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I’m the natural mom AMA
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2024, 3:05 pm
amother Sienna wrote:
There are Rabbis who believe it’s assur to force vaccines. Not every Rabbi is open about it because they will get a lot of pushback and people would discredit them. You’d be surprised that some Rabbis are really not pro vaccination. Can you imagine if a gadol came out and said this ? He would be all over the news. Any doctor that came out against vaccines as well lost his credentials.

In Lakewood, its well known that there are mainstream Rabbanim who say its Assur to FORCE vaccines and therefore schools have to accept those not vaxxed.
That's still a very far way from saying vaccines are Assur
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2024, 3:08 pm
mizle10 wrote:
I firmly believe that is a gadol hador thinks the majority of klal yisroel are doing something outright assur they will say something. And if you don't think so you're lacking a serious amount of respect for.

Did R'elyashiv ever say it's assur? R' shach? R' Shteineman? R' moshe??
Do you think they weren't learned enough to know it's assur?

Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky said yeshivos should not force vaccines.
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2024, 3:11 pm
amother Sienna wrote:
Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky said yeshivos should not force vaccines.

That's not even remotely close to saying vaccines are assur. Try again.
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2024, 3:21 pm
mizle10 wrote:
That's not even remotely close to saying vaccines are assur. Try again.

Do the Rabbanim that you mentioned address the topic of vaccines directly ? I’m curious what they say about it. What do Gedolei Hador say about the Covid Vaccine?
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2024, 3:57 pm
goodmorning wrote:
Just to point out, insurance companies make a profit when you are not sick. They lose money when you are sick and need expensive treatments. Insurance companies are incentivized to either heal you ASAP (for the cheapest cost possible) or let you die. The middle ground - needing costly treatments that will save your life - is the worst option for them. If natural health practitioners had a good success rate, insurance companies would be flocking to pay for them.

If s patient dies, the insurance company loses a customer so I'd they're best outcome is a healthy patient
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Post Thu, Jan 18 2024, 7:21 pm
Is there any whatsapp group or support group for frum women who like this type of living to share ideas and support each other?
You can pm me with the info.
Or any other good resources specifically for frum women?
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2024, 9:40 am
mandr wrote:
lol flip it around. Who profits in the natural crunchy world? Someone! There is always a profiteer. The millions of dollars being raked in by companies selling vitamins and health products, many of which are practically placebos. Homeopathy is a fortune! Show me a real functional dr who takes normal insurance. Right. They don’t. You pay out of pocket for all such medical care. And organic healthier products are also so much more expensive. So yeah.

Homeopathy is a fortune?? What world do you live in? Homeopaths spend a ton of time on each appointment and hardly charge enough to live comfortably. $40 to spend 20 minutes asking 30 questions when your child has the flu to get the right remedy - is that a fortune?? $300 to spend 90 minutes with you asking every mental, emotional, physical symptom to restore health and then researching your case and coming up with the specific remedy for your constitution. You'd spend this much on one therapy session and get no cure. You're being unreasonable and accusatory.
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Post Fri, Jan 19 2024, 9:53 am
amother Navy wrote:
You’re right, it’s expensive. But there’s a reason insurance companies don’t cover these natural health practitioners. Because they actually make you healthy.

Wow you sure fell for a lot.... They sure as hell could care less if you're healthy. Tell me who was healed from asthma through insurance? Eczema? Colitis? I'll wait......

Nobody was healed, they're not healthy. Their symptoms were SUPPRESSED. That's all insurance pays for because that's the cheapest. Allergies? Take Zyrtec every day of your life. Constipation? Take miralax every day of your life? Eczema? Use cortisone creams and drive the pathology way deeper into your body. Were any of them healed? Of course not. The symptoms were merely suppressed. That's healthy??

Did you ever stop to question why Mental Health issues exploded proportionately with the advent of modern medicine? Because modern medicine SUPPRESSES only, it does not heal or make anyone healthy. Instead it drives pathology deeper into the body and it will come out elsewhere as mental emotional symptoms. That's the opposite of health. You've been fed a lie and actually believe it like every other naive person here.

