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Finding a babysitter in israel!! help??
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Post Thu, Jul 31 2008, 5:13 am
I've got to tell you the truth, like the poster who wrote that she had davened for years to not be able to go to shul (meaning to have little babies to take care of)...I'm at the stage where I can't wait for the grandchildren when I am still young enough and healthy enough to take care of them so that the kids can go to shul and I can stay home...again...to take care of babies!

But as RH is a yuntif that most people like to daven in their own shuls, that will depend whether the kids will live near us, otherwise I will find myself in shul like everyone else and they will find themselves home like all the other young mothers.
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Post Thu, Jul 31 2008, 5:17 am
Too many mothers here in the Yishuv don't know about staying home with their children, and they bring them to shul to bother other people, which I don't appreciate. I was just out of the can't-go-to-shul stage last Yomim Noraim, but I had to put up with other's children while mine played outside, for as long as it lasted. Why can't they just stay home? It's their G-d given right.
*should I mention the toys, books, strollers and food all over the women's section? I am not going to mention the ones who nurse cause I have been told by various women that' it's okay.
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Post Thu, Jul 31 2008, 5:19 am
freidasima wrote:
RH is a yuntif

how come you pronounce this the yiddish way? just curious!
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Post Thu, Jul 31 2008, 3:13 pm
Ask around as to whether the shul is child-friendly. My shul (not Bnei Brak) has a play area for kids with parents taking turns minding them. Babies stay with the moms, often in Snuggli type contraptions.

You commented about not trusting a teenaged girl with a baby when she has many others to mind, too. There's a rhythm that happens in these big families that I can't comprehend but can admire. The kids are really well cared for. And babies rarely leave the teenaged daughter's hip. I have trouble leaving my only daughter with a non-charedi teen in my home (although I do it), but I'd have no qualms about leaving her with a charedi teen with 6 other kids in her care. I can't explain it, but it's true! I recently spent an amazing Shabbat with a family of 11 who live in a 3 bedroom apt with no living room (only dining room). There were no fights, things ran smoothly, and I lost track of my daughter for hours at a time because she was being looked after so well by the older girls. The baby was doted on by every single family member old enough to talk. I've seen this in other homes, as well.

Accept the offer from your family!
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 1:58 am
smilethere, I'm linguistically schizophrenic I guess!

When I am at work, outside with the world here, I use modern Israeli Hebrew. Ivrit. Yom Tov, Tzedaka, Baruch Hashem, etc. But that's with the world...

At home when we talk, with the kids, with dh, with my mother, with my American relatives, etc. I use the yiddish pronunciation of everything. Hence when I write here, I write as I talk with the English speaking - Yuntif and not Yom tov, Zedoko and not tzedaka.

And when I think...I think Ashkenaz...meaning yiddish..
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 4:39 am
most of my friends with baby's speciality go home earlier if they are going for succos cause of the probablem in Israel of no babysitters
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 5:02 am
malki22 wrote:
most of my friends with baby's speciality go home earlier if they are going for succos cause of the probablem in Israel of no babysitters

Personally, I'd rather have the zchuyos on the yamim noraim of davenning at home in EY in the palterin shel Melech (the King's palace), than in the fanciest, shmansiest shul in chul.
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 6:30 am
Well I am sure they think that its better that they at least get some davening in than not daven at all. And I dont see where fancy schmancy come in? There parents happen to have house keepers who stay the whole day and are anyway not doing anything so why not?

Once again whats fancy shmancy gota do with it? Question
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 6:57 am
malki22 wrote:
Well I am sure they think that its better that they at least get some davening in than not daven at all.

I have spent many RH/YK at home with little ones, and you can always get some davenning in.


And I dont see where fancy schmancy come in? There parents happen to have house keepers who stay the whole day and are anyway not doing anything so why not?

Because there is a zechus in being in EY. Because we have a zechus looking after our yiddishe neshomos that Hashem gave us and not leaving them to be influenced by non-Jewish housekeepers. And because, particularly on RH when we proclaim Hashem to be the Melech (King) we are His avadim - servants who do what He wants and not what takes our fancy.

Once again whats fancy shmancy gota do with it? Question

I only meant that no matter how wonderful the shul is in chul, whether because it has chandeliers, or because it has an inspiring shaliach tzibbur, or because it has an amazing rov, it still cannot come up to the knees of sitting in my humble apartment in EY, where Hashem's eyes mireishis (the letters of Tishrei) hashana ad achris shana.
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 7:14 am
This has NOTHING to do with the shul. The one person I was thinking of, goes to my shul which is possibly the most run down shul in town. Their baby was 6m old- I dont think they are going to get influenced by the house keeper.

As I mentioned before they were going home ANYWAY so they just went home 2 or 3 days earlier.

It was a win-win situation all around.
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 7:19 am
malki22 wrote:
This has NOTHING to do with the shul. The one person I was thinking of, goes to my shul which is possibly the most run down shul in town. Their baby was 6m old- I dont think they are going to get influenced by the house keeper.

Someone with a newborn once asked a choshuva rov when he should start his child's chinuch. The rov said they should have started 9 months before. (The other version says 20 years before.) I hope very much you don't think saying Modeh Ani or Shema with a newborn doesn't influence them.

As I mentioned before they were going home ANYWAY so they just went home 2 or 3 days earlier.

Since we are talking about someone who was in EY already (not someone living in chutz laaretz) I don't think they should take the zechuyos of being in EY (or of doing chessed with their own child) on Yom haDin so lightly, on days when we search for every zchus we possibly can.

It was a win-win situation all around.

Depends on where your priorities lie.
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 8:19 am
Both in the city (Rechovot) and here in Yitzhar there is a round robin. Mothers and girls sign up for one hour of babysitting duty in the playground or the maon. Then each mother takes on hour to work as a babysitter. You could ask your relatives if their shul has something similar.
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 8:24 am
Imaonwheels that sounds like a great system.
And I echo Shalhevet, chinuch starts at age zilch.
I always managed to get in a full davening at home even with babies and toddlers. They knew on a daily basis that when put into their playpen in the middle of the living room (no matter how many were in the playpen) and Mommy had her siddur out, they had to give me peace to daven. I would daven some of the tefilos out loud with them and that's how they learned them and some of the tunes. It was a lovely, spiritual experience and for some reason, it always worked. For years. No complaints.
Chinuch and mazel.
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Post Fri, Aug 01 2008, 1:17 pm
just for everyones info...I found two people. both willing to stay with us at the hotel, speak perfect english, and I guess when I get to israel, ill meet with them and settle on one or the other. to all of you who think im a bad mother, sorry to disappoint you guys even more. daven for my kids or something. to all of you who offered sincere help, thanks! gut shabbos!
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