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-> Shabbos and Supper menus
chocolate moose
Fri, Nov 10 2006, 2:55 pm
If you eat breakfast, what do you put out? For yourself, your kids, and guests?
I have a teenage girl who often comes, and I often have other sleepover guests too.
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Fri, Nov 10 2006, 3:00 pm
usually cereal and cookies or cake
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Fri, Nov 10 2006, 3:04 pm
Cereal or cottage cheese. If we have guests, I'll put out Stella D'oro cookies and/or Entenmann's.
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Fri, Nov 10 2006, 3:12 pm
definately coffee and cake. It's the day of the week I allow myself to have cake- yum!
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 8:54 am
Cereal & if we have guests, cake. I f I make cake, I eat it so I try not to.
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 9:02 am
cereal and milk first.
and then cake or cookies after everyone's eaten breakfast. my own- not storebought.
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 9:07 am
My kids usually have cereal & milk. (during the week, they have cornflakes with some type of sweet cereal sprinkled on top, so Shabbos they get to have just the sweet cereal with milk, and no cornflakes.... what a treat!!! )
I usually have a coffee and a muffin, or cake.
DH just waits to make Kiddush as we sit down for the meal. He doesn't like to fill up before the meal.
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 9:41 am
Is this a Lubavitch thing to eat cake before Kiddush?
Even if we eat, we would certainly not eat mezonos.
My little kids have special cereal that we don't have all week (something like Kariot or Cocoman for Israelis in the know ). Myself and my bas-mitzva girl and the other kids if they want have a fruit or choc yoghurt (Dani, Milki, Badi or fruit yoghurt - ditto). My dh just has a cup of coffee.
We have lunch about 10.30 to 11 when we make hamotzi.
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 10:02 am
Lunch at 10:30?? How is that possible?
We have cake for breakfast too (homemade). Lunch isnt until at least 1:30.
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 10:16 am
de_goldy wrote: | Lunch at 10:30?? How is that possible?
Why isn't it possible? Davenning is from 7.30 or 8 for 2-2.5 hours, depending on the time of year and the length of the davenning that week. Then my dh and ds come home home and we have kiddush and hamotzi. Haven't you guys heard of sof zman krias shma and not fasting till after chatzos?
(Now choccy is going to string me up for introducing a halachic point into a non-halachic thread she started. Sorry, choccy )
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 10:19 am
I always have a cake in the cake stand on the counter, I have cookies too.
dh usually has oj and I have milk and coffee for the guests I never put anything out I just leave out dishes mugs spoons etc.
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 10:20 am
mummyof6, its all in the Shulchan Aruch. there's really no point in getting into it here all over again.
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chocolate moose
Sun, Nov 12 2006, 11:27 am
Mummy, I don't mind it at all, and that's why I asked - I figured some would only have juice or fruit!
I see in shuls cake and cookies for the early daveners.
I've also been to homes where the women make kiddush in the AM and eat breakfast.
BTW we daven at 10 or 10:30, so Kiddush isn't until 12:30 for sure, and often it's 2 PM for us.
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 11:30 am
chocolate moose wrote: | Mummy, I don't mind it at all, and that's why I asked |
Awww, I'm glad you don't mind. I certainly didn't intend to spoil your thread.
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Mama Bear
Sun, Nov 12 2006, 11:34 am
coffee and a diet cookie, sometimes an egg if I'm really hungry.
Lunch is usually around 1:30. Dh goes to daven at 9:30, and goes kiddush hopping afterwards.
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 11:41 am
KOKOSH CAKE, without a doubt, without ever skipping a week! It's the 614th mitzvah in the Torah - kokosh cake for Shabbos and Yom Tov morning breakfast!
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Sun, Nov 12 2006, 12:09 pm
We always have mezonos for breakfast on Shabbos, either cake, cookies or cereal and milk , and of course a hot drink.
I had a cousin who's in siminary over last shabbos and she make kiddush before she had anything like that for breakfast. The only other time I saw women making kiddush in order to eat breakfast was when I gave birth in Shaare Tzedek hospital and stayed there for Shabbos.
Anyways , the third Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek, told his daugher in law when she insisted on davening before breakfast (eventhough she was very ill and was commanded by doctors to eat as soon as she wakes up): "It's better to eat in order to daven than to daven in order to eat."
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Mon, Nov 13 2006, 7:48 pm
So yes, because of the story cited by yiddishenachas, the Lubavitch minhag is davka to eat mezonos before davening. You could eat crackers, but, esp. Shabbos, cake is more fun!
When I get "fancy," I make cheesecake!!
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chocolate moose
Mon, Nov 13 2006, 7:51 pm
actually, cHEESECAKE IS shehakol but who's counting.....
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