But those who are open minded and actually question, will turn to proper medicine that actually heals. Homeopathic medicine heals, does not suppress like modern medicine does. I healed my son's extreme dust allergy and asthma with homeopathy. All that "insurance" and doctors could offer me was Zyrtec every day of the year. You call that healthy? Do you really believe what you're saying?

And if you want some science and history: Hippocrates was the first one who came up with the concept that homeopathy follows of "like cures like". Can you guess why modern medicine doesnt follow it? Because it's too expensive to treat each person individually with the exact symptoms they're exhibiting. So instead they use the faster cheaper route of trying to heal with opposites - anti-inflammatories for inflammation for example, and that's how you get this dismally unhealthy generation, victims of big pharma and "insurance" like you say.
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Post Mon, Jan 22 2024, 9:47 am
ponderinglife wrote:
Wow you sure fell for a lot.... They sure as hell could care less if you're healthy. Tell me who was healed from asthma through insurance? Eczema? Colitis? I'll wait......

Nobody was healed, they're not healthy. Their symptoms were SUPPRESSED. That's all insurance pays for because that's the cheapest. Allergies? Take Zyrtec every day of your life. Constipation? Take miralax every day of your life? Eczema? Use cortisone creams and drive the pathology way deeper into your body. Were any of them healed? Of course not. The symptoms were merely suppressed. That's healthy??

Did you ever stop to question why Mental Health issues exploded proportionately with the advent of modern medicine? Because modern medicine SUPPRESSES only, it does not heal or make anyone healthy. Instead it drives pathology deeper into the body and it will come out elsewhere as mental emotional symptoms. That's the opposite of health. You've been fed a lie and actually believe it like every other naive person here.

But those who are open minded and actually question, will turn to proper medicine that actually heals. Homeopathic medicine heals, does not suppress like modern medicine does. I healed my son's extreme dust allergy and asthma with homeopathy. All that "insurance" and doctors could offer me was Zyrtec every day of the year. You call that healthy? Do you really believe what you're saying?

And if you want some science and history: Hippocrates was the first one who came up with the concept that homeopathy follows of "like cures like". Can you guess why modern medicine doesnt follow it? Because it's too expensive to treat each person individually with the exact symptoms they're exhibiting. So instead they use the faster cheaper route of trying to heal with opposites - anti-inflammatories for inflammation for example, and that's how you get this dismally unhealthy generation, victims of big pharma and "insurance" like you say.

Backtrack a second: I believe we’re on the same side on this, save for semantics.

(I drink celery juice. I’m crunchy! )

The bolded was me saying that natural health practitioners help you get better.
By those I mean holistic healers, homeopathy people, those who do muscle testing, those who prescribe vitamins, tell you which foods to eat or not, etc.
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Post Mon, Jan 22 2024, 9:51 am
ponderinglife wrote:
Wow you sure fell for a lot.... They sure as hell could care less if you're healthy. Tell me who was healed from asthma through insurance? Eczema? Colitis? I'll wait......

Nobody was healed, they're not healthy. Their symptoms were SUPPRESSED. That's all insurance pays for because that's the cheapest. Allergies? Take Zyrtec every day of your life. Constipation? Take miralax every day of your life? Eczema? Use cortisone creams and drive the pathology way deeper into your body. Were any of them healed? Of course not. The symptoms were merely suppressed. That's healthy??

Did you ever stop to question why Mental Health issues exploded proportionately with the advent of modern medicine? Because modern medicine SUPPRESSES only, it does not heal or make anyone healthy. Instead it drives pathology deeper into the body and it will come out elsewhere as mental emotional symptoms. That's the opposite of health. You've been fed a lie and actually believe it like every other naive person here.

But those who are open minded and actually question, will turn to proper medicine that actually heals. Homeopathic medicine heals, does not suppress like modern medicine does. I healed my son's extreme dust allergy and asthma with homeopathy. All that "insurance" and doctors could offer me was Zyrtec every day of the year. You call that healthy? Do you really believe what you're saying?

