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How to change things up without adding work/expense? Healthy
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Post Fri, Sep 30 2022, 2:15 pm
Now that every other day is Shabbos and yom tov I'm already starting to feel tired of some of our staples. For example, how many times can I serve chicken bottoms on the bone, even if I season it differently each time? Same for rice. We had rice one Shabbos meal last week, one yom tov meal "l'chatchila", one yom tov meal as leftovers, and last night we had yom tov leftovers again. I need to make a side dish for tonight but can't look at rice again! We went all special alternating salmon with gefilte fish but by now we're tired of both!

Doesn't help that we try to eat healthy plus DH is on a low carb diet. So we're not having, say, deli roll on puff pastry. I don't like doing pasta sides either.

I don't have time or energy for extra work. Chicken bottoms take maybe 10 min to prep and stick in the oven. Same for rice. What can compete?
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Post Fri, Sep 30 2022, 2:19 pm
Grilled chicken, cutlets cost more but it's cheaper than meat. Or take the meat off of the chicken bottoms and make it into shwarma or pargiot. Wild rice.
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Post Fri, Sep 30 2022, 2:28 pm
Sweet potatoes - whole roasted. Or wedges are fast to cut up too.
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Post Fri, Sep 30 2022, 2:35 pm
Switch out rice for quinoa, cous cous, whole grain pasta, sprouted grains, etc.
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Post Fri, Sep 30 2022, 2:39 pm
seeker wrote:
Now that every other day is Shabbos and yom tov I'm already starting to feel tired of some of our staples. For example, how many times can I serve chicken bottoms on the bone, even if I season it differently each time? Same for rice. We had rice one Shabbos meal last week, one yom tov meal "l'chatchila", one yom tov meal as leftovers, and last night we had yom tov leftovers again. I need to make a side dish for tonight but can't look at rice again! We went all special alternating salmon with gefilte fish but by now we're tired of both!

Doesn't help that we try to eat healthy plus DH is on a low carb diet. So we're not having, say, deli roll on puff pastry. I don't like doing pasta sides either.

I don't have time or energy for extra work. Chicken bottoms take maybe 10 min to prep and stick in the oven. Same for rice. What can compete?

You can change up the chicken legs from just spices. Smear mayo mixed with bbq sauce and spices on legs and coat with corn flake crumbs.

Cube chicken cutlets and put on skewers with chunk veggies for shish kebabs. Add spices and sauce before baking.

Ground beef or chicken meatballs in a jar of marinara sauce in the oven is super easy.

Sides: Roasted veggies tossed with olive oil and spices. Same for potatoes.

Chefs salad is great for low carb diets… you can use grilled chicken cutlets on top or sliced steak or cold cuts with a good dressing.
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Post Fri, Sep 30 2022, 3:03 pm
Rice and vermicelli or any other (Far East?) rice that comes with a spice pack.

Grill the chicken bottoms
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Post Fri, Sep 30 2022, 3:21 pm
Grilled cutlets are already on the regular repertoire. That's lunch. Making it as usual.

I use a grill pan or broiler, I don't have an actual BBQ. So no grilled chicken on the bone.

Meatballs or chicken meatballs is a LOT of work. I definitely don't have time to stand around rolling balls when every other day is erev something.

Rice with a spice pack is still rice. I've been preparing the rice 5 different ways which is why we weren't tired of it until now but it's STILL RICE and getting very tired.

We already roast veggies. B"H we're not tired of those yet. But that doesn't substitute for the other things which we are tired of.

Of course I change up chicken legs from just spices. When I said I season it differently, I meant I have a number of different recipes (none involving BBQ sauce because again we are healthy and low carb. But I know how to make chicken taste special.) But it's STILL CHICKEN. Even with different flavors, anything that consists of putting a flavor on a chicken bottom and forgetting about it in the oven for 2 hours is just getting old. Though if you might have a recipe like that that is different enough, I'm all ears. So far I have an oniony one, a garlicky one, a BBQ type spices one, an herbs one. All the major food flavor groups basically. I can't do anything too sugary though I do spring for duck sauce occasionally, and I can't do breaded for health reasons.

Switch rice for quinoa - the only way people eat quinoa here is with a whole salad concoction. Anything salad is work (assemble a variety of fresh ingredients, wash/peel, cut small, make a dressing...) Nobody likes whole grain pasta. Couscous is also basically pasta.

