I kind of doubt I'll find one of my 13 yr old - but we'll try:)
Hard to find pictures of him - he's so determined to not let me capture one of him. My others I have successfully harrassed.
How come whenever I try to upload something it doesn't work?
How are you trying to do it?
with image shack.
I used to use imageshack many years ago, but left it - maybe for difficulties in use? I can't remember. But the general gist would be to choose the pic, right click to get properties, highlight properties, copy, and then come here and paste it. You may need to add [ img ] in the beginning without the spaces and then again, but like this [ /img ] at the end (no spaces). For mine - which I just did - flickr has a thing where you can click on share and then it highlights the text for you - copy it and then come paste it - and that was all I had to do. It did give a hyperlinked tag - which I didn't know about before, but that's okay by me.
You could try going back and uploading smaller pics - you should be able to choose which size you're uploading. Then they should be fine here. And, cute kids! bli ayin hara!
well, if anyone knows me, they'll definitely figure out who I am with these pics lol. couldn't resist sharing my babies, too:
my 1 yr old this past summer:
my 7 year old and 1 year old (summer):
my 1 year old this past chanuka (much longer hair now lol):