And if you want some science and history: Hippocrates was the first one who came up with the concept that homeopathy follows of "like cures like". Can you guess why modern medicine doesnt follow it? Because it's too expensive to treat each person individually with the exact symptoms they're exhibiting. So instead they use the faster cheaper route of trying to heal with opposites - anti-inflammatories for inflammation for example, and that's how you get this dismally unhealthy generation, victims of big pharma and "insurance" like you say.

So maybe people should turn to mental health/ emotional healing to solve their chronic physical issues? Why jump to homeopathic?
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 4:58 pm
amother Navy wrote:
Backtrack a second: I believe we’re on the same side on this, save for semantics.

(I drink celery juice. I’m crunchy! )

The bolded was me saying that natural health practitioners help you get better.
By those I mean holistic healers, homeopathy people, those who do muscle testing, those who prescribe vitamins, tell you which foods to eat or not, etc.

Oh! I thought you're saying they as in Insurance want you to actually be healed, I was aghast at the belief but now I see what you meant... Alright, hopefully that concise clear info will help others Smile
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 5:07 pm
Success10 wrote:
So maybe people should turn to mental health/ emotional healing to solve their chronic physical issues? Why jump to homeopathic?

Homeopathy is not just for physical complaints. It's holistic medicine which means it treats the ENTIRE person, not parts of one person which modern medicine does. Homeopathic treatment takes all physical, mental, emotional issues into account, it's never done on just a physical symptom alone. People turn to homeopathy equally for mental / emotional challenges as they do for physical chronic complaints. There's a remedy for a woman who feels very jealous and is very loquacious (Lachesis) A remedy for the overwhelmed mom who resents her children and feels like she needs to run away (Sepia). A remedy for the super anxious child who once had a fright and is now always afraid something is going to happen and suffers from night terrors (Stramonium) A remedy for the restless inattentive child who craves milk, grinds his teeth at night and is destructive (Tubercullinum). A remedy for the teenager who suddenly became very angry, irritable and intolerant (Nux Vomica). A remedy for the woman who sighs a lot after a grief and feels like she cant breath deeply and likely doesnt like fruit anymore (Ignatia). A remedy for someone who can't get past a wrong done to them, feels insulted, indignant and may get headaches (Staphysagria) A remedy for the teenager who failed at something and now feels she is deeply shameful, has a hard time conversing for fear of people realizing how shameful she is, is preoccupied with her appearance and may have delusions of seeing faces at night (Ambra Grisea) etc etc. There are over 3,000 remedies with a very specific pathology picture for each.

There's no other medical modality that effectively and deeply heals people in this way.
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 6:06 pm
ponderinglife wrote:
Homeopathy is not just for physical complaints. It's holistic medicine which means it treats the ENTIRE person, not parts of one person which modern medicine does. Homeopathic treatment takes all physical, mental, emotional issues into account, it's never done on just a physical symptom alone. People turn to homeopathy equally for mental / emotional challenges as they do for physical chronic complaints. There's a remedy for a woman who feels very jealous and is very loquacious (Lachesis) A remedy for the overwhelmed mom who resents her children and feels like she needs to run away (Sepia). A remedy for the super anxious child who once had a fright and is now always afraid something is going to happen and suffers from night terrors (Stramonium) A remedy for the restless inattentive child who craves milk, grinds his teeth at night and is destructive (Tubercullinum). A remedy for the teenager who suddenly became very angry, irritable and intolerant (Nux Vomica). A remedy for the woman who sighs a lot after a grief and feels like she cant breath deeply and likely doesnt like fruit anymore (Ignatia). A remedy for someone who can't get past a wrong done to them, feels insulted, indignant and may get headaches (Staphysagria) A remedy for the teenager who failed at something and now feels she is deeply shameful, has a hard time conversing for fear of people realizing how shameful she is, is preoccupied with her appearance and may have delusions of seeing faces at night (Ambra Grisea) etc etc. There are over 3,000 remedies with a very specific pathology picture for each.