I guess I can try to incorporate more sweet potatoes. Nothing is as easy as rice though. Literally take it from the package, add water, and do something for flavor. No peeling, dicing, etc.

I feel lazy as heck saying this but I just don't have the energy to do any more than I'm already doing. Popping chicken and rice into the oven was perfect.
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Post Fri, Sep 30 2022, 4:06 pm
seeker wrote:

I feel lazy as heck saying this but I just don't have the energy to do any more than I'm already doing. Popping chicken and rice into the oven was perfect.

I'm with you sister!
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Post Fri, Sep 30 2022, 4:59 pm
Not the healthiest but I take frozen diced potatoes (southern hash browns), mix with light olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, seasoned salt, paprika and roast in oven. Super easy.

For YT, I cut up cutlets, shake the pieces in a bag with flour and a pinch of salt, place pieces in a pan. Put frozen pepper strips with onions, canned mushrooms, canned baby corn. Mix some oil, brown sugar, and soy sauce and pour over. Bake at 400-425 for like 45 minutes...
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Post Sat, Oct 01 2022, 8:57 am
I hear you about the chicken thing… one of my kids is really starting to complain!

For some reason even just doing pulkes instead of the whole chicken bottoms makes a difference for my kids 🤷‍♀️

Here is one chicken recipe we love that sounds a bit different from what you posted.
Around and over the chicken pieces add cherry tomatoes, olives, garlic cloves and basil leaves.
Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and anything else you like Smile
You can spray a bit of oil so the tomatoes and garlic have a bit of moisture, but often the juices from the chicken are enough.
The tomatoes a especially yum when smushed onto challah.

Can you do potatoes instead of rice?
Do you have to have a starchy side at every meal?
If you’ve already had challah, fish and/or soup sometimes chicken, plus other cooked/roasted vegetables and a salad is enough.
Things like green beans or roast cabbage are easy and filling.

I am also trying to change it up and make things with ground meat, but they do take a bit more time that just throwing a pan of chicken in the oven. I did make one roast and I’ve sliced it and frozen it in a few containers to use at a few meals.

Busy in Brooklyn posted a recipe with ground meat and israeli couscous in one dish.
I made it recently and it was easy and yum. But yeh, it’s pasta. Some people commented that it could be made with rice, so maybe that’s an option.
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Post Sat, Oct 01 2022, 4:59 pm
I made bulgur instead of rice recently. Would you try that? Even easier than rice because doesn't need to be cooked together. Just add boiling water. It's a whole grain.

Baked potatoes? Roasted potatoes?
No peeling, just wash the outsides well.
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Post Mon, Oct 03 2022, 1:16 am
Low-and-slow meat is easy.

Sides always trip me up because I'm too lazy to do kugels (most of which wouldn't meet your requirements), but also, how many rice and potatoes can we alternate through without it becoming old?

Can you get riced broccoli/cauliflower and make quiche without the crusts?

Do you have non-gebrokts recipes that your family enjoys Pesach time (that aren't too patchke, of course)?
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Post Mon, Oct 03 2022, 1:34 am
Buckwheat goes over well here. Very healthy starch. I’ll add sautéed onions sometimes to get fancy.
No starch at some meals goes over well on a second night yt
You can bread chicken on bone, chicken breasts or boneless chicken bottoms with almond flour and spices. It’s no carbs, tastes great and bc I’m lazy to fry, my shnitzel is made in the oven which makes it super fast.
Turkey is a nice chicken alternative as well. You can cook the turkey breast like a roast and make sure to reheat it after it’s sliced with lots of the meat juice. My kids enjoy that a lot. smoked turkey drum sticks are fun, and very different flavor.
Enjoy the yt!
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Post Mon, Oct 03 2022, 4:00 am
effess wrote:

Turkey is a nice chicken alternative as well. You can cook the turkey breast like a roast and make sure to reheat it after it’s sliced with lots of the meat juice. My kids enjoy that a lot. smoked turkey drum sticks are fun, and very different flavor.
Enjoy the yt!

Can you please give more details on how to cook turkey? Dh decided he'd rather turkey than chicken, and I can't seem to make it in a way anyone will eat! What drum sticks do you mean? Turkey wings are like the size of chicken legs, but don't seem to bake the same. You mean turkey legs? Aren't they huge?? How do you make them?
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Post Mon, Oct 03 2022, 7:07 am
rowo wrote:

I am also trying to change it up and make things with ground meat, but they do take a bit more time that just throwing a pan of chicken in the oven. I did make one roast and I’ve sliced it and frozen it in a few containers to use at a few meals.

