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Why the extreme hate for Meghan Markle
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 10:33 am
amother Goldenrod wrote:
I don't understand it either.
I feel like she was under the brutal microscope from the beginning because she was an American, not British, and she was criticized for every single thing she did.

She didn't curtsy the right way.

She didn't show up minutes after birth wearing a beautiful dress with hair and makeup done.

Just one ridiculous thing after another.

Honestly I wouldn't last very long there either.
I'm glad she left to live a more normal life.

Anyone who’s followed them knows what they’re getting into. And you’re going to tell me an actress can’t learn how to curtsy correctly? She’s so disingenuous.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 10:43 am
Meghan knew for the most part what she was getting into.

She just didn't really know yet if she would be able to deal with it. And fact is, she wasn't able to deal with it.

Her life experiences had equipped her with too few skills for dealing with difficulties, and too much recourse to walking away from working through parts that are hard in relationships.

I think Harry would have learned this about her, and not married her, if they dated for longer. But since she was already in her mid-thirties and the biological clock was ticking, they felt they had to decide faster about marriage, and they committed somewhat hastily.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 10:44 am
I honestly could not care less about Megan or Harry or any of them, but I’m not British. I do feel sorry for Kate a bit these days because I think she should be left in peace, but I honestly wouldn’t notice if they all just disappeared unless it was pointed out to me.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 11:08 am
As an American, I don’t get the hate either. I understand why people don’t like her, but this personal hate is beyond me. It seems childish, to get so intensely involved in lives that are so obviously faked.

Everyone who thinks that Kate and William have a great marriage should remember that people used to say the same about Charles and Diana. But that facade fell apart and now the cheating couple are king and queen with the full support of the palace. To me, that’s more sick than anything Harry and Meghan did.

Also, people say they don’t like Meghan because of the Oprah show and the book, but that’s not true, she was hated in England from day 1. And there was so much the palace could’ve done to change that. Even when they were stepping down, the palace could’ve pretended to be more supportive, like they were of other family members.

It’s just so weird to see the palace PR firm putting out this script and then normal people echoing it with strong feelings, as if they’re actual family members or something.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 11:36 am
amother Navyblue wrote:
As an American, I don’t get the hate either. I understand why people don’t like her, but this personal hate is beyond me. It seems childish, to get so intensely involved in lives that are so obviously faked.

Everyone who thinks that Kate and William have a great marriage should remember that people used to say the same about Charles and Diana. But that facade fell apart and now the cheating couple are king and queen with the full support of the palace. To me, that’s more sick than anything Harry and Meghan did.

Also, people say they don’t like Meghan because of the Oprah show and the book, but that’s not true, she was hated in England from day 1. And there was so much the palace could’ve done to change that. Even when they were stepping down, the palace could’ve pretended to be more supportive, like they were of other family members.

It’s just so weird to see the palace PR firm putting out this script and then normal people echoing it with strong feelings, as if they’re actual family members or something.

Nobody thought Charles and Diana had a great marriage.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 11:40 am
amother Clover wrote:
Nobody thought Charles and Diana had a great marriage.

They absolutely did! Not at the end of course. But look back at original reports from their early years, everyone loved them!
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 11:44 am
wiki wrote:
The way I see it, Harry always had issues. He probably had ADHD since birth. He had the burden of being the spare kid. He had his parents' early divorce and people whispering all of his life that he was conceived out of wedlock. All of that is already enough to need a boatload of therapy to get to adulthood with decent mental health. And then his mother died when he was a tween, and he was stuck being raised by his father, whom he resented for ruining the marriage. He had a lot of pent up resentment against the Royal Family since long before Meghan.

My read is that Meghan probably demonstrated little respect for the Royal Family from day one of their courtship, and her willingness to ditch the whole thing if it wasn't sparking joy was probably part of why Harry was taken with her from the get-go. So I don't blame her for his retreat to private life. She probably gave him a path to exactly what he always wanted to do anyway.

However, Meghan also comes from a broken family, and she has skills that are worse than Harry's for negotiating difficult family relationships. I do blame her for the way that their retreat from royal duties has led to estrangement from the family, and I think that's a shameful thing. Harry should have found a way to stake out his own life without burning all of his old relationships. For this I totally blame Meghan.

