Thu, Apr 12 2007, 11:22 am
So I got a phone call last night from a person at the school.
"hi xyz"
me, "hi, how was your yom tov."
"oh B"H very nice, but I am not calling you about that. I am calling you because as you knwo we are having our parent scholarship dinner in May."
Then she starts to go on about the cost etc..
Me, "well u know I do not have that kind of money, plus the cost of a sitter I am sorry I am going to have to say no."
"Oh but if you call this person (xyz) she is working on the cost for the parents that cannot afford the full cost."
Me, "ok what is the date and I will think about it."
She tells me the date and guess what it's the sunday before finals!!!
Me, "listen even if we did work out a cost I am sorry, my finals are that week and I am not really going to be sane in a manner of speaking."
"You know what, I do nto have an argument for that. That is a valid reason to miss the dinner."
YAHOOO!!!!! I so do not like going to those things!! Esp., when I cannot pay the full price. Then I have to hear the comments.
"OH so she cannot afford to pay for xyz, but she can afford the $200 for this meal."
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