Busy in Brooklyn posted a recipe with ground meat and israeli couscous in one dish.
I made it recently and it was easy and yum. But yeh, it’s pasta. Some people commented that it could be made with rice, so maybe that’s an option.

Can you post that recipe? I looked for it and didn't find it on her site.

Also, OP, you can try quinoa as a starch instead of rice. Or you can try regular couscous (not the pasta kind).
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Post Mon, Oct 03 2022, 7:18 am
I’ll be using chicken cutlets for some meals instead of chicken.
Coat the cutlets in mayonnaise and dip into flavored corn flake crumbs. Spray pan with pam and place cutlets. Spray the top of the cutlets with pam and bake.

Or sauté an onion. Cut up cutlets or it chicken fingers. Place chicken in a pan. Put sautéed onions on top. Pour on duck sauce. Cover pan and bake for around 35 minutes.

I bought flavored farfel so it just has be cooked. It’s already spiced.

I enjoy sliced sweet potatoes but my kids don’t…

Peel some zucchini’s or use frozen broccoli or frozen beans as a side.
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Post Mon, Oct 03 2022, 7:24 am
banana123 wrote:
Can you post that recipe? I looked for it and didn't find it on her site.

Also, OP, you can try quinoa as a starch instead of rice. Or you can try regular couscous (not the pasta kind).

busyinbrooklyn One pot ISRAELI COUSCOUS WITH BEEF that is so adaptable and delicious! Add mushrooms, chickpeas, pomegranate seeds, fresh herbs or whatever you like!

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 large Spanish onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 lbs ground beef (not lean) @carvingblockmeats
2 8.8oz bags Israeli couscous
2 tsp cumin
1 1/2 tsp turmeric
1 1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp garlic powder
Salt and pepper, to taste
5 cups chicken, beef or vegetable stock or water mixed with 2 tbsp consommé powder)
Chopped cilantro or parsley, optional

Heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and sauté till translucent. Add beef, break it up with a spatula, and cook until crumbled and no longer pink. Add spices and cook until fragrant. Add the couscous and sauté until toasted, 3 minutes. Add stock, cover the pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook 15 minutes. Remove from heat and steam 5 minutes. Stir in fresh herbs and serve.
#partner #reelsinstagram #reelrecipes #onepotmeal #beef #couscous #recipe #quickandeasy #yeswecanchag

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Post Mon, Oct 03 2022, 7:59 am
Thank you!
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Post Mon, Oct 03 2022, 8:33 am
myname1 wrote:
Can you please give more details on how to cook turkey? Dh decided he'd rather turkey than chicken, and I can't seem to make it in a way anyone will eat! What drum sticks do you mean? Turkey wings are like the size of chicken legs, but don't seem to bake the same. You mean turkey legs? Aren't they huge?? How do you make them?

Turkey drum sticks are large. And I’ve bought them smoked so no cooking. Looks regular but taste is completely different. Can’t comment on price.
Turkey breast roast is do as I would my beef roast, just less time. Low and slow, and cut out a few hours.
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Post Mon, Oct 03 2022, 9:28 am
myname1 wrote:
Can you please give more details on how to cook turkey? Dh decided he'd rather turkey than chicken, and I can't seem to make it in a way anyone will eat! What drum sticks do you mean? Turkey wings are like the size of chicken legs, but don't seem to bake the same. You mean turkey legs? Aren't they huge?? How do you make them?

Whole turkeys are delicious. You just need to roast them properly so the breast doesn't dry out. Loads of recipes for basting and actual cooking technique. Butterball actually has a hot line on Thanksgiving with live operators offering real time help. LOL The carcass makes delicious soup. Most traditionally of course served with some kind of cranberry relish and dressing - just don't cook the dressing IN the turkey as that can be dangerous in terms of causing food poisoning.

Turkey wings aren't particularly good - I don't know anyone who selects them when there is a whole turkey to choose from.

Real turkey breast is either boneless or with a bone - not to be confused with the fake "turkey roll". It's great for a smaller family or even a weekday meal. It is delicious just roasted - generally doesn't take long but that depends on the weight.

Turkey legs can be braised or roasted. One of the very famous foods at Disneyland are whole turkey legs which people then have fun eating.
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