There's no other medical modality that effectively and deeply heals people in this way.

is there a book that explains all this?
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 6:10 pm
TCR wrote:
is there a book that explains all this?

Lots of books. Perhaps the science of homeopathy by George Vithoulkas. If you want to read about 30 popular remedies, read Homeopathic Psychology by Dr. Bailey - a psychotherapist who treated all his patients with homeopathy. Or if you want to treat your kids with homeopathy for everyday physical complaints on your own you can get Miranda Castro's book that briefly describes about 90 remedies but mental /emotional picture is very very short.

Start with this instagram account: https://instagram.com/introducinghomeopathy - a documentary coming out this year with lots of snippets shared from doctors, psychotherapists, and those who experienced healing when modern medicine had no solutions for them. There's a great infertility story here that only homeopathy was able to resolve...
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 6:22 pm
op no fair!

its a AMA thread but you are to busy back and forth with people who dont agree with you.

I am AMA questions.

do you use a betty crocker for pizza? is the non stick coating toxic?

do you use pyrex for kugel and chicken?
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 6:34 pm
amother Valerian wrote:
op no fair!

its a AMA thread but you are to busy back and forth with people who dont agree with you.

I am AMA questions.

do you use a betty crocker for pizza? is the non stick coating toxic?

do you use pyrex for kugel and chicken?

I started this ama a long time ago. They can’t go on forever, I barely spend time on here. I'll still come on occasionally to answer questions

I do not use anything with a nonstick coating in my house. I make pizza on a pizza stone in my oven. I use glass, cast iron or stainless steel only. No aluminum foil unless I must and then it’s always layered with unbleached parchment paper first. I’ve had the same box of aluminum foil for 2 years already.
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 6:38 pm
amother Valerian wrote:

which toothpaste do you use?

if you make your own what do you put in?

which baking pas do you use for baking chicken and kugel?

glass pyrex or hard anodised aluminium?

I make my own tooth powder and toothpaste. Depending what I want. Powder has baking soda, bentonite clay, cinnamon, clove, charcoal, mint and sea salt

Paste is more just coconut oil with mint and salt

No aluminum I use glass, cast iron or stainless steel
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 6:41 pm
amother Blonde wrote:

where can I learn more about these things you are talking about in medicine.

I am curious to read more on this... can you recommend good sources or books?

I’ve learned from so many people and places. I recommend listening to the Weston a price foundation podcasts and they have a website too. I don’t do everything they recommend and I don’t believe in following anyone 100 percent but it’s definitely a place to start. Always listen to your body and don’t do anything that doesn’t feel right or make you feel good.
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 7:22 pm
amother OP wrote:
I started this ama a long time ago. They can’t go on forever, I barely spend time on here. I'll still come on occasionally to answer questions

I do not use anything with a nonstick coating in my house. I make pizza on a pizza stone in my oven. I use glass, cast iron or stainless steel only. No aluminum foil unless I must and then it’s always layered with unbleached parchment paper first. I’ve had the same box of aluminum foil for 2 years already.

can you name brands please?
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Post Tue, Jan 23 2024, 7:23 pm
ponderinglife wrote:
Lots of books. Perhaps the science of homeopathy by George Vithoulkas. If you want to read about 30 popular remedies, read Homeopathic Psychology by Dr. Bailey - a psychotherapist who treated all his patients with homeopathy. Or if you want to treat your kids with homeopathy for everyday physical complaints on your own you can get Miranda Castro's book that briefly describes about 90 remedies but mental /emotional picture is very very short.

Start with this instagram account: https://instagram.com/introducinghomeopathy - a documentary coming out this year with lots of snippets shared from doctors, psychotherapists, and those who experienced healing when modern medicine had no solutions for them. There's a great infertility story here that only homeopathy was able to resolve...

I’m very interested in learning more. Do you have any practitioner that you would recommend?
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