The one thing for which I give that couple credit is that Harry is trying not to repeat the biggest mistakes of his parents and the ones for which he still harbors the greatest resentments. This is why he's sticking with his wife and his kids over the rest of his family, even when I'm sure there are days when he fully realizes that Meghan has led him astray and he'd be well served to leave. I think he's in a messed up relationship and his relationship with his family is in an awfully awful place, but I respect that he's trying to keep it together for his kids. They're better off with him than without him.

Bottom line is that I think Harry got the woman he deserved and wanted. They're both troubled people and I don't like them at all. Their cries for attention are ugly.

That said, I think a lot of the vitriol is way over the top. People on this site blame them for not posting more pictures of their children, or even suggest that the children are fake, while in the same breath complaining about how attention-seeking they are. Yes, they *are* attention-seeking, but it's okay for bad people to occasionally exercise good judgment and shield their children from unwarranted exposure. Attacking them for keeping their kids' lives private is inappropriate. Also, someone upthread attacked Meghan for wearing a loose outfit at the end of first trimester, and I think attacking her for trying to wear something normal at the awkward stage of pregnancy is simply cruel. No, it's not "seeking attention" to wear a loose-fitting style when at the end of first trimester. Someone else blamed Meghan for Kate having a possible eating disorder, which is unfounded and makes no sense. Others are quick to assume that their kids are terribly messed up (more than Will and Kate's), when the fact is that we have no view inside these people's homes and how stable their nuclear family units are.

People rush far too quickly to interpret every single thing Harry and Meghan do as evil, and to attribute them as the source of blame for all things that go wrong with all their relatives.

What do you mean that he was conceived out of wedlock?
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 12:25 pm
Conceived out of wedlock means his father is possibly not Bonny Prince Charlie, but Captain James Hewitt.
I know very little about what's going on outside of my own daled amos these days. I just realised that I wrote "prince" for Charles, when that is no longer the case but I do remember that word on the street back in the 90s or maybe even earlier was that his dad is not his dad.
My dear mother explained things to me back when Charles and Di and Fergie and Andrew were divorcing. Basically, there is royalty. And there is non royalty. QE11 married another Royal. She was I think that was the last generation in that particular line to marry "in". Once her offspring married "out" things went pear shaped and people didn't stay married. Kind of lehavdil like with us, things can get a bit pear shaped when one marries out, then what happens with the offspring, etc.
I am sorry if this sounds odd or queer or hard to understand but it's the only way I can explain how this generation of Royals has such behaviour.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 12:33 pm
amother Navyblue wrote:
They absolutely did! Not at the end of course. But look back at original reports from their early years, everyone loved them!

The first 2-3 years. It unraveled very quickly and the signs couldn't be missed. Everyone knew what was going on. Kate and William have been married for almost 13 years and there's no credible evidence that their marriage is falling apart.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 1:12 pm
thatworn wrote:
Conceived out of wedlock means his father is possibly not Bonny Prince Charlie, but Captain James Hewitt.
I know very little about what's going on outside of my own daled amos these days. I just realised that I wrote "prince" for Charles, when that is no longer the case but I do remember that word on the street back in the 90s or maybe even earlier was that his dad is not his dad.
My dear mother explained things to me back when Charles and Di and Fergie and Andrew were divorcing. Basically, there is royalty. And there is non royalty. QE11 married another Royal. She was I think that was the last generation in that particular line to marry "in". Once her offspring married "out" things went pear shaped and people didn't stay married. Kind of lehavdil like with us, things can get a bit pear shaped when one marries out, then what happens with the offspring, etc.
I am sorry if this sounds odd or queer or hard to understand but it's the only way I can explain how this generation of Royals has such behaviour.

Not quite. Diana came from nobility, she was a "lady" daughter of an earl. She was not a commoner. I think the only one of Elizabeth's children to marry a commoner is Edward, her youngest and he is the only one who didn't get divorced.
Her grandchildren are the ones marrying commoners and they seem to have more stable marriages than their parents.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 1:23 pm
Poor me I'm just a Black victim of racism who grew up more priviledged than 99% of white people and got a nose job and hair straightened to look white but I'm a victim of racism boo hoo hoo

That's why.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 1:31 pm
I felt very sorry for Meghan initially, I think there were certainly people being unpleasant and also racist to her, but lots of people loved her too.

