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Forum -> Children's Health -> Allergies
Dairy intolerance

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Post Tue, Aug 05 2008, 9:20 am
My son is 13 months old now. I nursed him until his first birthday and while I was nursing him I had to be completely dairy free because it greatly aggrevated his reflux. At a year, we were told to give him regular milk. He took it nicely (and LOVES milk) but in the past week has been vomiting, having diarrhea, etc.
I AM waiting for the pediatrician to call me back and will definitely do whatever he suggests,
but I'm just wondering what any of you in this situation give your toddlers?
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Post Tue, Aug 05 2008, 9:44 am
My kids never drink milk, dd is allergic. Instead they drink water, or on a rare occasion watered down 100% juice or even rarer, rice milk. They've never had formula either. Babies don't need to drink cows milk, baby cows do Smile

btw, I had some kind of weird bug for a few months where I couldn't tolerate dairy and it has since gone away B"H, my firend's son had the same for a few days, no idea why, just to let you know if it seems all of a sudden then it could be something similar that goes away.

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Post Tue, Aug 05 2008, 9:46 am
I have a friend whose child is intollerant to milk and soya and she drinks rice milk?
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Post Tue, Aug 05 2008, 12:04 pm
Re what mamacita wrote about the bug & not tolerating dairy, it is common for dairy to aggravate a stomach virus (or stomach that is otherwise upset for other reasons).

If the dairy is the source of the problem - I give some soy milk to my dairy-allergic ds, but I try not to overdo it b/c too much soy can cause its own problems (phytoestrogens - ask your own ped. if/how much you should be concerned about this). There are other foods that are good sources of calcium; unfortunately, my ds is allergic to most of them (and won't eat green leafies). So I give some calcium supplements. My ped warned me not to overdo calcium supplements, though, I think b/c of the danger of kidney stones from too much.
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Post Tue, Aug 05 2008, 12:42 pm
I don't think it's a bug because he's basically had it since birth but now that he's actually drinking milk he's throwing it up as soon as he takes it in and dairy allergies run in both my family and my husband's family.
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Post Thu, Aug 07 2008, 1:23 pm
What did your ped. say?
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Post Thu, Aug 07 2008, 10:50 pm
To keep him off dairy for a few days and then I guess we'll play around and see what he could tolerate--I'm a little nervous because we're going to be on vacation for a few days next week and I don't want to have any bad reactions while we're away from home.
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Post Thu, Aug 07 2008, 10:52 pm
Soymilk or Rice Dream that is ENRICHED. The Enriched version has calcium and a few different vitamins added to it.
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Post Thu, Aug 07 2008, 10:55 pm
My daughter's nearly 2 and highly allergic to milk and many other foods. Since she's not that great of an eater I kept her on formula- Similac Go & Grow- which is suppossed to be good for 9 to 24 months
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Post Fri, Aug 08 2008, 6:40 am
My ds wasn't interested in soy milk btw ages 1-2, but I didn't worry about it b/c I was still nursing. After that, dd convinced him that he should have soymilk in his cereal so he could be like her. (TG for older siblings!)
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Post Fri, Aug 08 2008, 10:38 am
srulik123 wrote:
My daughter's nearly 2 and highly allergic to milk and many other foods. Since she's not that great of an eater I kept her on formula- Similac Go & Grow- which is suppossed to be good for 9 to 24 months

I did the same! and now I try to put soy milk instead of water in pancakes and cakes.

if you know you're baby is really allergic to milk (threw up within a few hours of having dairy), don't try to soon to give it again. and make sure you always have benadryl with you.

if you rush things,the allergy might get worse, whereas if you give it time sometimes it can get a bit better. (dd is also allergic to peanuts, hazelnuts, but now she can have a few. also I waited a long time before giving her eggs and I started a little bit at a time, now she has eggs everyday)
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Post Fri, Aug 08 2008, 10:40 am
also, there is a difference between dairy allergy and dairy intolerance. when it comes to throwing up, crazy diarhea, rash.... it's a real allergy!
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Post Sun, Aug 10 2008, 12:49 pm
get him off the milk!

Those are classic allergy signs. Give him rice/soy milk for a bit. Too much soy for boys is unhealthy, so try the rice milk first.
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Pickle Lady


Post Sun, Aug 10 2008, 12:56 pm
Did your son every have an endoscopy for his relfux? He may be allergic to dairy. Vomiting and diarrhea can be an allergic reaction. My son had an endoscopy because of his severe reflux. It took us months to connect the 2. His reflux was actually an allergic reaction. I would suggest going to a pediatric allergist and skip the Ped. Most peds aren't that knowledgeable about allergies.
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Pickle Lady


Post Sun, Aug 10 2008, 1:02 pm
manhattanmom wrote:
I don't think it's a bug because he's basically had it since birth but now that he's actually drinking milk he's throwing it up as soon as he takes it in and dairy allergies run in both my family and my husband's family.

What are you nuts!! take him off the dairy products and take him to an allergist. Please take him to an allergist. I said similar things when my oldest was sick like that and a friend yelled at me and told me that I must see an allergist. B"H I went to an allergist because my son was so allergic to dairy B"H nothing more sever happened to him. He now has an epi pen. Also if he is vomiting from the reflux then its really bad and that is doing damage to the esophagus. Plus he is in pain!!!
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Post Sun, Aug 10 2008, 3:07 pm
Pickle Lady wrote:
manhattanmom wrote:
I don't think it's a bug because he's basically had it since birth but now that he's actually drinking milk he's throwing it up as soon as he takes it in and dairy allergies run in both my family and my husband's family.

What are you nuts!! take him off the dairy products and take him to an allergist. Please take him to an allergist. I said similar things when my oldest was sick like that and a friend yelled at me and told me that I must see an allergist. B"H I went to an allergist because my son was so allergic to dairy B"H nothing more sever happened to him. He now has an epi pen. Also if he is vomiting from the reflux then its really bad and that is doing damage to the esophagus. Plus he is in pain!!!

His reflux has greatly improved--he never vomited from reflux--he had what's known as Sandifer's Syndrome where it would appear as though he was having a seizure...The vomiting he has had after drinking milk is not regurgitated milk it just comes right back up and it has only happened 3 times when he drank a cup of milk on an empty stomach.
Since last week he's been off milk completely but has cheese and yogurt without a problem. My siblings and I all have this too--it's not a full blown dairy allergy just some lactose intolerance which yes, it is painful but he's doing much better and do you think I really wouldn't take him to competent doctors and allergists if he was vomiting and having diarrhea? I did take him to doctors--I posted my question to see what other people in this situation have been doing and because I had an appointment for him later that day. I wanted to know some of my possible options first. So please don't bash like that. It's not very nice.
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Post Sun, Aug 10 2008, 6:50 pm
when it get's to throwing up, it is an allergy. I know I'm allergic to anything dairy besides hard cheese and even that I realised I'm slowly becoming intolerant. (used to be able to have as much hard cheese or pizza as I wanted and now, besides losing a taste for it, my stomach gets uncomfortable after one slice of pizza and with 2 slices I'll definitely feel nauseous for many hours)

it would be good to bring your child to an allergist, as he might see the extent of the allergy.
dd for example cannot have anything dairy but she gets an even worse reaction if she touches milk.... now she doesn't go out without an epi pen.

I never thought one could be so allergic to dairy....

by the way, is there really something between reflux and allergy? could it be that dd was also allergic to soy formula and that's why she still had reflux even after taking off dairy?
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