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The bathroom issue
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 7:20 pm
Can we talk about it?! This feels so tricky to navigate.

On the one hand, I think any kid who needs to go to the bathroom should be allowed to go to the bathroom. I'm not ok with "no bathroom during class" policies.

On the other hand, honestly? So many times that's not what's going on when a kid raises their hand to go to the bathroom. There are the kids who ask to go to the bathroom and I say they can go, but then as they head out we transition to a game/video/something they don't want to miss and they say "actually I don't have to go". Or the kids who raise their hand to go the second we start a subject that's hard for them- every single day. Or the ones who try to coordinate with a friend to go at the same time and then do anything from stay and shmooze for 20 minutes to really inappropriate things like peeking into stalls.

I don't want to have a stricter policy but it's also getting a bit ridiculous. Fellow teachers, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 7:24 pm
Some kids need a breather and I think it's important to allow that. Peaking under stalls is unacceptable and that child should be spoken to and penalized. I don't think you should make policies. If you see one or two kids abusing the policy you call their parents, make sure it's not a medical issue and then say how it's become disruptive and they have x amount of passes they can use and then they run out. Deal with the issues individually the whole class doesn't need to be penalized.

And next year start off with my policies are very relaxed but if you take advantage you will have extra rules that need to be followed.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 7:25 pm
I let them go, but one at a time.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 7:26 pm
Lots of options:
When I taught k/1st/2nd I give a 5 minute bathroom break every hour and encourage everyone to go then.
Older kids: give lets say 5 bathroom passes a week and if they don’t use all of them (and go to the bathroom during given breaks) give an incentive.
Make the first lets say 20 minutes of class teaching time where no one can go out so you can get the lesson in and then once you finish explaining kids can go if they need.
And honestly it doesn’t bother me if a kid uses the bathroom as an escape or I need a break as long as it’s limited and they don’t miss the importance of the lesson.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 7:26 pm
I was actually discussing this with my class today!
They estimated 5-10% of girls actually use the bathroom when they leave the classroom (high school).
I still allow the girls to go, they're old enough to make their own choices but I was trying to explain why some teachers have a rule against it...
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 7:31 pm
I believe high school kids do not need to leave during class. In case of emergency they’re old enough to leave despite the rule. I’ve had this policy for years, made exceptions when necessary, and everyone has not only survived, but thrived.
It’s definitely different in younger grades. Age matters.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 7:36 pm
Here are some things that I do:

1. Only one student out at a time
2. No leaving within the first 10 mins or last 5 mins of each subject
3. If a student needs a breather, they should pass me a note and I'll send them on an errand for me and they can take the time to breathe and wander around a little to regroup
4. Frequent brain breaks
5. Fidget toys and doodling are totally allowed

But really, if the class is engaging and has varied learning opportunities, most kids won't want to leave. When I'm not fully being the best version of my teacher self, suddenly every 2 mins someone else neeeeeeeeds the bathroom Hiding
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 7:38 pm
I learned to purposely dehydrate myself during my younger years to avoid the teacher's wrath when it comes to the bathroom.

This bad habit eventually lead to a painful kidney stone during the first night of Pesach.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 7:50 pm
I have a points system where students earn points for doing their work, behaving appropriately, etc. They can use points to buy a pencil, go the bathroom, etc. They lose points for misbehaving or not doing work. They can buy prizes with points earned. Any time a student needs to go to the bathroom it will cost them points. If they really need to go, great they'll use their points. If not, they usually don't want to waste them and rethink going.

One of my children has a system where each child gets 3 bathroom passes a month. At the end of each month they can cash in unused passes.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 8:03 pm
I teach middle school. I don't like to restrict because you never know the situation, and this whole 2 passes a semester never sat right with me. But I do suggest times it's better to go (like for me I prefer they go during independent work time, as long as it's not too long, and not during a lesson). If they ask during a lesson/directions, I ask them if they can wait till after. I try to only let 1-2 out at a time. And if I notice a pattern, like Tova always goes for too long during independent work time and never gets her work done, I talk to her and maybe to her parents too if it doesn't stop. Or if I notice 2 friends try to go at the same time I shut that down.

And people always say if your class is engaging kids won't want to leave, and I agree to some extent, but you can't run a clown show 24/7. Sometimes you have to do things that are challenging or a little boring and some kids want to avoid work no matter what. So it's always a challenge unless you don't let them go at all, and then you'll have other problems.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 8:18 pm
I think it's horrible and disgusting not to let kids go to the bathroom or to use it as a reward.

I think you can limit how many girls go out at a time to prevent gatherings.

If a student needs a break and uses the bathroom as an excuse to recharge, why do you care??
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 8:21 pm
Please do not incentive not going to the bathroom.

Either let the child or don't. Don't play mind games.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 8:35 pm
Let my people go!
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 8:40 pm
My child has a weak bladder and can sometimes need to go to the restroom after 5 minutes and sometimes after 20 minutes. I have told each teacher that when my child raises the hand/finger they need to go and cannot wait.

