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Forum -> Children's Health
If one child is sick

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Post Tue, Nov 01 2005, 7:15 pm
If one of your children is sick, do you do anything to prevent the other kids from catching it? Or is it hopeless?
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2005, 7:16 pm
In my case it is really hard to prevent it from spreading. I try my best for them to constantly wash their hands. I give them all acidopholis every day to build their immune system.
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2005, 10:35 pm
I suggest to them that they shouldn't share food/cups/utensils but I really expect that they will catch it from eachother and I don't really mind since it does build up their immune system.

My 2.5 year old had 104.0 fever tonight. Poor baby. and he has bronchitis, croupy cough, laryngitis.

My 3.5 year old only got a cough and felt slightly warm and is practically back to himself.

My baby has green matter in her eyes but otherwise healthy and happy.

They all experience it differently but they all build their immune system.
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2005, 10:39 pm
My baby has green matter in her eyes but otherwise healthy and happy.

does she have an ear infection? because my doc told me that is one of the symptoms of one.
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2005, 10:46 pm
I gave use anti-bact soap. keep them hand washing when coming in from school, after coughing or blowing their noses. teach them to cough into their elbow rather than hands.
but there's no real way...germs float inthe air and you can only try your best
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2005, 10:51 pm
Well, I can have her ears checked out since an audiologist just moved into the house next door - but I don't tihnk its an ear infection since she just had a well check last week.

She always had some green gunk from a clogged tear duct - and now just a little more because of her slight cold. it isn't even enough gunk to glue her eye shut after a nap.
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Post Tue, Nov 01 2005, 11:07 pm
I don't quarantine one from my others in my household just hope and pray that the siblings don't get it. b/c I refuse to make them all mishuga for catching a cold or something Rolling Eyes
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Post Wed, Nov 02 2005, 7:12 pm
Not all that much you can do in close quarters besides stressing the usual daily hygiene measures that children rarely follow: handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes with tissue, handwashing, not sharing utensils and personal items, handwashing, throwing tissues in the trash and not on the table, handwashing...

for kids sharing a room I'd sometimes have the healthy ones sleep in the living room and leave the sick one by himself in the bedroom, esp. if it was something respiratory. no indication this did a lick of good but it did no harm.
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Post Wed, Nov 02 2005, 10:10 pm
sambucol and vit c plus kyolic every night.
did it help? maybe I'll never lknow if it would have been worse....
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Post Fri, Nov 04 2005, 3:33 am
Getting sick builds up a childs immune system so even though it is inconvinient to have my kids get sick one after the other, I don´t quarantine them from each other.
Also my kids are really close and it would be really difficult as they love to hug and kiss one another.
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Post Fri, Nov 04 2005, 10:29 am
my daughter had that green stuff to, and needed an antibiotics since it was an infection. u can also use polysporn eye drops it's over the counter. I used it for my son when I saw abit coming .

but to ans your q how abt preventing the mommy's? my kids usually catch eachothers symptoms but not always. me on the other hand give me 1hr and I've had it to.

Last edited by Tovah on Wed, Nov 30 2005, 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Nov 10 2005, 12:19 pm
not all eye infections are really infections. just green stuff in the eye doesnt require antibiotics. they only need it if they have a fever or the eye is glued shut and puffy and painful.
I only learned this recently.
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Post Tue, Nov 15 2005, 9:26 pm
its hopeless let them all catch it at once and get it over quickly .

now my kids know how to get me. first one kid has it then when that child is well the next kid gets it and on and on... it can go on for a few weeks like that...
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Post Wed, Nov 30 2005, 3:15 pm
sambucol and vit c plus kyolic every night

micki, what is this?
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Post Wed, Nov 30 2005, 7:49 pm
sambucol is a liquid of echinachea and elderberry. Here is more info


Kyolic is aged garlic also in a liquid form and is supposed to chase away colds and the like.
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Post Wed, Nov 30 2005, 7:57 pm
raizy wrote:
its hopeless let them all catch it at once and get it over quickly .

now my kids know how to get me. first one kid has it then when that child is well the next kid gets it and on and on... it can go on for a few weeks like that...

Raizy, what do you do with your babysitting when you have a sick child at home? I just had to cancel 7 kids for tomorow because my son is sick... I guess there's nothing I can do about it, but I feel bad for the mothers who's plans just fell through at the last minute.
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Post Wed, Nov 30 2005, 8:36 pm
freilich wrote:
I don't quarantine one from my others in my household just hope and pray that the siblings don't get it. b/c I refuse to make them all mishuga for catching a cold or something Rolling Eyes

I do the same.
All we can do is our hishtadlus, by making sure the kids are hygenic (washing hands with soap, etc), the rest is up to Hashem.
On a side note, if you make children live in a 'sterile' environment, they will more prone to c"vs getting sick instead of it building up their immune system.
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Post Wed, Nov 30 2005, 10:07 pm
life just goes on.. I inform the mother that my kid is sick and it is her option. believe me the mothers dont care . they have to work and go to school.... also my kids are older then the daycare kids not much contact.. and if my kid has the cold strep bug etc u can be sure that her kid will get it from a older sister or brother... it endes up the whole comminety has the bug ,cold ,strep etc....
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