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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 1:11 pm
im embarrassed to ask but im new to making pesach and wondering what comes first/the order of these (please add if im missing anything):

buying pesach food, buying pesach linens and disposables, kashering kitchen, covering kitchen countertops with plastic, cooking for pesach, cleaning kitchen, toiveling dishes, hogolo for dishes

I know this sounds silly, but im confused when I kasher and when to bring out the pesach stuff... for example, when do I take out the chometzdik dishes... before or after the kashering?
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 1:14 pm
Buy kashering and covering things.clean and Kasher kitchen. Cover kitchen. Toivel dishes whenever you get the chance. Buy food. Cook after everything is ready to go. Buy disposables when you buy the food.

Tablecloths and hand towels can be used from year round just wash them.
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 1:16 pm
It depends. Personally, I do pesach shopping even before I clean. I didn't start cleaning my house but I did my shopping partially already. I will clean my house next week and go shopping for perishables at the end of the week.
After my house is cleaned I kasher and cover my kitchen
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 1:19 pm
amother Narcissus wrote:
It depends. Personally, I do pesach shopping even before I clean. I didn't start cleaning my house but I did my shopping partially already. I will clean my house next week and go shopping for perishables at the end of the week.
After my house is cleaned I kasher and cover my kitchen

thank you! but when do I tape everything up? and when do I put away the chometzdik dishes and put in pesachdig dishes? before I kasher? but then the pesach dishes would be in a chometzdik kitchen?
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 1:54 pm
amother OP wrote:
thank you! but when do I tape everything up? and when do I put away the chometzdik dishes and put in pesachdig dishes? before I kasher? but then the pesach dishes would be in a chometzdik kitchen?

Everyone has a different setup. I close my chometz cabinets and don't use them over pesach. I clean then kasher then take out pesach stuff. If you are kashering stuff, you can just set up a clean and cover an area temporarily if you need to kasher chometz stuff to use.
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 2:54 pm
Before you can get the right advice, you need to describe your setup/final plan. I've capitalized the actions in each step, based on what you posted.

It sounds like you are emptying some cabinets and putting pesach dishes and cookware in them, is that right? And you are kashering some utensils as well?

1. PLAN what spaces need to be emptied, what you'll be covering, and what you're going to eat.

2. CONSIDER cleaning and covering a space for food, as some things sell out. If you'll want to do this, CLEAN AND PREPARE your first spaces, then do your initial SHOPPING.
Put fridge and freezer stuff in bags in the appropriate space until you have a space ready for them, put nonperishables in the space you prepared.

3. Continue to CLEAN everything else in the eating areas, and PREPARE (clean and cover) the rest of the spaces you'll need to cover and/or unpack into.

4. SET ASIDE all cleaned keilim that you'll be kashering. I put mine in a plastic bag in a drawer that I'll be using for Pesach, and have prepared.

5. When eating areas are completely cleaned, you're ready to kasher. You start with the stove. CLEAN, COVER, KASHER the stove, and unpack a Pesach kettle and/or other pots, fill from a non kitchen sink.

6. HAGALAH - KASHER the faucets in the kitchen, and the sinks if they're kasherable.

7. KASHER the keilim.

8. COVER the counters and table, and sinks if not kashering.

9. UNPACK the Pesach stuff and put away.

You can do the OVENS whenever you're ready, as long as they're done before you plan to use them.

Ditto TEVILA for new dishes.

Ditto the rest of your SHOPPING.

Hope this helps!
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 4:48 pm
amother OP wrote:
im embarrassed to ask but im new to making pesach and wondering what comes first/the order of these (please add if im missing anything):

buying pesach food, buying pesach linens and disposables, kashering kitchen, covering kitchen countertops with plastic, cooking for pesach, cleaning kitchen, toiveling dishes, hogolo for dishes

I know this sounds silly, but im confused when I kasher and when to bring out the pesach stuff... for example, when do I take out the chometzdik dishes... before or after the kashering?

Depends on your style and space.

I have bought most of my pesach non perishables and am storing them in my playroom. This includes my counter covers.
I ckeaned a freezer on shushan purim and have frozen pesach food there.

Over the weekend I took out all the real chometz food from my cabinets and moved it to the dining room. I am still cooking w chometz.

I cleaned most of my cabinets. One I left empty and am starting to fill with pesach items I have bought. I have a big sign saying pesach on the cabinet.

I will be using one more cabinet for pesach pots. I plan to clean it today and store the chometz pots in a box.

Thursday I have my cleaning lady. We will bezras Hashem clean fridge, stove, counters well. Empty clean, and line cutlerty drawers. I will not use my sink for hot from wed so I can kasher. Plan is to scrub and kasher, cover counters, put up signs.

Once thats done I bring out my pesach pots and stuff and consider kitchen pesachdik. At that point I buy fridge peerishables.

I will cook pesach food mostly for shobbos.

In my basement I set up a table w a toaster, extra burner, betty crocker, crock pot and will be cooking chometz there and eating in dining room. Ill clean out the chometz completely the day before bedikas chometz.

We might be using things from chometz cabinets, so I dont tape up until erev pesach.

But lots of my friends dont have chometz in the house once they turn over. But they turn over later. To each his own. I move slowly.
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 4:55 pm
amother OP wrote:
thank you! but when do I tape everything up? and when do I put away the chometzdik dishes and put in pesachdig dishes? before I kasher? but then the pesach dishes would be in a chometzdik kitchen?