One teacher gave dc their own mini pass that dc used when dc need to go. This year the teacher doesn’t allow the first 15 minutes and 2 girls max at a time. They also have 3 passes a week. This doesn’t work for my dc. I’ve told my dc even if teacher won’t allow if you need to go just go. My dc isn’t taking a breather. Dc genuinely needs the restroom frequently.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 8:50 pm
The answer really depends on the school
How many bathrooms are there? For how many girls?
How far are the bathrooms from the classrooms?
How long is the break?
Do the teachers routinely go overtime?
What else are they supposed to be doing during the break?

My daughter 1 year had a 2 minute break between classes in which the teacher routinely went at least a minute over.
Longer breaks were 5 minutes, but again the teacher went over, and they were expected to exchange their books at their locker and go up 2 flights to the next classroom. There wasn't enough time to use the bathroom.
Practically girls were going from 7:45 (when they got on the bus) until 12:20(lunch) and from 12:45 to 4:00 (mincha) with no realistic bathroom time.
It was unfair when teachers made girls "buy" bathroom privileges or reward them for not using their semester passes.

Girls don't drink enough as it is Bec of their schedule.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 8:58 pm
I teach high school. I have a bathroom pass that is on a hook in the front of the classroom—any student who needs the bathroom, a drink of water at the water fountain, or just a breather can take the pass. If the pass isn’t on the hook, it means someone else is out and they have to wait. I make exceptions for emergencies if a kid really can’t wait (which happens very rarely). If a kid takes the pass and is out for a long time, I speak with them about it when they come back. Typically, being out for 10+ minutes is a cut (school policy), but we’re all human and if a kid had a bad stomachache, I’m not going to penalize them for it. Using the bathroom is a basic need and who are we to use it as a privilege or a punishment?
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 9:02 pm
]amother Clear wrote:
I teach middle school. I don't like to restrict because you never know the situation, and this whole 2 passes a semester never sat right with me. But I do suggest times it's better to go (like for me I prefer they go during independent work time, as long as it's not too long, and not during a lesson). If they ask during a lesson/directions, I ask them if they can wait till after. I try to only let 1-2 out at a time. And if I notice a pattern, like Tova always goes for too long during independent work time and never gets her work done, I talk to her and maybe to her parents too if it doesn't stop. Or if I notice 2 friends try to go at the same time I shut that down.

And people always say if your class is engaging kids won't want to leave, and I agree to some extent, but you can't run a clown show 24/7. Sometimes you have to do things that are challenging or a little boring and some kids want to avoid work no matter what. So it's always a challenge unless you don't let them go at all, and then you'll have other problems.

I too teach middle school and this us similar to my policy. If a student needs to use the restroom, they put up 2 fingers ( so it’s not disruptive to the flow of the class) and I’ll either give them a nod, or put up a finger to say it’s not a great time to leave the room because of important directions/ information that will be given.
I’m okay with letting 2 or even 3 students at a time if it’s during independent work.
And sure, students need a break sometimes … and that’s ok too. That’s a healthier outlet than acting out in the classroom!

I also tell them on the first day, if I put up a finger or say it’s not a great time, and you can’t wait. That is totally fine.
I think it’s really not okay to not allow humans the ability to use the restroom as needed.
Obviously, if there is a pattern or issue, a responsible teacher will make sure there are no medical issues and take it from there .
Gosh, kids have it hard enough.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 9:05 pm
amother Dandelion wrote:
I have a points system where students earn points for doing their work, behaving appropriately, etc. They can use points to buy a pencil, go the bathroom, etc. They lose points for misbehaving or not doing work. They can buy prizes with points earned. Any time a student needs to go to the bathroom it will cost them points. If they really need to go, great they'll use their points. If not, they usually don't want to waste them and rethink going.

One of my children has a system where each child gets 3 bathroom passes a month. At the end of each month they can cash in unused passes.

This is absolutely awful. Oy! Teaching kids the wrong lesson. A kid should get points for taking care of their bodies. Just terrible.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 9:06 pm
Op, the answer is every kid should be allowed to go to the bathroom whenever they want. That’s the right thing to do. A teacher had no right to control when a kid has to use the bathroom.
I’m a teacher btw.
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Post Tue, Oct 24 2023, 9:09 pm
amother Dandelion wrote:
I have a points system where students earn points for doing their work, behaving appropriately, etc. They can use points to buy a pencil, go the bathroom, etc. They lose points for misbehaving or not doing work. They can buy prizes with points earned. Any time a student needs to go to the bathroom it will cost them points. If they really need to go, great they'll use their points. If not, they usually don't want to waste them and rethink going.

One of my children has a system where each child gets 3 bathroom passes a month. At the end of each month they can cash in unused passes.

You need to change this policy asap. It’s hurting your students and not in their best interests. This isn’t chinuch on any level. Please change your approach.
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