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Ohr Hachinuch - what type is it?

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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 7:51 am
Hi! Trying to get a good picture of this school and only hearing bits and pieces. Anyone send there and can tell me: about the parent body? About the average family’s frumkeit level? I want to make sure we’d be sending somewhere that has our values. What about the learning level?

Which schools are most similar to this school?
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 12:24 pm
Considered very modern for Lakewood standards. A large amount of modern that used to be chassidish. Really nice, caring staff.
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 12:57 pm
Also curious to hear more about the school. Are parents mostly there for the more modern crowd or are serious about the quality of the school itself? And, is it geared more for boys with challenges?
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 1:02 pm
It is the most left wing and modern school in Lakewood. But I did hear that people are happy with the education and overall happy. So sounds like if you are that type it’s a good choice.
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 1:26 pm
amother Latte wrote:
Also curious to hear more about the school. Are parents mostly there for the more modern crowd or are serious about the quality of the school itself? And, is it geared more for boys with challenges?

Some and some. The school is very open to outside help and very understanding of challenges boys may have.
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 2:20 pm
amother Gladiolus wrote:
It is the most left wing and modern school in Lakewood. But I did hear that people are happy with the education and overall happy. So sounds like if you are that type it’s a good choice.

Left wing politically or spiritually?
I’m looking for frum, shomer Shabbos and kashrus of course. So how modern are we talking? Please don’t take this as me fishing for negative info. I’m just trying to understand the crowd because I’m getting vague answers. Were frum, shomer shab, kosher home, but a little more “chilled.” I know that’s vague too, but we’re just not cookie-cutter people and even thought I want to send to a more out of the box school, I want to make sure my children will be exposed to healthy influences too.
I’m hearing lots of positive things and then the random piece of info that just doesn’t line up with our values or needs. So I’d love to keep hearing more.
AFA gearing to children with challenges- meaning what? My children BH don’t have any special needs academically or emotionally, but I’d love for them to be in a smaller, individual-attention-when-needed style classroom.

Are there any schools that it compares to?
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 2:31 pm
amother OP wrote:
Left wing politically or spiritually?
I’m looking for frum, shomer Shabbos and kashrus of course. So how modern are we talking? Please don’t take this as me fishing for negative info. I’m just trying to understand the crowd because I’m getting vague answers. Were frum, shomer shab, kosher home, but a little more “chilled.” I know that’s vague too, but we’re just not cookie-cutter people and even thought I want to send to a more out of the box school, I want to make sure my children will be exposed to healthy influences too.
I’m hearing lots of positive things and then the random piece of info that just doesn’t line up with our values or needs. So I’d love to keep hearing more.
AFA gearing to children with challenges- meaning what? My children BH don’t have any special needs academically or emotionally, but I’d love for them to be in a smaller, individual-attention-when-needed style classroom.

Are there any schools that it compares to?

Certainly everyone will keep Shabbos and kosher , women will cover their hair.
Things like secular media exposure, level of tznius , these things are what most people mean by more left wing.
Maybe a lot of mothers knees will show or maybe people will give their kids iPads with nonJeiwsh media on it. Examples .
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 2:34 pm
Lakewood doesn’t have modern orthodox… the modern people are mostly from yeshivish or chasidish homes and became less than their parents, possibly rebellious not necessarily off the derech
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 2:35 pm
Not left wing politically. I would say all if not 99% are shomer shabbos but there may be some that don't for example wear a yarmulka at home. Many have a tv, no other schools around are okay with that. Some mothers don't cover their hair. Some cover partially like with a cap. Lots of very long wigs... There really isn't another lakewood school to compare to. The hanhala is really, really great.
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 5:12 pm
Left wing as in some will wear skirts that skim the knees, no socks, hair showing, most have tvs, men don't wear white shirts, some don't own a black hat at all...

I did hear it's also with it, so my simple friend chose to send elsewhere but I can't confirm this.
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 8:38 pm
I've heard they are becoming more selective with the families they accept...just like every new school that's been open a few years.
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2023, 9:01 pm
They're trying...
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Post Wed, Oct 25 2023, 6:45 pm
checkbefore wrote:
I've heard they are becoming more selective with the families they accept...just like every new school that's been open a few years.

