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Sleep schedule babies
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:27 pm
Trying to get my 7 week old to sleep through the night more because he wake up every 2-3 hours now to eat. Right now I make dinner from 6-7 then my husband comes home at 7 and we eat dinner and then I give my baby a bath at 7:45, nurse him put him to bed and he is in bed at 8:45. Then I end up feeding him at 11:30 because he is hungry but really I want him to learn to go more then 3 hours without feeding at night so any tips how to do this? If I feed him every night at 11:30 won’t he get used to waking up every 3 hours? I would put him to bed earlier than 8:45 but I need that time to make dinner and eat. Tips please?
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:28 pm
Right now it’s 11:30 and he’s squirming in his bed and sometimes crying but I keep putting pacifier in stretching him out but I’m so tired and I have anxiety that I will fall asleep and he’s going to wake up ten minutes later to eat
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:31 pm
Newborns are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours. Please please don’t make him wait longer!
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:31 pm
I'll be honest and tell you that it's the nature of a baby to sleep more or sleep less. At this age, you nurse when they are hungry...

Personally, I have found that when you wake up a baby at a certain time yes they get used to waking up then and that's the hardest feed to drop.

I used to put my first to sleep at about 8:00 and then I made sure to wake her at 11:00 before I went to sleep and when I was trying to train her at 6 months to sleep through the night it took so long to get her to drop that 11:00 p.m. nursing.

There are some people that say to cluster feed in the evening meaning nurse them at 6:30 and then again at 8:00 and then put them to sleep and hopefully they will go a little longer.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:31 pm
At 7 weeks old please feed him on demand! Don't starve him.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:32 pm
mommyla wrote:
Newborns are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours. Please please don’t make him wait longer!


Some newborns do sleep longer but you can't force it. You can't sleep train at such a young age and you have to feed on demand.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:33 pm
My baby is 6 months old and only now starting to sleep longer stretches at night without needing a feed.
Till now he still woke up every 2-3 hours to eat. It's normal.
If he's squirming at 11:30 and you don't want to have to wake up in 10 minutes to feed him feed him now before he cries.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:33 pm
He’s gaining tons of weight he’s really fat I don’t think he’s starving I just wish he would sleep a little more
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:34 pm
Hi, mazal tov on your new baby!

7 weeks old is tiny. At this age feeding every 2-3 hours is very normal and healthy - that's what they need to grow healthily and get everything they need! It's way too early to restrict any feedings. Babies that age just need to be nourished, loved and cared for. Eating every 2-3 hours is the normal healthy amount for them to eat at this age.

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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:35 pm
How does everyone do this?? I have to go back to work next week and I’m going to be so sleep deprived Sad
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:35 pm
Trademark wrote:

Some newborns do sleep longer but you can't force it. You can't sleep train at such a young age and you have to feed on demand.

This. If he’s meant to sleep longer at this age and just does it on his own then fine. But that’s very rare. That’s when you hear of very easy babies that they just start sleeping through as newborns. But that’s the minority. 2-3 hours is normal for much much much longer.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:35 pm
[quote="amother OP"]How does everyone do this?? I have to go back to work next week and I’m going to be so sleep deprived Sad[/quote
Your body will
Learn. And lots of coffee…it’s part of having a baby.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:36 pm
He's too young for a schedule, but I start getting a longer (like 4-5 hour stretch) around that time. I nurse very frequently before bedtime to try to tank up. I really wouldn't ignore hunger cues, especially with a baby that young. As far as you getting sleep, I keep the baby on a later bedtime for a while and go to bed with the baby, at like 9/9:30 to get more sleep.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:36 pm
[quote="amother OP"]Right now it’s 11:30 and he’s squirming in his bed and sometimes crying but I keep putting pacifier in stretching him out but I’m so tired and I have anxiety that I will fall asleep and he’s going to wake up ten minutes later to eat[/quote
So do a dream feed.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:37 pm
amother OP wrote:
How does everyone do this?? I have to go back to work next week and I’m going to be so sleep deprived Sad

Go to bed at 8:45 when he does.

As someone mentioned above you can try cluster feeding.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:39 pm
amother OP wrote:
How does everyone do this?? I have to go back to work next week and I’m going to be so sleep deprived Sad

I know it feels scary. It feels impossible.
But if you have to do it you will just do it.
You'll be sleep deprived. You may be able to catch a nap when you get home from work.
You can give 1 bottle (if you're nursing) in middle of the night and your husband does that feed so you can get a small stretch of sleep.
You learn as you go. You figure out what works.
Some that can afford it hire a night nurse that feeds the baby bottles in middle of the night.
Mazel tov!
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:45 pm
Really good advice above.

In the early weeks, I did the second to last feed before bed spaced closer than the other feeds. Also, you say you're doing a bath every night, which is great. It helps baby know that bedtime is coming.

Can you move the bath earlier? I recently started doing bath time at 7 instead of 8 for my 4 month old, and let me tell you, GAME CHANGER! She's asleep by 7:45 and DH and I have time to ourselves.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 4:46 pm
amother OP wrote:
How does everyone do this?? I have to go back to work next week and I’m going to be so sleep deprived Sad

Oy. OP. he’s a newborn. of course he still wakes to eat! this is 10000% normal and necessary.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 7:22 pm
Babies can’t and will not sleep thru the night before 4 months old.
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Post Tue, Feb 13 2024, 7:37 pm
amother Winterberry wrote:
Babies can’t and will not sleep thru the night before 4 months old.

I don’t know what you consider “sleeping through the night”. 2 out of my 3 babies started sleeping 7+ hours a night by 2ish months old with no sleep training on my part. They slept 10+ hours by 4 months, 12ish hours by 5-6 months, again with no sleep training on my part. Some babies naturally eat all their calories during the day and therefore are able to sleep a lot of hours at night.

This obviously is NOT something that can be forced, most 3 months olds aren’t capable of eating all their calories within a 12 hour period. These babies just happened to be big eaters during the day and good sleepers. My other baby didn’t “sleep through the night” till 6 months and that’s ok too. It’s very important to note that my babies were all exclusively on formula which I believe is a huge factor in infant sleep. A nursing mother should not and cannot expect their babies to sleep through the night for quite a while, and that’s ok too!

OP, you should not skip feeds at night for a 7 week old if they are hungry! However, you can try to cluster feed closer to bedtime so that soon your baby can start “skipping” a feed in middle of the night. Also, I strongly suggest that your husband gives one pumped or formula bottle overnight- this can allow you a straight 5-6 hours of sleep, which will help you tremendously with work!! And to repeat what others said, start your night as early as you can.
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