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New to Mishpacha, catch me up
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 12:29 am
I like the Mishpacha

I find it to be less extremist than other magazines and more nuanced

And very professional

The gashmius is insane but I think that’s just how the world is these days sadly it’s not specific to any one magazine
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 1:44 am
allthingsblue wrote:

The gashmius is insane but I think that’s just how the world is these days sadly it’s not specific to any one magazine

It's not dpecific, but if wonder if the magazine culture has helped to encourage that level of extreme gashmiut. When we're looking at these adverts every week, even if you only glance as you turn the page, it has to have some effect.
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 1:49 am
amother Moccasin wrote:
We just stopped getting the mishpacha
It used to be more jewish than it is now...
I really miss it though!

I think what this person means is that, since last fall's massacre, Mishpacha has been printing articles that present IDF service in a positive light, and that even showcase religious families whose sons serve.

As someone with more than one son in IDF regular service and reserves, I have found the new approach refreshing, even though I'm well aware that these articles don't reflect the actual situation (I.e., non-service) of the magazine's readership.
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 1:55 am
amother Milk wrote:
I think what this person means is that, since last fall's massacre, Mishpacha has been printing articles that present IDF service in a positive light, and that even showcase religious families whose sons serve.

As someone with more than one son in IDF regular service and reserves, I have found the new approach refreshing, even though I'm well aware that these articles don't reflect the actual situation (I.e., non-service) of the magazine's readership.

To call it less Jewish because of positive articles about IDF is absurd, but if that is so, I'm glad to hear Mishpacha has these articles!
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 3:06 am
amother Milk wrote:
I think what this person means is that, since last fall's massacre, Mishpacha has been printing articles that present IDF service in a positive light, and that even showcase religious families whose sons serve.

As someone with more than one son in IDF regular service and reserves, I have found the new approach refreshing, even though I'm well aware that these articles don't reflect the actual situation (I.e., non-service) of the magazine's readership.

Mishpacha has always showcased and interviewed dati leumi people while still clearly being obviously a chareidi magazine. You still see this with the editorials/columns in the front talking and focusing on chareidi issues with the draft and one controversial one where one of them said that our bochurim learning deserve all the sweets and exciting stuff and BBQs people are planning for IDF soldiers, since they are equally fighting on the front lines.

Mishpacha will interview chassidim, dati leumi, and even interview nonjews if it's relevant to an article.

It's very clear to them that they have their standards and what rabbanim they follow, but at the end of the day we are ONE nation. And while thousands of our nation, of our own souls are on the battlefield, we cannot just ignore that.

Davka in order to properly be nosei b'ol every one of you NEED to know what it's like as a mother of a child serving. You need to hear from them and not ignore them.

Also have the war essays are not by mothers of those serving (some of the mothers are also chareidi with the child having strayed from the family path) and by people living in Israel watching the war unfolds and how it has affected them.

The fact that anyone could read an essay about a mother in pain not knowing if her son is okay and think this is glamorizing and trying to convince people to send their sons to the IDF is so messed up. How on earth do you look at a Jewish mother just like us, whose son is risking his life and the only response to that is that Mishpacha is trying to push IDF service on us all.

For the record my thoughts on IDF service have shifted but I don't think this has anything to do with Mishpacha but rather living in israel, seeing the real sacrafices that people are making firsthand through friends, family, and just every day people like a grocery, mailman, or pilates teacher who are serving or have kids serving, knowing people who have died etc,
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 3:12 am
That wasn't the catch-up I was expecting but ok, all politically informed now. Anyone enjoying a serial or something?
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 3:42 am
amother OP wrote:
That wasn't the catch-up I was expecting but ok, all politically informed now. Anyone enjoying a serial or something?

I love the teen serial that just ended. The same writer is about to start a new one. I really liked that the main protagonist had no issues, or parents had issues, everyone is very normal and just regular teenage problems. So refreshing. The quality of writing is definitely for an adult, I keep reccomending people to read the teen serials!! . I really liked that the main character had a friend who was going OTD, doinc risky stuff and the immediately answer wasn't drop them, her mother said I trust you to make good decisions, you are capable if you think you are etc and she turned to adults and older sisters to help her navigate and set boundaries but still keep up a kosher relationship with this friend, ultimately showing at the end how this friendship benefited both of them.

There's another serial that just ended in the family first as well that was also really good and was so refreshing to see a couple who were a team and unit just overcoming the world together as a team. I don't remember if there's a new one starting by the same author but it was sooo good

I've really been liking the war diaries which are essays by those affected by the war, plus they started adding "maybe 6 months ago?" a new page with snippets of mental health/emotional health related stuff. It's written by proffersionals and it's about complicated things like real diagnosises and also relatable things for everyone like tools to regulate your emotions during stressful times. It's like chunks of information and it's really up to date and written well.

Of course the kichels and inbox is always where I turn first! Happy reading!
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 4:44 am
Seems like Mishpacha is alligning on the US side with the Yeshivishish/Modern Yeshivish/Five towns/OOT/JPF crowd and on the Israel side with the anglo charedi hashkafa.
Not so much with the very Insular/Isolated/Yeshivish lakewood/Eitz kind of hashkafa.
Thank you Mishpacha for presenting a wonderful publication each week that is well rounded, non senstional and true to a full torah life.
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 6:46 am
amother OP wrote:
That wasn't the catch-up I was expecting but ok, all politically informed now. Anyone enjoying a serial or something?

