-> Miscellaneous
chocolate moose
Thu, Aug 24 2006, 11:54 am
It seems like every year when we viist family someone gets lost....she's almost 17 and speaks the language so it wasn't so bad, but still.
I didn't have her cell phone on me, but I got it (had to call home, long distance!) to get it, then call her.
Worked Great!
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Thu, Aug 24 2006, 11:58 am
What exactly happend, and why is it controversial did she get lost or didn't she
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Thu, Aug 24 2006, 1:33 pm
You didn't have your dd's cell number? Or you didn't have your cell on you, therefor you couldn't get dd's number because u usually use speed dial, so therefor you don't know it by heart? Don't you have free long distance? If so, you really gotta change ur carrier
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chocolate moose
Thu, Aug 24 2006, 1:36 pm
Usually, I carry a big purse with my date book business cards, water bottle, etc.
I was visiting my mom. Down south. I didn’t need all that chazerai. (I have a “vacation purse”.)
So, when she got lost, I had nothing to track her down with. Her cell is a pay per call and I rarely use it. So I ddn’t know it by heart…….
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Thu, Aug 24 2006, 3:07 pm
Before cell phones, we arranged to meet at certain location at certain times to keep up with everybody. We could also ask store personel to page customers and I still occasionally hear people doing that. Also make a place to wait if lost so that the other family members can all meet there. This type of pre-planned meeting can be a life-saver if visiting a beach, Grand Canyon, or other place where getting lost is not safe.
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