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Meningitis vaccines - do I push it off?
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 8:39 am
It’s also creepy and a little cultish how all the anti vaxxers parrot the same lines over and over: wake up, sheep, open your eyes.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 8:44 am
amother SandyBrown wrote:
It’s also creepy and a little cultish how all the anti vaxxers parrot the same lines over and over: wake up, sheep, open your eyes.

What gets me every time is their sheer arrogance. They are smarter and know better than everyone else and they have some secret information that somehow only they know about.

And I never understand where they put Hashem in the picture. A lot of it smells like kochi votzem yadi.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 9:01 am
Trademark wrote:
What gets me every time is their sheer arrogance. They are smarter and know better than everyone else and they have some secret information that somehow only they know about.

And I never understand where they put Hashem in the picture. A lot of it smells like kochi votzem yadi.

It's one thing to say certain behaviors rub you the wrong way. But the last bit makes no sense, its the opposite that's literally being said. Its unnecessary to resort to name calling either direction.

It's a bad look both directions.

It's possible to passionately disagree about something respectfully and still be friends.
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happy chick


Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 9:06 am
I'm not anti vaccine, so I don't do too much research so I won't tell you about adverse effects. However, I will tell you that my son, at 15 months got meningitis. And let me tell you, it was far from fun. We went thru the works.

If there's anything we can do to prevent such diseases, I believe it's our duty as parents to protect our children. Chicken pox, hep a, flu are all stupidity. But meningitis is no laughing matter. Along with polio, measles, rubella....
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 9:55 am
amother SandyBrown wrote:
So many lies in this post.

I will await your proof instead of just claiming it’s all a lie.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 10:18 am
Most responses here seems very general on the topic of Vax. Op Mom specifically asking in regards to her child who has a diagnosis of infection and inflammation-pandas.
As per my very med. Oriented by the books pediatrician, I was told that my child with pandas should wait one yr from the time finished pandas treatment/antibiotics to recieve meningitis Vax. This particular Vax is made from live bacteria. Child did recieve other vaccines that where not live ' during that period of time.
Op please have a discussion with your pediatrician
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 10:26 am
amother Papayawhip wrote:
First statement : false. They have never in the history of vaccines tested a shot against a placebo to even know if it’s even safe. It’s always been tested by a previous version or something minus one component. They’ve never done any studies with vax vs unvaccinated to be able to state something like this either.
So there’s absolutely no way to prove a statement like this unless that’s done. Amish people have no autism, childhood cancers, eczema, allergies, adhd… go figure.

Second statement : false. Check vaers for adverse events. Listen to personal stories. People like you will always blame something else when the elephant is sitting right there in the room.
God forbid it might be the formaldehyde, antifreeze, fetal bovine serum, aluminum, or any other toxin injected that their poor little body could just not handle.

Look up Steve kirsch on Twitter. This is a fact there are 200 plus studies in medical literature showing a link between autism and vaccines and 114 (probably pharma funded Aka dubious) showing no link. Don’t just spout off propaganda that’s not even true. Vaccines are definitely not as “safe” as they want you to believe.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 10:29 am
If a child had pandas I would not Vax again.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 10:30 am
Do you know anyone who has had menigitis? I do. My kids get the vaccine on time.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 10:33 am
As a parent of children with pandas I'd be very hesitant to do this. If your child was previously vaxxed for meningitis you can run titers, if they are still in range definitely no need.
If you have a pandas specialist you can discuss with them, it may have to do with where your child is up to in treatment. There are also some drs who have special before and after protocols for vaccines to minimize immune reactivity.
All that said, the pandas boards are full of stories of kids who regressed badly after vaccines so....
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 10:36 am
#BestBubby wrote:
If a child had pandas I would not Vax again.

Sorry bubby no disrespect but this statement sounds totally ignorant. Streptococcus is a disease that has been around for centuries. The medically proven genetic link for step will be proven way before the anti vax'ers get medical standing.
You are humiliating all family's who are victims of strep related illnesses whether it was fatal , organ damaging, or brain altering
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 10:41 am
amother Olive wrote:

Sorry bubby no disrespect but this statement sounds totally ignorant. Streptococcus is a disease that has been around for centuries. The medically proven genetic link for step will be proven way before the anti vax'ers get medical standing.
You are humiliating all family's who are victims of strep related illnesses whether it was fatal , organ damaging, or brain altering
Yes there is a strong hereditary component to post infectious sequelae to strep infections and evidence that this was happening centuries ago as well, but that's not to say it can't be mitigated by environmental and lifestyle factors. Genes are not your destiny, they just load the gun so to speak, there are always other contributing factors that act as triggers and vaccines are a very likely culprit.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 12:51 pm
amother Tanzanite wrote:
I'll tell you what happened to my friend in college. She had some virus and was sick in bed a few days. (Maybe it was Mono and it was a couple of weeks? I can't remember.) Then it somehow went to her brain and she couldn't be woken from a nap. She woke up in the hospital a couple of days later and B"H recovered there. After that, she said she was often afraid to go to sleep at night, for fear of chas v'shalom not waking up in the morning. I'm pretty sure, though not positive, that she said she had menengitis.