You can clean cabinets, remove chometz dishes, amd put in pesach before you kasher. (Just sweep your floor before putting your boxes down!) Depends on your style.

Also, I highly recommend removing the absolute minimim of chometz dishes/pots that works for you and store pedach on temporary shelves, eyc. I move more than I like because I dont have room for those temporary shelves, but even so I empty out a food cabinet, s pots cabinet, and my cutlery drawers. Rest of my chometz pots and dishes stay put.
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 5:25 pm
imasinger wrote:
Before you can get the right advice, you need to describe your setup/final plan. I've capitalized the actions in each step, based on what you posted.

It sounds like you are emptying some cabinets and putting pesach dishes and cookware in them, is that right? And you are kashering some utensils as well?

1. PLAN what spaces need to be emptied, what you'll be covering, and what you're going to eat.

2. CONSIDER cleaning and covering a space for food, as some things sell out. If you'll want to do this, CLEAN AND PREPARE your first spaces, then do your initial SHOPPING.
Put fridge and freezer stuff in bags in the appropriate space until you have a space ready for them, put nonperishables in the space you prepared.

3. Continue to CLEAN everything else in the eating areas, and PREPARE (clean and cover) the rest of the spaces you'll need to cover and/or unpack into.

4. SET ASIDE all cleaned keilim that you'll be kashering. I put mine in a plastic bag in a drawer that I'll be using for Pesach, and have prepared.

5. When eating areas are completely cleaned, you're ready to kasher. You start with the stove. CLEAN, COVER, KASHER the stove, and unpack a Pesach kettle and/or other pots, fill from a non kitchen sink.

6. HAGALAH - KASHER the faucets in the kitchen, and the sinks if they're kasherable.

7. KASHER the keilim.

8. COVER the counters and table, and sinks if not kashering.

9. UNPACK the Pesach stuff and put away.

You can do the OVENS whenever you're ready, as long as they're done before you plan to use them.

Ditto TEVILA for new dishes.

Ditto the rest of your SHOPPING.

Hope this helps!

THANK YOU!!!!! this is so helpful...

also, ive seen white cloth covers for faucets... what is that for and how do those work?
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 11:37 pm
amother OP wrote:
im embarrassed to ask but im new to making pesach and wondering what comes first/the order of these (please add if im missing anything):

buying pesach food, buying pesach linens and disposables, kashering kitchen, covering kitchen countertops with plastic, cooking for pesach, cleaning kitchen, toiveling dishes, hogolo for dishes

I know this sounds silly, but im confused when I kasher and when to bring out the pesach stuff... for example, when do I take out the chometzdik dishes... before or after the kashering?

Why would this be needed? Even if one eats in bed, just clean the linen.
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ray family


Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 11:42 pm
amother Diamond wrote:
Why would this be needed? Even if one eats in bed, just clean the linen.

I’m not sure if the op means actual linen or towels and table cloths
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Post Tue, Apr 09 2024, 11:50 pm
ray family wrote:
I’m not sure if the op means actual linen or towels and table cloths

My question still stands.
We were told to wash everything and its fine. And to cover table cloth with plastic.
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 12:56 am
Don’t forget the 24 hour waiting period.

Can anyone explain this?
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 2:12 am
amother Hotpink wrote:
Don’t forget the 24 hour waiting period.

Can anyone explain this?

To be able to kasher, it's important that the sink hasn't gotten hot in the past 24 hours.
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 2:27 am
Regarding washing towels I believe it had to be in hot water but ask your own Rav
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 2:50 am
First clean (and empty cabinets for pesach things)
Then kasher
Place pesach things in fridge, cabinets…

Some people are cooking a few weeks before. Some people don’t start cooking until a day or two before. There’s no right or wrong. Whatever works.
If you are kashering your kitchen early then you need a place to still eat chometz so figure out where that will be.
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 5:49 am
amother OP wrote:
THANK YOU!!!!! this is so helpful...

also, ive seen white cloth covers for faucets... what is that for and how do those work?

I haven't seen or heard of them, you might want to AYLOR. Could it be a visual reminder for people who have pull out spray faucets not to pull out the hose on Pesach (which can't be kashered because it's plastic), and just use the metal part?

Could it be a way to remember not to use hot water in the sinks for 24 hours before kashering? No clue.
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 5:57 am
amother OP wrote:
THANK YOU!!!!! this is so helpful...

also, ive seen white cloth covers for faucets... what is that for and how do those work?

I think it's for people who hold you can't kasher your faucet.
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 6:07 am
amother Peach wrote:
I think it's for people who hold you can't kasher your faucet.

I think it's for people who hold you can't drink the water.
If there are people who hold that way, ok. But most of the world does not need such a thing.
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Post Wed, Apr 10 2024, 6:11 am
I generally turn my kitchen over pretty late. And I have found that if I save all my pesach shopping for after the kitchen is turned over it is super-overwhelming. I have a place that I prepare (not in my kitchen) for the pesach groceries, and I start shopping about 2 weeks before pesach.

Once the kitchen is clean I can start moving pesach things into the kitchen.

As far as pesach dishes, you can move those in whenever the kitchen is clean and there's a space for them in the cabinets. You don't need to kasher the cabinets, so as long as there are no crumbs around you're good.
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