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Which Mishloach Mosos was YOUR favorite?
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:10 pm
We got one themed one but otherwise all the rest of our MM was chocolate or baked good with a wine, seltzer or JJ cappuccino.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:10 pm
Shalach Manos is supposed to show friendship, not to impress people.

My kids loved the clementines! (and the candy)
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:12 pm
amother Mint wrote:
I got a bunch of no theme MM. just 2 or 3 items in a box/container mostly baked goods. I wish my family was more exciting Smile
I told dh these MM scream "im not managing but I had to give mm..."

No. These Mm scream , I am being mekayem the Mitzvah of MM by putting in an effort to go shopping , baking , etc . and giving many people (not only one person, as is the Mitzvah requirement ) and I will put more emphasis and money into the other Mitzvos of the day .
I’m a lover of creativity and themes and poems and all that jazz , but I never ever would think that a simple MM cries that a person is not managing . Do you judge yourself as harshly? I really hope not.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:12 pm
Chocolate, especially kosher l pesach.

Home-baked goods.

I don't get real food, but I would appreciate it.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:15 pm
amother Green wrote:
We got one themed one but otherwise all the rest of our MM was chocolate or baked good with a wine, seltzer or JJ cappuccino.

Same the classics are amazing! Although we did a theme I appreciate the classic drink and pastry looks really presentable too

Easy to regift give to my elderly neighbor and her aide after Purim otherwise I’m left with junk I don’t want in the house
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:20 pm
amother Mint wrote:
I got a bunch of no theme MM. just 2 or 3 items in a box/container mostly baked goods. I wish my family was more exciting Smile
I told dh these MM scream "im not managing but I had to give mm..."

It certainly does not! It means that's what they chose to give. By choice. Not because they weren't managing. Not everyone wants to give a theme. I don't. And I'm managing just fine thank you very much.

My favorites: Early in the morning, someone brought over a roll, cream cheese, and salad with dressing. It was my breakfast.

Later in the day someone brought over a homemade roll with 3 dips. We used it for the seuda and it was really good.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:20 pm
amother Mint wrote:
I got a bunch of no theme MM. just 2 or 3 items in a box/container mostly baked goods. I wish my family was more exciting Smile
I told dh these MM scream "im not managing but I had to give mm..."
What an awful assumption because that IS what that is.
You have no idea why someone gives what they give.
News flash, not everyone likes doing themes or putting their all into mishloach manot.

Please do not make assumptions about any human beings unless you have literally walked a mile in their shoes.

And dont assume one kind of mishloach manot means xyz. WOW, just WOW.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:26 pm
amother Mint wrote:
I got a bunch of no theme MM. just 2 or 3 items in a box/container mostly baked goods. I wish my family was more exciting Smile
I told dh these MM scream "im not managing but I had to give mm..."

That would be me, sorry that you were disappointed by my mm. Not that I have to explain myself to you, but I happen to be super uncreative and terrible at thinking of themes etc. Not sure why that means that Im not managing or not exciting enough. I still tried to bake some yummy stuff, if I had known you thought it was so pathetic, I definitelt wouldnt have bothered giving you. All that baking was actually super time consuming.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:26 pm
amother Mint wrote:
Im not. 99% of them are the same mm from the same people every year

I gave a themed mm I put a lot of time into and I love seeing creativity and people who put thought into it

So I could tell my Dh your MM looks like you have too much time on your hand and need a hobby.. I bake every year and this years took a lot of my time (I have a newborn) and BH I’m managing
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:27 pm
Homemade pizza- a perfect size for 2 kids to share for lunch

Salads- I got a bunch this year. Lots of Israeli themed mm, so lots of Israeli salads and chummos. The best ones came along with some Israeli company chocolate!

I love the homemade ice coffees and baked goods. I got a few varieties of muffins this year.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:32 pm
Vegetable platter that we put on the table during seudah for people to take from. Soup- I love being given soup. Definitely salads.

If you are one of the two people who gave us bagel chips, what brachah do you say on them? I love love bagel chips, and gave myself the privilege of eating them today because I had washed for lunch on a fabulous roll, also sent to us.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 4:56 pm
fresh fruit.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 5:06 pm
Soup and kugel is the best!!

I really like themes, especially if there's a good chap.
Someone gave a racing themed MM. Just like Hashem brought the yeshuah speedily... blue gatorade for wiper fluid, b&w stuff, etc.

Although I don't judge people's level of "managing" based on the MM they give, it does mean a lot to me when I see that someone put in the effort to make something beautiful, bakovodik
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 5:09 pm
One of my friends gave a pack of baby carrots and chumus and I almost cried because it was exactly what I needed. I hadn't eaten anything nutritious all day.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 5:13 pm
ok I live in the (very urban) tri state area where the most common shalach manot are a fun bag from amazing savings with store bought snacks. We are all very much managing, thank you, and hardly anyone bothers with a theme- and if they do, their shaach manot are still super basic. no one is trying to figure out why a particular snack is in a bag. its just whatever you put in. We now have a houseful of nosh, drinks, bags, and tinsel and it feels like we are coming out of a fun and awesome purim, which we are. many ppl in my area are very financially comfortable, some are not, and no one knows the dif from their shalach manos.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 5:13 pm
I love getting from people I love. I'll even taste their baked goods, even though I'm a bit picky.
The pirates gave us MM in a treasure chest box with a jewel ring lolly, chocolate coins and gold wrapped chocolate balls
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 5:58 pm
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 6:01 pm
amother Mint wrote:
I got a bunch of no theme MM. just 2 or 3 items in a box/container mostly baked goods. I wish my family was more exciting Smile
I told dh these MM scream "im not managing but I had to give mm..."

Wow, that’s really not nice. I’m kind of horrified that you think this, and then felt like you had to post it.
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 6:04 pm
Not to brag butI effortlessly put together creative themes my friends and family look forward to my mm every year. I really enjoy others creative themes but I understand that ot everyone is so creative. I loved getting chocolate. All types. But the Klic. Bars and Rosemarie was the best. I hated getting parva chocolate. I also enjoyed getting a Simcha theme that included chocolate covered nuts, jelly rings and vienese crunch -about 2 prices each but that's all I needed it was delicious. Anything that I normally can't afford or wouldn't by myself felt like such a treat.

I hated getting homemade goods. I felt bad for whoever made me a chocolate cake. I bake when I want. I feel no need to get others baked goods.
Also I loved getting chocolate liquor and mulching liquor. But I feel bad for all the people buying liquor for the fancy bottle.q
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Post Mon, Mar 25 2024, 6:06 pm
I happened to have given everyone a nice seltzer with a good chocolate bar stuck on to it.
Im managing my life really well, but I was too busy to do anything else.

Even if I wouldn’t be managing, instead of judging, how about you go and help those people who send simple mm, because obviously they aren’t managing?

Plus, I think theme mm are tacky and most of it goes to the garbage in my house. Unless your theme happens to come with good chocolate or appealing homemade goodies.
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