis before to see if I could just buy a whole fruit.
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Post Sun, May 13 2007, 7:11 pm
amother wrote:
About entering a treif restaurant:

For a man, it's absolutely a problem. He looks like a Jew with a kippah, peyos, whatever else... but a lady who's dressed tzniusdik-- it doesdn't label her "jewish" the same way-- so it isn't so much of a problem for a lady though she shouldn't do it in her community where people who know her might see.

Is that halachically true? Because maris ayin is assur even if no one there knows who you are and that you're Jewish. You can't do things that are maris ayin even in your own bedroom.
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