Was she vaccinated?
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 1:07 pm
amother Tanzanite wrote:
I'll tell you what happened to my friend in college. She had some virus and was sick in bed a few days. (Maybe it was Mono and it was a couple of weeks? I can't remember.) Then it somehow went to her brain and she couldn't be woken from a nap. She woke up in the hospital a couple of days later and B"H recovered there. After that, she said she was often afraid to go to sleep at night, for fear of chas v'shalom not waking up in the morning. I'm pretty sure, though not positive, that she said she had menengitis.
The vaccine doesn’t protect against viral meningitis, just certain forms of bacterial.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:11 pm
amother Daylily wrote:
Op, as a mother with 2 children with PANS. Who's done some research about the affects of vaccines, IMHO, if your child never had any issues with vaccines, I'd say give it.

Vaccines are no joke. Neither are the diseases they protect against.

My 2 oldest have pans. Life is hell on earth for them / with them. Healing is a fortune, painful and time consuming. No I'm not vaccinating them again. Bh one kid is really making great strides in her healing. The other still has much to be desired.
My third, up until he was vaccinated, was such a healthy happy child, after his shots (selective and delayed) he's had a constant runny nose, picks up every virus going around. It's having sleep disturbances and overall weaker.
I'm a bit anxious about my youngest. But if they need to have the minimum in order to start school.
And yes I'd live for them to be protected as immune.

We recently did some genetic testing and we learned that my oldest is genetically predisposed to autoimmune disorders and metabolizes vitamins / minerals / meds differently and does not have the ability to detox properly on her own. Which explains so so so so much. My then almost 6 yo child was diagnosed w sever autism following a severe reaction after a vaccine she was already riding on a flare after nitrous oxide which completely depleted her vitamin B levels. All medical doctors refused to look deeper amd psychologist and social workers basically were mad at me becuase I should just come to terms with it and stop driving them and myself crazy. Luckily it happened at 5. And not at 2... I kept syaing a normal extremely bright, comunicative expressive, nirmally developed child doesnt just suddenly turn autistic at that age. She was flappin her hands, spinning, mumbling not responding when spoken to and had a blank stare. Her health has been going downhil for a few weeks. But that set of shots she got, a few days in her brain and body just crashed. Ill never forget how I has to hold onto her so she doesn't run into straffic and I had other kids with me I couldnt push in the stroller cuz she suddenly was so erratic. The pediatrician refused to see me that day. Icame home that night, put my kids to bed, curled up into a fetal position and hysterically cried myself to sleep. Hashem hear my desperate cries becuase the next day, another doctor agrees to see us and we finally found a pediatrician willing to listen and test and treat. And without any help suggested for ASD children, she by FAR does not qualify for these diagnosis.
these things are genetic. And likely that my other kids have that too and therefore I am very very hesitant about vaccination, any meds, or anything I put in my child's body.

Imho, if your children never showed any issue with vaccines, the benefit outweigh the risks.

My older children likely will not be vaccinated again.
My younger kids, I'll have to see how things go. Becuase these things tend to run in families. My oldest genetic mutation, she's got one copy from dh and from me. So possibly my other kids too.

is it the MTHFR mutation? One of my older kids has it. We didn't check the rest. On the fence about the second meningitis vaccine for that child when they go to Israel and that strain is more common there.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 2:17 pm
amother Sunflower wrote:
A few things to your question.

One, when I had a child who repeated a grade in school, I pushed that one off so it would cover the years they would be dorming. The age recommendation has a lot to do with the dorm situation. My Dr said that made perfect sense.

Next, many kids are fully immune after the first dose and retain the immunity. The second dose is insurance for the small percent of kids who have trouble with their immune systems. Technically unnecessary for those with strong immunity.

Thirdly, it only protects against certain strains. Factor that or not.

I have heard those who don't vax say if they gave only one, it would be this one. It has the lowest rate of injury from all vaccines and the biggest payoff.

I specifically asked my dr about the meningitis booster vaccine for my 16 year old to ask if we can test for titers and he said: well even if his titers are high now, we don't know when they'll wear off so we should still give the booster. (and I did, and he did fine BH) and I do hear what he's saying, if they think it normally lasts 5 years, what if my son's lasts for 5 years and 6 months, what am I going to do, test his titers monthly? can anyone weigh in on this, I would love to find more information to see if anything supports skipping the booster.

As far as this one being the most important, I see you said this and at least one other poster did too. But then that poster with her son in a dorm said their yeshiva did not require this one but did require the rest...this is why it's so hard, there is so much conflicting info.

(and yes I know people said find a dr I trust. I don't know if I trust any dr that pushes all vaccines. and I'm don't know if I trust a dr that doesn't. That's the whole issue here)
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 8:31 pm
the rates of death for this disease are high. please talk to your pediatrician. I wouldn't push it off.

One of my husband's friends died from it as a child.
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Post Mon, Aug 14 2023, 8:45 pm
amother OP wrote:
The problem is I wish I could trust the CDC (and the drs , even my pediatrician who initially offered the covid vaccine to my kids, and I totally understand why they had to, they have to follow the recommendations) but when covid happened and even now when covid is not a big threat to kids, if the CDC is recommending kids to vaccinate how do I trust them on other matters, like other vaccines? And that's where the trust fades and then my reservations can't be suppressed by trust your Dr, trust the CDC. This isn't easy for me, I know meningitis is serious.

Exactly this
Would you look for another pediatrician more in line with your thinking? I know sometimes easier said than done
But I would have zero trust in a ped who recommended the Covid vax for kids
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