I love the two serials in the family first right now. One is about two american women living in Israel who have a chessed organization that helps anglo families through the medical system.
The second serial is a sequal to an existing book called "freefall".

if you are familiar with the Ami serials, the family first ones are much less sensational and hyped up but are written much better and have a more sophisticated story line.

I also like reading the "second guessing" (I think that's what it's called" column in the main magazine. It doesn't come every week but its an interesting read where they take two sides of an argument.

Like another poster said, the teen serails are great too -they started a new one this week.
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 7:40 am
amother Charcoal wrote:
Seems like Mishpacha is alligning on the US side with the Yeshivishish/Modern Yeshivish/Five towns/OOT/JPF crowd and on the Israel side with the anglo charedi hashkafa.
Not so much with the very Insular/Isolated/Yeshivish lakewood/Eitz kind of hashkafa.
Thank you Mishpacha for presenting a wonderful publication each week that is well rounded, non senstional and true to a full torah life.

Not really to the bold. They don't print women's pics, although do have them on their website. And I highly doubt that their rabbinical board are from the crowd you mentioned.
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 7:56 am
Mishpacha has never been mainstream chareidi, not the Hebrew version nor the English. I don't think they've changed in that, in either direction.
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 8:06 am
amother Mintgreen wrote:
I love the two serials in the family first right now. One is about two american women living in Israel who have a chessed organization that helps anglo families through the medical system.
The second serial is a sequal to an existing book called "freefall".

if you are familiar with the Ami serials, the family first ones are much less sensational and hyped up but are written much better and have a more sophisticated story line.

I also like reading the "second guessing" (I think that's what it's called" column in the main magazine. It doesn't come every week but its an interesting read where they take two sides of an argument.

Like another poster said, the teen serails are great too -they started a new one this week.

Second guessing is so good

My fave serial ever was the one in mishpacha about the couple from ramat eshkol
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 8:08 am
Elfrida wrote:
It's not dpecific, but if wonder if the magazine culture has helped to encourage that level of extreme gashmiut. When we're looking at these adverts every week, even if you only glance as you turn the page, it has to have some effect.

Yes it probably does ad to it, in addition to social media.
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 8:19 am
allthingsblue wrote:
Yes it probably does ad to it, in addition to social media.

In lakewood we have all the gashmiyus we need delivered right to our door with the BP weekly(at the very least 200 pages of advertisements) and the voice of lakewood!!! Banging head
We got no less than 3 full magazines a few pages each of purim costumes some of them up to $100!
I understand that businesses need to make a living but we don't need to blame it on the mishpacha, it's comes to our door for free!!! Very Happy
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 8:42 am
amother Milk wrote:
I think what this person means is that, since last fall's massacre, Mishpacha has been printing articles that present IDF service in a positive light, and that even showcase religious families whose sons serve.

As someone with more than one son in IDF regular service and reserves, I have found the new approach refreshing, even though I'm well aware that these articles don't reflect the actual situation (I.e., non-service) of the magazine's readership.

I'm not the person who wrote that it's less jewish, but I did agree with her, and this is NOT what I meant.

I just typed out then erased what I actually think. I don't think it's ltoeles. But I didn't want it to go unanswered that people think it's less jewish because it's interviewing religious families who have served in the war. All I'll say is I unsubscribed last year because of changes I saw.
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 8:47 am
amother Aster wrote:
I'm not the person who wrote that it's less jewish, but I did agree with her, and this is NOT what I meant.

I just typed out then erased what I actually think. I don't think it's ltoeles. But I didn't want it to go unanswered that people think it's less jewish because it's interviewing religious families who have served in the war. All I'll say is I unsubscribed last year because of changes I saw.

IMO, specific criticism is better than vague criticism, because at least then there's practically a guarantee that some people won't agree with it and therefore to them it won't be negative.
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 8:54 am
sequoia wrote:
You have to create an account, but it’s free.

how. when I tried to sign up it seemed to be for the paper version that I would have to pay for.
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Amelia Bedelia


Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 8:56 am
amother PlumPink wrote:
how. when I tried to sign up it seemed to be for the paper version that I would have to pay for.

It's not an e-magazine.
Start reading an article, and it will tell you, "To continue reading, please sign up..."
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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 9:04 am
amother Aster wrote:
I'm not the person who wrote that it's less jewish, but I did agree with her, and this is NOT what I meant.

I just typed out then erased what I actually think. I don't think it's ltoeles. But I didn't want it to go unanswered that people think it's less jewish because it's interviewing religious families who have served in the war. All I'll say is I unsubscribed last year because of changes I saw.

I know what the not so Jewish things are

They started printing silhouettes of women occasionally- like the one of Hillary Clinton against Donald trump. There were others. It’s mamish horrifying

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Post Sun, Mar 17 2024, 9:28 am
amother Charcoal wrote:
Seems like Mishpacha is alligning on the US side with the Yeshivishish/Modern Yeshivish/Five towns/OOT/JPF crowd and on the Israel side with the anglo charedi hashkafa.
Not so much with the very Insular/Isolated/Yeshivish lakewood/Eitz kind of hashkafa.
Thank you Mishpacha for presenting a wonderful publication each week that is well rounded, non senstional and true to a full torah life.

Not commenting on which kind of hashkafa Mishpacha is trying to portray, but not sure why you lumped Lakewood Yeshivish together with Eitz.

Most in Lakewood would certanly be aligning with Degel, not Eitz.
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