I spoke to the principal very recently and he told me their policy is that they will take anyone who wants to come.
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Post Wed, Oct 25 2023, 10:59 pm

As an actual parent in the school id love to answer.

What I love about Ohr Hachinuch is that its a warm school that actually cares about the kids and makes learning fun and everyone can learn and grow at whatever level they are on. There's more then one way to teach and that's their motto. The rebbeyim and teachers are amazing. The principals as well, warmest people ever.

Education wise, they're great. On par with other schools. I have nephews in other schools that are the same grade and seem to have the same work, same level.

The school is a regular frum crowd, maybe more modern then typical lakewood, id compare it to maybe a 5 towns/Brooklyn crowd more then a lakewood crowd. Its a mixed type as its a still a newer school. tznius wise, most are tznius but yes some are more chilled but to be honest with you, ive seen that with moms in other schools in lakewood such as YTT, Tashbar etc.
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Post Wed, Oct 25 2023, 11:25 pm
imatomsrivermom wrote:

As an actual parent in the school id love to answer.

What I love about Ohr Hachinuch is that its a warm school that actually cares about the kids and makes learning fun and everyone can learn and grow at whatever level they are on. There's more then one way to teach and that's their motto. The rebbeyim and teachers are amazing. The principals as well, warmest people ever.

Education wise, they're great. On par with other schools. I have nephews in other schools that are the same grade and seem to have the same work, same level.

The school is a regular frum crowd, maybe more modern then typical lakewood, id compare it to maybe a 5 towns/Brooklyn crowd more then a lakewood crowd. Its a mixed type as its a still a newer school. tznius wise, most are tznius but yes some are more chilled but to be honest with you, ive seen that with moms in other schools in lakewood such as YTT, Tashbar etc.

As someone involved with the school, I agree 100% with everything you wrote, except for the last paragraph.
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Post Wed, Oct 25 2023, 11:33 pm
I guess everyone has a different opinion regarding modesty and what they consider tznius. Regardless I don’t know what the poster is looking for specifically and what her Definition is
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Post Wed, Oct 25 2023, 11:42 pm
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Post Wed, Oct 25 2023, 11:56 pm
I’ve been a parent there for 4 years so I can only comment on what I’ve seen and I’ve never seen a parent or kid outside the school with no yalmukah but again I can only give info from my point of view. I’ve seen parents out of school and personally never saw that. I also never aligned it with ytt or tashbar. I was just making a point that some might be not tznius which I’ve personally seen other schools have mothers that dress the similar. But as I don’t know your view or what you have seen I can’t argue. But I think it’s unfair to say that is the majority when it’s not.
amother Amaranthus wrote:
True, but it's important to be honest. For example, there are families who don't wear yarmulkas unless they are in school, which is the reason they supply their own. You might be okay with that, but aligning it with tashbar and ytt is what causes parents to innocently send and later pull out.
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Post Tue, Nov 28 2023, 10:43 pm
Top school in Lakewood in terms of general studies education, but they can also work with students who need more attention. The rebbeim at the school are excellent led by Rabbi Katz and the kids come home with a true love for Torah and frumkeit. Would compare it to schools like chofetz Chaim in Flatbush or southshore in five towns. The school really allows them to thrive in learning, middos, sports ect and is heavily invested in each and every child. Be aware that the school fills up very fast - next yrs primary was basically already filled up on the first day of applications and they are not yet ready to open up a second class despite the massive demand
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Post Tue, Nov 28 2023, 10:51 pm
Doesn’t seem to be easy now that they’ve established themselves as one of top options in Lakewood. Last yrs waiting-list was massive and many got turned away and hearing this year is much higher demand. Lakewood needs more schools as many good families are having issues getting their kids into yeshivas. Specifically, there are tons of families that want tashbar, YTT, Ohr Hachinuch and only so many slots available.

amother DarkRed wrote:
I spoke to the principal very recently and he told me their policy is that they will take anyone who wants to come.
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