Once she did that Oprah show I lost a lot of respect. Family is family. Go to therapy, move away, but there is no need for a public spectacle like that.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 1:32 pm
It's weird how she didn't invite her father or anyone from her family to the wedding. She was probably embarrassed by them but seriously, one does not do that to people. Lack of hakarat hatov. Everyone also saw what she did to Harry's relationship with William and Kate. And all the talking about their families in public is weird for people who say they want privacy.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 5:25 pm
amother Burgundy wrote:
Not quite. Diana came from nobility, she was a "lady" daughter of an earl. She was not a commoner. I think the only one of Elizabeth's children to marry a commoner is Edward, her youngest and he is the only one who didn't get divorced.
Her grandchildren are the ones marrying commoners and they seem to have more stable marriages than their parents.

Not a commoner, but not a royal. Nobility does not equal royal. And this is supposedly the issue. QEII married a royal from Greece. Her children marrying nobility is not on the same level as marrying commoner, but definitely not on the same level as marrying royal. I have no idea even who any of the other grandchildren (beatrice and Eugene and ... are there any others?) are married to but if they hav stable marriages BH. I hope they can all stay out of the spotlight, as being out there is so damaging and if someone married a royal solely to be out there and famous it's a recipe for disaster.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 6:20 pm
thatworn wrote:
Not a commoner, but not a royal. Nobility does not equal royal. And this is supposedly the issue. QEII married a royal from Greece. Her children marrying nobility is not on the same level as marrying commoner, but definitely not on the same level as marrying royal. I have no idea even who any of the other grandchildren (beatrice and Eugene and ... are there any others?) are married to but if they hav stable marriages BH. I hope they can all stay out of the spotlight, as being out there is so damaging and if someone married a royal solely to be out there and famous it's a recipe for disaster.

Elizabeth's mother wasn't royal either, if you want to get that technical.
Traditionally, as long as royalty married someone from the nobility it was quite acceptable.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 6:42 pm
Because people see the monarchy as a godly institution, and so when the royals have done their best pr to smear her, there is literally nothing she can do to redeem herself. It’s absurd how Americans, who are privileged to live in a country that fought a war to break it off from the monarchy, bow down to the monarchy.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 8:37 pm
amother Teal wrote:
Because people see the monarchy as a godly institution, and so when the royals have done their best pr to smear her, there is literally nothing she can do to redeem herself. It’s absurd how Americans, who are privileged to live in a country that fought a war to break it off from the monarchy, bow down to the monarchy.

Sorry but Megan and Harry's bad PR writes itself. This claim by their fans that we must all be zombies following the media or the royals' PR to smear them is so lazy and dismissive, that not liking them couldn’t be possibly based on people’s own discernment or the troves of information (books, interviews, TV shows) put out by the Sussexes themselves but we must be sheep blinded by palace PR.
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Post Mon, Mar 18 2024, 9:30 pm
mattel25 wrote:
Sorry but Megan and Harry's bad PR writes itself. This claim by their fans that we must all be zombies following the media or the royals' PR to smear them is so lazy and dismissive, that not liking them couldn’t be possibly based on people’s own discernment or the troves of information (books, interviews, TV shows) put out by the Sussexes themselves but we must be sheep blinded by palace PR.

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Post Tue, Mar 19 2024, 12:44 am
Okay. This has been eye opening for me. I see some of the vitriol on this thread that I have been wondering about and some thoughtful nuanced answers.
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Post Tue, Mar 19 2024, 3:31 am
Meghan claims she is a feminist.

The truth is, she is a social climber, married a prince and that is her ONLY reason for success and fame.

(The only other lukewarm acheivement was her third rate acting as girlfriend of main character on suits. She got the part through connections from her dad).

I hate the hypocracy. Why does she leech off of her husband's success e.g. Invictus games, title when she claims to be a self made feminist?

Now, if you compare the media coverage of Catherine vs Meghan in the first while as girl friend's of a prince, Catherine's was way way worse. Unbelievable really. Waity Katy went on for years but Meghan just had it for a short while. Only after she started playing games with the Media and public did all this hate come her way. It's only getting worse as long as she keeps smearing and double facing.
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